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SE Asia Chronicles Podcast Transcript #4


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This is an auto-generated speech-to-text transcript of a SE Asia Chronicles Podcast


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04:50:36:16 - 04:51:06:08
Good afternoon. From Southeast Asia. This will be episode or volume number four of the Southeast Asia Chronicles. We couldn't find a better name than that. That sucks. That's what we used for the Alien Chronicles over on Alien Anal dot com. We call them the Alien Chronicles. We use that for a couple of years. And then, lo and behold, what happened?

04:51:06:21 - 04:51:47:19
Everybody in the world changed their names of their podcasts to that, because that's the way the world works. Now. I, I have created single handedly, I've created several entire industries that are now worldwide by creating a product, selling it, doing well, doing really stinkin well online. And people just copy it and copy it. Copy it. I started one business in about 1998, made some products, ended up with about 2400 products.

04:51:47:19 - 04:52:21:20
Every single one of them were copied and copied and copied. I enjoyed about six years. No competition, none. That was the only one for about six years. And then copycat, copycat, copycat, copycat. And Now, today, that business is still in business, but barely because today there are somewhere between four and 600 companies making those broncs. And nobody's making any money anymore because they're all just shameless copycats.

04:52:21:20 - 04:52:55:19
They had no ideas of their own, no creativity, no originality at all of their own. They just want to jump on the backs of other people stealing work. And it was all stuff that couldn't couldn't be trademarked. And so they ruined an industry for everybody, just out of greed, stupidity, lack of original thinking. Okay That's my rent. I know damn well somebody's going to start calling some podcasts, you know, Southeast Asian Chronicles.

04:52:55:19 - 04:53:30:09
Because I did. Oh, I'm so tired that some countries actually have laws against the U.S. doesn't us wide open okay and rent free for now. I'll have more later. Don't worry. Okay. What we're doing in these podcasts is to tell people first why I left the U.S. a decade or more ago. No, after the first time when I was a kid.

04:53:30:09 - 04:54:04:16
It's like I've never like a never like the U.S.. I think I was born like it's done some great things, but it's been more good things than great things. Even today, it has some good points, but those good points are getting walked away, walked away, walked away by attorneys of a particular political class and lots and lots of people who are getting dumber by the year.

04:54:05:00 - 04:54:29:18
Go look at the IQ scores. Well, they're declining people, just dumb and dumber and dumber. And there are a number of causes of it. Go watched the movie Idiocracy. I watched that thing when it came out like 82 or something or 92, oh, a long time ago, Idiocracy. And everybody just laughed and laughed. Oh, yeah. Well, that's a funny fantasy, you know.

04:54:29:18 - 04:55:07:03
Guess what, folks were there. The US is there anyway and Canada is there now. Also, I thought Canada would be immune to the bullshit that leading the charge. No. Okay. Anyway, we're trying to tell people why I left the U.S. and why they might be thinking of or wanting leave the U.S.. Also, I've been a lot of people watching these, especially number one and two have the same bitches that I had.

04:55:07:19 - 04:55:27:22
Well, I know they do. I talk to expats all around the world and they're also concerned they're sick. And so they either leave or they want to leave. Really dream of leaving. They don't know how to leave. That's the next part of the next phase is how leave what's going to happen when you leave? What's it going to be like?

04:55:28:01 - 04:55:54:18
How do you leave? What are the actual physical steps, you know, one foot in front of the other? How do you how do you go about escaping the matrix? How do you do it? How can you afford it? Okay, that's the shit. That's the meat of this. That's what we're going for. That's that's what I'm going to try my very, very best to teach you, because I know a huge swath of the population, mostly the male population.

04:55:56:02 - 04:56:25:06
We're leading lives of quiet desperation. I hate that phrase, but I love it because it's so descriptive. I can't remember who said I didn't wish I did some other shit, but I didn't say that. And they are just weary to the bone. Gore I'll tell you something. When they catch a killer, will And they put it in a pool somewhere.

04:56:25:07 - 04:57:02:03
San Diego got it. Three Well, these are magnificent creatures. They're capable of all kinds of great things and they're smart and they put them in a pool. And it doesn't matter how much salmon they feed them or whatever, you know, once they figure out that resistance is futile, what happens? Something happens to will. A lot of things happen to them physiologically and psychologically and know all kinds or really bad stuff happens to people.

04:57:02:03 - 04:57:35:05
Don't really know what all that stuff is because they can't get inside the brains as well as they'd like. Anyway, the particular thing happens that's very visible. That's one of the first things that happens once they get incarcerated into a pool, the dorsal fin falls down, you just flops over outside. It stays there, just limp. For all intents and purposes, it's dead.

04:57:35:05 - 04:58:04:02
It's no longer a useful appendage, whatever its use was. I'm not sure what it's useful, but it's not needed any more. And it gives the appearance that inside it died a little bit. For me, being in the US or you know, being in the U.S., particularly in the long time ago, Canada, Canada did not make me feel that way.

04:58:04:02 - 04:58:33:21
Canada allowed my dorsal fin to stand up straight, you know, whatever that means. We're going to go to Howard Stern or do some fucking thing. If a jackass anywhere, he's fucking gets, I got to give him a hug if I ever met him long. Did you fucking kiss me? Did. Who knows what that fucker would do? You don't know what the fuck he's capable of.

04:58:33:21 - 04:59:04:13
Do I want to meet Howard Stern? I don't know. Maybe he needs to be slapped, you know? So he's a slut fucker with a ping pong bell like the. No, not on his pink little bum on his fucking face. You know what? Stop being polite, you fucking lurch, you know. Okay. All right. Get it together. What? God's new.

04:59:04:13 - 04:59:37:13
We're talking. Oh, we're talking about dorsal fins on. We'll look guys. Mostly guys. A lot of women, too, but mostly guys in the U.S. They feel beaten down in every possible way. I just saw news clip. Here's a perfect example. Look, I just saw News Corp in the old days when I was a kid, somebody came in your store, started kicking up shit and they ran out the door.

04:59:37:22 - 05:00:03:15
You go fucking tackle them, you kick the fucking ass and you take the stuff back. So don't come back. I'll kick your ass again. And sometimes they got, sometimes they figured that out. Oh, oh let's see. Maybe, I think. Let's see. Somebody hated me so much. Kick my fucking in. Therefore, maybe you shouldn't do that bad thing. Okay.

05:00:03:15 - 05:00:43:10
Men in those days were allowed to be men. Human beings were allowed to be human beings. They're not. The news news flash thing I just saw today or yesterday was a guy clerk in, a store store wasn't I can't remember I where because it doesn't really matter as a store to stores retail store so I need to know and some guys and I saw pictures of them so video these were look like well-dressed yuppie guys middle age younger middle aged.

05:00:44:22 - 05:01:06:05
How many it was? I think it was four of them, I'm not sure. And they came into the store anyway and they loaded up on a few products, if you remember. What the hell was it? Something like it was like milk or something. I don't some fucking thing doesn't. That doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. I don't care who was toilet paper, it doesn't matter in the bag at all and they had a shitload of it.

05:01:06:05 - 05:01:32:05
I can't remember how much. As I recall it was several carts and they just wheeled it out the door. Now the employees have been told 10 billion, billion, billion, billion times don't interfere. Even the guards never told don't interfere. Let them steal Jerusalem, steal whatever they want forever. All of it all clean up the store. We don't care.

05:01:32:05 - 05:01:52:15
And this guy knew that this clerk, he knew that he'd been told that 10,000 times. He probably had to sign a fucking form saying he invested it, you know. And so we thought, okay, okay, got it, got it. You stupid fucking counterproductive shit management motherfucking limp wristed walk pieces of shit. I got it. So I'm not going to interfere.

05:01:52:18 - 05:02:19:07
I not even speak to. What I am going to do is videotape. I got my little trusty cell phone. I'm going to videotape in case anybody wants evidence, you know, because the security cameras are always shit. And he followed them out. A videotape. I don't believe he said a word to him, maybe did not do he didn't stop them.

05:02:19:07 - 05:02:44:21
And they put their stuff in the car and everybody saw it, drove away on three. All of the free no longer hold the roof. This guy was fired. You probably get prosecuted somehow. Some fucking liberal prosecutor will say, Oh, you bet you're bad man. You you embarrassed him. You made him feel stressed because they were being videotaped in.

05:02:44:22 - 05:03:13:09
Oh, my God. They're going to need therapy and you're going to have to pay for motherfucker. It'll Be something like that. Somebody will do something really bad to in some way worse than just firing him. Okay. Okay. What does that do to a man? What does that do to any intelligent, logical human being? It kills their dorsal fin, male or female.

05:03:13:09 - 05:03:39:19
I don't care. It kills a little part of them. Hell is the impossibility of reason. I told you before, I only do and I would do anything with it. Do some fucking thing with it. I don't know what hell is the impossibility of reason that is America just swap those two you know United States of America swap out with hell.

05:03:40:13 - 05:04:05:11
That's what it's become. Years and years ago, God, back in the nineties, my wife had a restaurant, the same restaurant where this fucking pervert piece of shit was stalking her, stalking her stalker. The one I did the website on. And I'm not going to put the URL on here. I don't you know, it's not germane to this discussion.

05:04:05:11 - 05:04:40:08
She was controlled by a corporate entity, corporate overseers. And their policy was, if you don't like the food you're not to pay for. Well, that's pretty standard, you know, that's it. You know, incidentally, you will not find that policy in Southeast Asia anywhere, in any country. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Just today, I went down to a little shop and bought two big loaves of bread.

05:04:40:08 - 05:05:04:03
And I asked you about five times. I need bread that does not have wheat. Has to be gluten free. Okay? Yes, sir. Yes, sir. We have these too. Only these two products are wheat free. So bottom home, the were so small, I had to take my phone camera, take a picture, blow it up, maybe with wheat flour. But back still, the package went back.

05:05:04:03 - 05:05:25:19
No refund, nothing. I threw them in the trash. I broke open the loaves and threw in the trash outside of their door. Anyway, in this restaurant, every once in a while somebody would say, Man, you know, I just don't like this. I just don't like this food. It's just not it's not good. It's not sitting. Well, I'm sorry.

05:05:25:19 - 05:05:44:08
Really, I'm sorry. You don't like it and I don't want it. And they would have eaten, you know, a quarter or a third of it or something like that, you know, maybe worst case, the half of it, something like in my wife or whoever was on the manager on duty would would say, cheese, we're really sorry about this.

05:05:44:08 - 05:05:58:18
We're really sorry. We don't know what could be the problem. We're going to look into it. You know, let's take out we're going to take this food. We're going to take it in the back. We're going to check it out, see what could be the problem. In the meantime, you can't you know, you're done. You're free. You're wishing you had your two days free.

05:05:58:18 - 05:06:27:12
Just, you know, have a nice day and we hope you'll you'll try again on another day. Okay. That's supposed to work. She had two customers. They were East Indian ladies live together, and they got delivery. And they got delivery every day. And the first time they called in and they said, you know, we just don't like this food.

05:06:27:13 - 05:06:47:06
It's terrible and we want a refund. And so the driver would go back out there to collect the remainder of the food so it could be checked out and give them a refund cash on the spot. And he went out there in said, okay, here's your money back and please give me the food because we want to check and see what's wrong with it.

05:06:48:02 - 05:07:14:16
Oh, we don't have the food. We ate it. We don't there's a lot to eat at all, everybody. And he's like, Well, you know we thought you said you didn't like it. Well, we didn't like it. It was terrible. But we ate it all anyway. And, you know, he's like, okay, well, you know, we really wish we had the food because we want to see if there's something wrong with it.

05:07:14:16 - 05:07:42:06
But, you know, okay, you got your money back and now we're really sorry about it. You know, you try this again another time okay? Yes, we will. So he went away next day. They ordered again. Same thing. Exactly. Same thing. He went to get the food. No food to eat at all. And this went on for a few weeks every single day for a few weeks.

05:07:42:19 - 05:08:04:03
And we're talking $35 worth of food probably every day for a few weeks. And finally, my wife got involved and she talked to him and said, hey, you know, if you don't like this food, why are you eating all of it? Well, you know, that's our business. You know, your policy says you're going to refund to us what you're going to do.

05:08:04:09 - 05:08:24:19
She said, Yeah, that's right. Okay. And that continued and continued and continued for months. And she she she didn't like the policy. It was being abused and she went to corporate and said, look, you know, we got this problem. What can I do? There's got to be got to be will stop this and corporate said no there's, no way.

05:08:25:06 - 05:08:57:10
That's a policy. That's the way it is period. That's all there is to it. And, you know, it's coming out her bottom line every day, 35 bucks out of her bottom line. And this went on for two and a half years, two and a half years. And she increasingly, increasingly went to corporate, said, look, look, look at the records on this is the same people every day, every day, 35 bucks every day.

05:08:57:19 - 05:09:28:17
They ordered the same thing every day. They've never paid for one time. How long are we supposed to keep up with this? And at the end of two and a half years, she was pissed. She was just pissed. And she said, How long? Tell me. I want to number a number of months and a number years. Tell me how long I'm supposed to keep eating this profit.

05:09:28:17 - 05:10:08:15
And she was in a meeting with a high end international chain, and they looked her in the eye and they said forever and there were no more words. And she got up left, continued on with her job, never questioned the ladies again. They just automatically took the refund out there every single day. Okay. What does that do to a to a person's dorsal fin kills it.

05:10:09:19 - 05:10:50:07
You know, we don't have visible dorsal fins. Well, you know, guys do, sir, it kill something in our soul. It alters our brain chemistry, it kills us. It's a toxin and that kind of thing in every industry, in every way and every business, every every part of the country that is now for you, the American fabric of life.

05:10:51:23 - 05:11:28:07
This word is it. Guys know this. Women. Women get along way more than they are. My wife didn't. She was tough, you know, whatever. What other five foot one little blond girl can walk around in New Mexico Cartel Town with the sort of gauge shotgun. You know that's all's you know sorry it was cool guy admired her for that and it could have saved her life.

05:11:28:12 - 05:12:00:09
You know, that could have been the little fuckers watching her. Watching or watching her. Hey, hey, let's get that one. Let's get to know them. We're going to know you got a fucking ten gauge. You know, she. So anyway, guys feel this than girls and guys are in a catfight anymore. And so you sort of turn inward in your life of quiet desperation becomes more and more hopeless and you don't know what to do.

05:12:00:09 - 05:12:31:06
And there is nothing you can do. I had a case cut several lifetimes ago. I had a house on a hill and had a driveway that was on a steep hill. And my wife had her car parked at the top of the driveway next to the street and observed, there's no you could barely even walk around the car.

05:12:31:13 - 05:13:10:19
It was it was sticker Bushes, BlackBerry Bush stickers. And she was parked there and she was washing the car and a guy on a dirt bike came somewhere. We never even figured out where he came from. You came from some part of the brush, the bush, something, and somehow got onto driveway at the lower end of and came racing up that hill and hit her doctor into the bushes.

05:13:10:19 - 05:13:33:15
And he stopped. He got stopped about seven feet beyond her, a turn back. She looked at her and left punch the gas up spreader with gravel. It so happened that I had been sitting on the front porch with the keys to my own motorcycle in my hand. I just sit there flipping the keys, trying to think of somewhere might go.

05:13:34:04 - 05:14:01:01
Someone might do. And I saw him go by me, and by the time he hit her, I was already coming down the porch and my motorcycle was right there. It was ten times faster than his. And I hopped on it, punched it, made sure she was okay. And I caught up to him two blocks away. I pulled it from and blocked him and got off my bike.

05:14:01:21 - 05:14:24:06
Kickstand down, got off my bike and started walking, walking towards him, probably about eight feet in. And he jumped off huge. He started walking towards me. He says, What do you want, you fucking asshole? It came right up to me and I took my open hand and I pushed him back just by pushing the top of his helmet.

05:14:25:09 - 05:14:47:09
He didn't go down, didn't hurt anything, just pushed him back. Just keep your distance because we're going to fucking have a talk. And I told him what I thought of his behavior. Stay out of our driveway. Don't do it again. Really? I'm really, really serious. You know, maybe your mommy was never serious in your papa was never serious, but I'm fucking serious.

05:14:47:09 - 05:15:16:10
Don't do it again. And he's fuck you, fucking fuck you. He gets on his bike, roars off. I went home. An hour later the cops come and they say, Hey, did you push this guy? I said, You did. You came at me and I pushed him back and they said, okay, turn around, hands behind your head. And my wife said, okay, I want to file a complaint against the guy for hitting me in my own fucking driveway.

05:15:17:16 - 05:15:50:09
Well, you'll have to come down the station to do that, you know, and they just going to make it hard for me. And I got arrested, took me downtown. They talked me, talked to me for a little while downtown. They're going to charge me with an lawful use of hands, not assault, anything like unlawful use of hands. And one of the cops is a really pretty girl.

05:15:50:09 - 05:16:03:12
And I talked to her for quite a while. And at the end of it she said, you know, I can't arrest you. You're just nice. I'm just not going to do it. I still I got to give you this a little ticket thing. It's just a ticket for unlawful use of hands. Well, I'm not going to arrest you.

05:16:03:17 - 05:16:35:20
You know, you had gone home. Have a nice day. Sorry this happened to you. And I took the court, and the. The judge just laughed and laughed. You thought it was just ridiculous, and he threw it out. But it cost me you thousand bucks. Insurance fees. I had to take attorney entry, so I lost a thousand bucks. Polk lost nothing that does bad things to your dorsal fin.

05:16:35:20 - 05:17:10:09
And every guy every guys had. This should happen. Every guy if if not if not outright out on the street that then he's had it happen in the in the corporate environment where people just fucking it's okay. It's okay. It's okay. Yeah. Women do. They get the same shit. Women are just more predisposed to getting along. That's why women can stay in the corporate positions better than men can because they get along way more than they are.

05:17:12:09 - 05:17:45:08
It makes them nice, malleable employees do it or they talk pretty much. But it still hurts. Just doesn't hurt him as much as it hurts guys. So by far the percentage of guys want to get out to escape is just by far higher than in the number of women. I'd like to see more women getting out, learning about life, but it's just not in their nature.

05:17:45:08 - 05:18:14:02
And you can't change their natures and. Okay, I got a note here. I'm supposed to I only had a couple of messages today. People want to know about shit, so said, hey, one of those backgrounds in the in the previous to let's see. Yeah number two and number three what are those backgrounds in the video. Okay. The first one let's see.

05:18:14:02 - 05:18:32:13
Yeah. The first one would have been a group of girls. I was sitting at a picnic table in Oak Park. Well, very long ago, just a week or two ago, was sitting there and I had one of my big cameras and I was looking for somebody took a picture of the suspect or he had pictures of everything there.

05:18:32:13 - 05:18:56:15
Know, I just sitting there thinking, what the hell, what can I what can I say? Or Commissioner? And I'm sitting there alone at this picnic table. And these girls, this group of girls came up, set up my table, and the English was not good, but they got across that. They were out together having a girl day or some dancing, and they've been trying to take pictures of each other with their cell phones and their shit.

05:18:56:21 - 05:19:19:12
And they want to know if I took the pictures and I said, sure. So for a half hour or something like that, we sat there, had a little photoshoot in the park and I got some just really, really stunning pictures of them. They're all beautiful girls. And we talked as well as we could at that particular on that particular day.

05:19:19:12 - 05:19:40:07
I just wasn't into girls. No, no, not into guys who know. I just I just wasn't feeling romantic at all that day. And so I didn't pursue anything. They wanted a number so they could, you know, send me a message and get the pictures okay. So I gave the number. But, you know, we didn't really talk back and forth.

05:19:40:07 - 05:20:06:07
It just, you know, so pictures and it was that. But I tell the story because well, first of all, because people ask, who are those girls in the background? But otherwise, I want to tell you guys or girls how much easier it is to be relaxed and meet nice people here as opposed to in the U.S. Would this ever happen in the U.S.?

05:20:06:07 - 05:20:27:09
Brooke, no. If you were in a park alone with a camera, they'd go the other end of the park and they probably, you know, keep you at gunpoint the entire time on all of their phones. They would have already dialed nine one. And if you ever tried to talk to him, but you were going to pay the price, that's the American way.

05:20:27:16 - 05:20:52:09
That's Western women. And that's one of the reasons I left. I just tired of their tired of them, tired of them in every single way. They are very much not nice people anymore. They used to be. Not anymore. I don't know what happened to women's lib. I don't know. Well, no, they're liberated. How do you like that? Know you're fat and alone.

05:20:53:01 - 05:21:27:21
How do you like that? Well, funny. Okay. There are some nice women still in the US. Just not too many. There are nice women all over Southeast Asia. It so happens that you 82% of them are scammers, but they're still going to be polite. You know, are there more scammer women in Southeast Asia than America? Yes, but ten times part of it is.

05:21:27:21 - 05:21:45:08
The American women are better at it because they understand the culture and they understand the nuances of the language and they know what they can say and what might be believed and what won't be believed here. They don't. Our culture. Culture is a mystery to you that you can figure out the three scammers in about the first four or five sentences.

05:21:45:08 - 05:22:18:01
You know, if it took you that long, sometimes the first one or two when you. Okay, see, but these girls were next anyway. And there are plenty of nice girls who will just to you just talking. Okay. So that was the one background I think that was in two or two. Yeah. Okay. So in number three, there's a train track in the background now you can see that it's, it's a well not going to say it's a homeless encampment because they're not homeless.

05:22:18:01 - 05:22:54:00
They have homes there off of the streets. This was in downtown Bangkok many, many years ago. And these little settlements are absolutely everywhere and they're kind of unsightly and whatever, you know, they handle things among themselves. The police almost never have to show up there. They keep to themselves. They're quiet. They just want to live and they can afford housing, you know, regular housing.

05:22:54:00 - 05:23:13:22
So they live like that and nobody bothers them for the most part. Nobody bothers them. So they're not homeless. They have homes. They have homes enough that they can. They're stable enough that they can go get a job and they're going to make shit wages. But it's okay because they're not paying rent. They can buy food and they're not a burden on society.

05:23:13:22 - 05:23:38:18
They're taking care of themselves in the U.S.. Well, no kind of society you can. But you you try to live like that. You're going to get pushed here and there and pushed everywhere. All these people, Southeast Asia, when they're homeless, they do go camp in front of a fucking nice restaurant on the sidewalk in downtown. You know, they're smart enough not to fucking do that.

05:23:38:18 - 05:24:02:06
They go off somewhere where they're not going to be bothered and they make their camps. They're and largely the government leaves them alone because the government knows they get no other place to go and they can't afford, you know, traditional housing. And it's just the way it is. And so they try very hard to leave them alone. Okay.

05:24:02:06 - 05:24:24:21
So that's what this place was. And these people live on the train tracks. The train never really stops there. So let's see. That was really was I think that was north of Bangkok a little bit. No, it was it was it was it was downtown. It was the city center on the north end of the city. But the train tracks that crisscross all through there and people live on them and they don't have cars, usually don't have motorbikes.

05:24:24:21 - 05:24:53:21
They they got to really go somewhere. They'll hop on the train trains, you know, either free or like $0.10 or something, you know, it's just nothing. So that's what that is. That's what is in the background. I love those kinds of places. I just love them. I love them. I'm, you know, those are real people. There are no pretenses, no bullshit.

05:24:53:21 - 05:25:23:10
They say hi, they'll say hi. They never dial 918. Okay, so that's the last two backgrounds. Now, I don't know what background I'll use for this one. So you know, like in the one after this, I'll tell what the background is. I have picked one out. I don't usually until until after demo tape, but one thing I want to impress upon people, I've talked about this a little bit.

05:25:23:10 - 05:25:53:06
When I first got to Bangkok, how shocked I was with the Heat and I'm going to talk about that just continually all the way through this because it's a big, big problem, especially for people coming from anywhere but Florida. Even even Floridians are going to have a problem adapting, getting acclimatized anywhere in South East Asia because it's hot for a lot.

05:25:53:06 - 05:26:09:15
So that keeps it in the back of your mind. If you can't stand the heat, you're not going to get it. I mean, yeah, you're going to have a condo where a house or whatever was with your air conditioning and, you know, I'm going to teach you a little condo. You've got two air conditioners. I run both of them most of the time.

05:26:09:15 - 05:26:42:21
When I left the U.S., I had a big house and my electric bill was in a hot climate and my electric bill was like six, 66, 80 a month, mostly for air. I mean, this used to be used on here. I mean, a smaller, much smaller place. But I still got two air conditioners in and my electric runs actually went to probably like 70 bucks a month, which is high because I just use it on my lights on all the time everything's on all the time.

05:26:43:03 - 05:27:11:12
Almost 24. Well, my, your rent's 24 seven. So even though it's that much hotter, that much cheaper. Okay, so I just walked a little while ago. I walked two blocks to the store, and it was a leisurely walk and it's not particularly hot out. It's just a nice, normal day in July. You know, we're really on it. We're like four months past the height of our snow or so and it will be sliding in the fall pretty soon.

05:27:11:12 - 05:27:41:03
But, you know, the difference between summer and winter in temps is, you know, summer's going to be 34, 35 centigrade, winter is going to be 31. You know, you barely going to notice. The only time that's really bitter is during seasons where we get a little wind. The wind helps immensely, but that's where Thailand got almost no wind.

05:27:41:06 - 05:28:11:05
Philippines gets much more wind, but still not enough. So anyway, I walked two blocks, but a little bit of groceries and in the store it was nice, cold air conditioning. So I get cooled down in the store and I walk back and straight into air conditioning to last. And I was I was going to leave my shirt on to show I didn't start the podcast soon enough and it dried out.

05:28:11:22 - 05:28:42:15
But, you know, it was just soaked from top to bottom. So just I mean, you could have run up two blocks. Now, I've been to Southeast Asia for ten or 11 years, and I acclimatized greatly to it. I walk between five and ten miles a day, not kilometers between five and ten miles a day. It's just every day, pretty much every day, like five or six days a week in the heat, you know, 33 degrees or 32 degrees.

05:28:42:15 - 05:29:06:07
It doesn't matter, you know. So I am pretty well acclimatized to it now after all these years. But when I first got to Bangkok, it was I told the story. You know, I would walk out half a block from my hotel and I was dying and I took crawled back, you know. But even after all these years, it's going to be it's it's a bit hard for me.

05:29:06:07 - 05:29:35:20
It most of it depends on the humidity. And it's really, really everything here is a jungle everything is a jungle. No country has non jungle. It's all jungle. When you get a dry day, you know, humidity 30, 40%. Oh, God, it's lovely. Oh, my God. It's, you know, a hundred degrees is not even a problem. But when you get the percent humidity or even 100% and squeeze in the rain or the clouds, a drop here and a drop there.

05:29:36:07 - 05:29:57:00
And it's, you know, 98 degrees. That's cool. That hill. So think about that. If you can't take the heat, you know, just stop listening to this because you're never going to get it here unless you just stay in your home, stay in your home, take a taxi everywhere. Everywhere. You know you're not going to walk and walk really well.

05:29:57:00 - 05:30:20:21
Family comes down here once in a while, visit some and cut through just, you know, really a block like a block. And we pretty much got a call, a taxi, you go home, you know, some. So I want to impress upon that point and I will continue to drive that puppy home because it's a really big important point.

05:30:21:12 - 05:30:55:05
Okay. I'm also I want to you wandering crescent listening point people just thinking about this and and this also goes for people who might even be here already had been here while I had been here. I don't know, I'm ten years or something. And it was always in the back of my mind, well, if I just didn't like it anymore, you know, I'll go back to the U.S. as much as I hate, loathe and detest the U.S., I'll go back there.

05:30:55:05 - 05:31:11:12
You know, at least I can go to the store and get the products I want. And it's not so hard, you know, stuff like that. Okay, so here's my little story about that. And you need to take this to heart because this is going to be a recurring theme all through this podcast and all through your life here.

05:31:11:12 - 05:31:42:22
If you come here and you need to you need to sort of reset your brain a little bit, a little bit about the U.S. And this might tell you this might help you decide not to come here. You're going to think, oh, god, you're really escaping the matrix. In some ways you are somewhere you aren't. Okay, let's see.

05:31:42:22 - 05:32:07:18
Last year I was in Thailand and I. I love those little motorbikes. I mean, well know, I love every one of the kind of high bushes and I love 125 of putters. God, I love every, every. It doesn't matter. I love 50 cc little freaking things I can barely sit on. I love them and I would buy a new motorbike that every six months just because I liked different ones, new models would come out.

05:32:07:21 - 05:32:25:18
Oh, that's a pretty color. We'll look at that, you know. And so I buy new better every six months and sell the old one. And you sometimes get girlfriends. You know, that's kind of what we do here, you know, as easy as pie. You take your passport, you go dealer, you go wherever and you see, oh, I like that green one.

05:32:25:18 - 05:32:55:20
And they say, okay, yeah, okay. And 20 minutes, 25 minutes, you're out the door, you own it. A couple of forms. Sign your name. We're done, then. Then something happened. But that kind of life was helped me fall in love with Southeast Asia because it was just very easy. No Church Hill, it's all included in your registration, at least in Thailand, it was.

05:32:57:06 - 05:33:31:01
I don't think that's the case anymore. Anyway, something happened to spruce up. They had a big coo, big stinking coo, big violent Cooley, the average one, something like every eight years or something like that. I can't remember for two millennia, you know, they just they're so bad at governing that people get fed up really regular basis and they have a violent coup and one side takes over, the government kills the other one, you know, do it it's up to them, you know, I don't care.

05:33:32:05 - 05:34:00:06
But they get a new guy in there. Well, I was actually in a hotel in Bangkok when this happened. When that when that when the last one happened. That's been a long time. It's been almost ten years. So they're do and I was in a hotel and everything was really, really tense. I'd been there a couple of weeks thinking I want to live in Bangkok and there's a huge military presence.

05:34:01:17 - 05:34:26:11
And I kept noticing these groups of people everywhere I was in taxis are walking or whatever, crawling. I kept noticing these huge groups of people to be everywhere, in weird places, you know, weird places where you wouldn't expect there'd be a group of people in groups were wearing yellow shirts, all yellow shirts, and some were wearing. What was the other color?

05:34:26:11 - 05:34:47:17
Red like? And finally I found somebody who could speak English enough to explain it to it. Oh, that's the yellow shirts. And the Richard's that's that's kind of like the liberals and the conservative except not really that delineated. You know, they're the liberals aren't really like liberals in the U.S. And the conservatives are really like a little bit they are.

05:34:47:17 - 05:35:16:12
But the military was the conservative sort of the conservative side in the yellow shirts let's see was a fuck if we get from which with which we go. I think we was the liberals, you know, the anti-military. Okay. And they were just getting angrier, angrier and angrier in the government knew something was up and they started moving in troops and this had been brewing for quite a while and we'll probably a year.

05:35:17:01 - 05:35:45:06
I was only up there for the last two weeks of it, and everywhere I walked were lines, tanks, every kind of military, getting troops everywhere. Everybody was machine guns, thousands upon thousands of them. And I would I had to go through this huge, huge, probably the biggest concentration of my head to walk through the middle of them, to get to the mall where I like to go.

05:35:46:17 - 05:36:09:06
And I just walk the walk through and they would part. It's so stupid, you know how you doing? I'd walk through getting them all the armed guards in the malls, checking every single bag and package everybody going in. They didn't care if you stole anything and ran out. They only want to know if you're bringing bombs into the mall.

05:36:10:21 - 05:36:36:11
And we checked everything. Purses, purses, emptied those suckers for me, the purse. You know, if I was carrying a bag from the store, you didn't even look, you're a filling. You're not. Not really filling. You're a fa ring. If they are AMG, that means just white western kind of sort of like person means kind of like whitish non type.

05:36:36:19 - 05:37:00:23
And it's not necessarily a derogatory term. You know, it's it can be used as a derogatory term. We're not it's like Negro. You can say it in certain ways. Derogatory said in a nice way. It's nice, you know, do matter. It's how you see it. The word itself has no meaning. Although I got to admit now, since there are so many, four rings have come there and really screwed over the type people.

05:37:01:02 - 05:37:24:12
It's beginning have a negative connotation to it because because Westerners, most of the British have worn out their welcome, fucked it up for everybody else. They really have. Okay, so remember that word because you're going to hear 10,000 times and if you ever go to Thailand, you're going to use it, you know, a hundred times a day probably.

05:37:24:12 - 05:37:56:15
You're going to hear it all the time. It's if a R and G flower ring. Now, the Thais have a problem with ours, know it's they can't really say I've studied that a little bit it turns out that it's it's it it's possibly a little bit of a difference in the physiology of the tongue. And it's just a hard sound for them to make in some contexts.

05:37:56:15 - 05:38:28:22
In some other ways. They can they can. Those are all my God, they're magnificent. But they can't say for ring. So it gets bastardized, turns into slang and they say falling ill. And so I, I pretty much just use that. No, I'm so used to it 500 million times. I've said that. And now it's just for it. It's filling the ties more with the emphasis on the first syllable.

05:38:28:22 - 05:38:51:16
Like falling, falling like that. Falling. It just means a western. Okay. So anyway, as a following, they didn't even look at me in the eye. I was with different girls all the time. And the girls were just was just they would ask me to hold their purse, you know, take their purse. You know, you did. No, no, no, no, no.

05:38:51:16 - 05:39:15:00
I'm Not going to do that. Maybe you go fucking bomb in there. I don't know. I'm not going to take responsibility for your goddamn thing. And so anyway, the school was building and building and building, really getting tense. Really tense. And then finally, one night I wanted to go see my girlfriend, which meant I had to get a cab and I had to go a few miles through the middle of Bangkok.

05:39:16:04 - 05:39:38:13
And I went to get a cab and they said, no, cannot go, cannot go have army and fighting, you know, cannot go, you know. Oh, fuck, I don't care. Come on, let's go. No, you're not going to shoot us. No skills and training went back and talked to hotel. The hotel said, Well, we can get you out. You know, we got we got sneaky secret ways to get you out through the army, but you can't come back.

05:39:39:18 - 05:40:10:13
Oh, fucking hell, this coup thing, you know, if the violence keeps on a week or two or a month, I can't get back in my room. So anyway, I ended up walking through the locked room, just walked and nobody said a goddamn thing. They had everybody at gunpoint everywhere. All the Thais at gunpoint everywhere except me. You know, you just walked through.

05:40:10:13 - 05:40:31:20
I wanted to laugh out loud, but I didn't want to sit alone with them. You know, you shoot me for a laugh and I don't. Anyway, so I visited the girl. I don't know, like, do you want to stay or something? I can't remember. Anyway, ended up going back to my hotel and I went to bed and they were always popping off rounds down there.

05:40:31:20 - 05:40:55:03
I don't know what they were doing, you know, I assumed they were just I assumed the Thai troops are shooting in the air to scare the Thai malcontents or something. I didn't know. I didn't care. But this night it was bad. It was just shooting, just continuous fucking gunfire. All goddamn night. And I swear I heard bullets hitting the side of my building and I thought, what the hell?

05:40:55:03 - 05:41:19:00
They must really be trying to intimidate each other and hell, this is getting you know, somebody is going to get shot if they don't knock this shit off can. I went to sleep as best I could. I could barely sleep all night, but, you know, just like popcorn. It never fucking stopped. I woke up in the morning, get dressed, went down, and they in a hotel said, Oh, you cannot go.

05:41:19:00 - 05:41:43:23
Cannot go outside. Can I go outside? Why not? And they and they said many dead people. Many dead people. Oh really. Well, let's go. Look, I didn't have my goddamn camera. We didn't listen. I had to learn 10,000 times. Hopefully I would be pretty much 80% of it. Anyway, I walked outside and there was just bodies here and there and everywhere.

05:41:43:23 - 05:42:22:04
The army was everywhere and they were photographing everything and walking around looking and, pointing to kind of like in a the hotel said that they had counted 100 and they're pretty sure they said 157, 153 bodies just that they could see on the hotel grounds. The Army admitted to only look 117. So it's like, well, you know, doesn't really matter except for two those, you know, who didn't get their dead, it doesn't matter.

05:42:23:16 - 05:42:48:18
So that was the coup this done them deal pretty much that one night it was done deal. And I don't know how many people got killed that never got reported. I don't even know. Could have been many, many. The times are really good at hiding. They're sneaky, sneaky people. And so what accomplish was to put a guy in power.

05:42:48:18 - 05:43:28:07
He was the hell was he? He was a general or something of the army. Good friend of the king, who had been the king to be who had been military. Also. And that guy's name was Pray. You pray. Why? The different spellings can be you can beauty like that. It's pronounced pray emphasis on the second pray. And he never had an experience in anything, probably not even running a civil servant.

05:43:29:09 - 05:43:59:03
And he got in and he was going to clean things up because Thailand is corrupt as it gets, except possibly for Nigeria. Thailand is another thing after Thailand is is corrupt as a society can be and still be able to call it a working society. So anyway, Thailand was bad and it was pissed and he got in, became supreme leader.

05:43:59:03 - 05:44:28:08
Whatever the prime minister, I guess they call it in and he said, okay people, new sheriff in town, mother fuckers, corruption is going to fucking stop now because Thailand's going down to people are suspicious of it. Nobody will do business with this culture Jerry taught. This is hot. It's still hot. Even if my two accounts go and top, I think it's getting ready to monsoon on us anyway for you.

05:44:29:06 - 05:44:52:09
God, he was impressive. I watched his speeches translated to English and in real time I was fucking impressed. I thought, oh my God, this is. This is the man. This is the man. He's going to take Thailand backwards, little swamp, god damn country that everybody laughs at and he can make it a goddamn powerhouse because it could be.

05:44:53:20 - 05:45:20:01
And he got in there and started kicking ass and putting people in jail and killing a bunch of corrupt people and shit like that. And everybody. Yeah, man. Work going. You keep doing it fine. Jesus Christ. And then after about six months or a year, he just got quieter and quieter and quieter. And then he kind of got to the point where he just didn't do anything anymore.

05:45:20:01 - 05:45:43:10
All if you look at the international indexes of corruption after you got in, corruption increased dramatically throughout Thailand for all the. He's still in there as far as I know now. I haven't checked. And he keeps extending his own reign, you know, when he first got into it. Well, you know, six months a year, I'm just going to straighten things out.

05:45:43:10 - 05:46:03:17
And then I bought here. Okay, that was like nine years ago, some water and he still fucking there he was. Just keeps extending, you know, like, like Z, you know? Well, like, I think I to be supreme leader for another 20 years. Okay, I'm going to vote for myself now. Okay? Now I'm supreme leader for 21 years, okay?

05:46:03:17 - 05:46:25:19
That's how it works. Okay. So I don't even care about that. This type of politics, I don't care what I did care about was this. And this is a thing that's going to drive you insane if you go to Thailand. And and this I call this a brain disease. It is spreading or has spread to all other Southeast Asian countries.

05:46:25:19 - 05:47:05:11
To her, you became ill retentive about rules and regulations. The Thais love paperwork and they love rules and they love laws. They don't follow them, they just implement them. They just write them down and make them law. And for you it was the goddamn world class champion fucking master it and things got less and less and less and less and less free until it got to the point where I was starting to think.

05:47:05:11 - 05:47:32:23
I lived in a communist country. You know, I'll tell you about that some time later. Remember when so here's I'm going to give you one example of this and I'm going to compare it to the US. Okay. I told you before that when you want to buy a motorbike, you just went to the store in the motorbike store or you went to answered an ad or whatever.

05:47:32:23 - 05:47:54:08
And they had the paper. You signed the paper and you took them in. You registered in the. That was just a done deal that cost pennies across $6, $8, some fucking thing and a couple of signatures, you know, literally two or 3 minutes at the counter. You are done. You walk out, you're done. That's it. Okay. They got weirder and weirder and weirder and harder and harder to buy.

05:47:54:08 - 05:48:23:01
And so even a lowly motorbike. And so you finally got the idea. Well, let's make it even harder, because you're we just like the papers. And so he implemented this thing where you couldn't just go and buy or sell a motorbike. You had to go to the government and get permission to buy or sell the motorbike. You've been riding for six months or two years or five years for that to get permission.

05:48:23:16 - 05:48:52:16
Kind of like Vietnam where you had to get permission to apply for a visa. You got to apply for permission so you can apply for permission. You know, that's what it became to buy any vehicle or sell any vehicle in Thailand. And the last time when I was leaving, I had a motorbike. It was pretty new. It got a little bit more green everywhere.

05:48:53:00 - 05:49:18:11
I wrote all over Thai on it and I was leaving and I was just off a girlfriend and I didn't want to give it to her, so I decided to sell it and I knew I had to go get permission to sell it and I knew what documents I needed. Normally when you do that, you had to get just a few documents, you had to get a copy, you well, your passport certainly.

05:49:18:11 - 05:49:46:13
And your visa, which is in your passport and what else, maybe a copy of your lease, just about you. And I think there with one other document or something, maybe three or four in total that you needed and you would go in to the to immigrations, to the DMV urgently for an immigrations. And you say, I want permission or and you had to have some pictures yourself.

05:49:46:19 - 05:50:19:15
Yeah. And and you go in there and you say what permission to sell my own motorbike. Would that be okay with you. Pretty please. Can I sell my motorbike? And they're like, well, we're not sure we'll send you. Okay, so you pay in the order, it was 20 books. 30 books something like that. And you give them all your papers and they take all your papers and boy, every fucking I better be dotted and crossed in your signature better match the one in your passport.

05:50:21:00 - 05:50:55:04
Anal retentive on steroids. But it was okay, you know. You could still do it. You drop off all the shit, you pay the money, you give them the pictures, and then you go have lunch for an hour or two. And then you come back and there's all your shit is ready, it's all in your passport radio and and then you've got to take that and then you've got to go put your motorbike for sale and you hope it sells in 30 days because if it doesn't, your permission expires and you've got to do it all again.

05:50:56:15 - 05:51:21:13
Okay, so you go the for sale. All right. Now, this last time I had done this countless times, ever since you initiated that stupid motherfucking idiotic, stupid fucking thing, ever since you enacted that I had, I was still, you know, swapping motorbikes about every six months. But I getting tired of it. But it was okay, you know, you know what you have to do.

05:51:21:13 - 05:51:49:17
You know what form you need to take them in, you know, take a whole afternoon and you get it done and, you know. Okay, so that's the way it is, you know, love it or leave it. Okay, now, this time, last time I was pissed off anyway, nothing was going right. And I went in and I took all the normal forms that I needed and plopped them down and they decided to make an example of something.

05:51:50:17 - 05:52:18:03
And I don't know what. I could speak enough Thai. I was okay. I didn't look weird. I was drunk. I was dressed weird, you know, they by the way, they really hate hate. Watch Beta T-shirts do not fucking wear one there do not wear one Go through customs do not wear one. Your passport picture wife beater T-shirt is a sleeveless t shirt people have been banned from Thailand for wearing those do not fucking do it.

05:52:18:06 - 05:52:35:15
Do not take one with you. Okay. So I wouldn't wear anything like that. I normal, nice clothes, you know. And I flopped my stuff down and she said, Well, do you have such such? And I said, Well, no, that's not on your list of what I should have, and I've never had to give you that before, you know, I mean, I know you.

05:52:35:15 - 05:53:00:00
I've been in here ten times over the years, you know? Why do I need that suddenly today? Well, you need it now. Oh, fucking Jesus Christ. Okay, so, yeah, all your shit. You go home. It's like 45 minute drive through killer traffic. Thailand has the worst, the most deadly traffic on Earth. They used to say they were number two or number three in the world, worst in the world.

05:53:00:00 - 05:53:20:05
And then the independent auditors came in and checked the records. Turned out the Thai government was cooking the books and Thailand is number one is the most deadly place to drive in the world. It's stressful driving 45 minutes through the middle of a city to go home and get somebody, your fucking ignoramus paper. They think you should have.

05:53:20:05 - 05:53:39:12
And then maybe you don't have it. Maybe you've got a send for it, or maybe you've got to do some real damn thing to try to get this form. I don't remember what the first one was that they wanted. It was some really stupid thing copy of my health insurance or something really inane. So anyway, I went home, got it by the times to like to go back next day.

05:53:39:12 - 05:53:59:03
Go back now I've got all the papers button down. Well, do you have such and such? You know you never needed that before. Would you tell me that yesterday? You know, really? What didn't you need that when you tell me that? So could get it when I got home yesterday. Well, I don't know. That's what it is, you know.

05:53:59:21 - 05:54:18:13
Do you want to continue or you want to go where? And so I went home and got that document and I went back there to later plopped him down and she said, Well, this is the cover page of your lease to you. Where's the rest of the pages? And I thought, What are you talking about? It never have you ever asked for that?

05:54:18:21 - 05:54:46:15
Well, we need them now. Okay, well, damn it. Okay. So I went home and I was I was reading a five story double shop house and we had one, two, three, three full time businesses in there and one, one or two others part time, two or three. So it was a busy fucking place. It was a huge fucking building, huge building.

05:54:47:04 - 05:55:13:07
We're in the other town and then the lease was humungous. Well, I had almost had to buy the place to get into it. It was on a two year lease with all kinds of business clauses, no conditions so that the fucking lease documents were something like 12 or 14 pages or something like that. So I had a copy, all those go back.

05:55:13:17 - 05:55:36:05
So this is like my third or fourth strip now I don't even know plopped them all down. Well do you have this form and this time I'm getting pissed. I'm starting to get a little testy. My voice is going up and the guards are starting to hover closer and closer. I said, No, I didn't have that. You had all these opportunities to tell me that I needed that one also.

05:55:37:08 - 05:56:03:17
Why didn't you do that? Well, I don't know. This is what you knew. And I don't know that she was particularly being devious. This is just how South East Asians are, they really are like this. They're they're just like this. Okay, so put that in the back of your mind. So clear up. Can you deal with that? Well, normally you can, because you're going really be involved in and you're going to walk around.

05:56:03:17 - 05:56:49:22
Are you going to go to restaurants? You can take pictures. You know, you you know, if you're not buying and selling shit, it's not that big of a problem. So anyway, I went home and got it, got more documents and I ended it. When I went back, I had with all the papers and everything how many I had 26 or 29 pages of shit, none of which had ever been recorded before except for you and and honestly, none of which are few of were recorded normally just that one day, that one instance.

05:56:49:22 - 05:57:21:11
Oh, okay. So they gave me permission to pay the 20 bucks, get the permission. What they do is they make up this really formal document with your with your picture. It actually embedded in it like a driver's license. So what? Just to give you permission to now you can so you're more cynical. Okay. Okay, we're done. Yeah, it was a total of about five days, maybe six days done.

05:57:22:01 - 05:57:46:13
You got it. It's good for 30 days, RUSH home, put in an ad quickly, make the price really good. So don't fuck around. Wait. Trying to get the better price because I don't want to go through that again when this expires in 30 days. So in a week or whatever, I had a hit a buyer basically in Russia recently.

05:57:48:02 - 05:58:12:09
We gave the only good Russian I ever met. His wife stole some camera stuff while he was in my home. I don't think he knew about anyway or nothing. To me it just. I watched all he stole. She stole two lenses about, 1676 or 1700 dollars worth of stuff. Just while they were sitting there, we were talking about the motorbike.

05:58:14:01 - 05:58:41:11
She was looking around and when they were gone, it was gone. They would admit it. She would admit that you do. I was moving. So I had taken all the security cameras down. Okay. Anyway, he went to buy it. Okay, Gary, deposit. Then we had to take him back to get permission to buy my motorbike through same shit.

05:58:42:11 - 05:59:10:07
Since you finally got it all done. Once you do that deal and you get the money and he gets the motorbike, you're not done. Then you got to go to DMV and transfer it. That was probably another eight pages of shit. You got to fill it inside that truck that afternoon. It took probably 2 hours. It can be quick sometimes it can be quick.

05:59:11:10 - 05:59:39:23
This last time, for whatever reason, it was like voodoo. I don't know what the fuck he was. Just off, I was leaving or something. He was going to make life difficult for me, I don't know. But anyway, so it left a really bad taste in my mouth and I don't know if that. Okay. Was going back to the US for a while to see family, hadn't been there almost ten years and I thought, God, you know, Jesus, I'm really tired of Southeast Asia has made me fucking tired.

05:59:39:23 - 06:00:10:17
Oh God, I just want to go back. There wasn't even a place. It was my home. It was just a place where they were living. And I want to go back and just. Just, you know, God, no problems for a while. Please just know we're from school. So I did. I went back and I had a class, a driver's license before I left the US and they had assured me I could freeze that turkey thing and put it on hold.

06:00:10:17 - 06:00:31:20
So if I came back even ten years later, I could reinstated special deal from that state. And so I went to reinstate it and they said, no, it's been suspended because. You put a mailing address, we didn't like the mailing address, so we didn't bother to contact you or anything like that. We just suspended your license. It's done, it's revoked, it's gone.

06:00:32:16 - 06:00:58:08
So that classic it's a it's a it's a thing to get a class A, I had a class A drug. Every vehicle on the face of the earth could hold radioactive material and poison the at every endorsement, every vehicle. It was a hard thing to get. It was a hard license to get. My brother is just gone. It's gone.

06:00:58:20 - 06:01:20:14
Just like some little Southeast Asian country would do to me. I tried some legal measures to force him to give it back and they said, No, you see, this is not going to work anyway because we just do what we like, you know, we just do what we want. Fucking. So I lost it. Okay, so I decided from that point forward, I didn't want drive anymore.

06:01:20:19 - 06:01:41:13
I was done. Yeah. Even if I'm going to stay in the U.S., I'm driving. Done, done. The whole fucking. Just done. They go buy an airplane and just fly around. I did that for a while when I had the airport in in Idaho. I didn't like driving. I was tired of driving. Tired the road rage, dirt, tired of idiots, tired of the cops.

06:01:42:06 - 06:02:06:02
And I just flew. I found airports that had like a grocery store walk away, something like that. So I could just fly, maybe had 500 miles land and walk to the grocery store and fly home to my own strip. It was fine. It was okay. Life was good. So anyway, I decided I'm not going to drive anymore. I, I don't have the patience to go through the whole class.

06:02:06:02 - 06:02:30:02
A certification again. Done. Maybe someday in the future I would. Right then I just needed an ID card from my home state that was still in my home state. And so I went down and walked into here. I just want to get an ID. Well, you can't. You got to make an appointment. What? You know, make an appointment.

06:02:30:23 - 06:02:50:23
The hell are you talking about an appointment? I don't want a driving test. I don't want to take any test. I want an ID card. I already in your computer. I've been here for 27 years. I just want an I.D. card. Just, you know, take my picture. Give me I'm not going to make an appointment. So I went home and you can only make an appointment online.

06:02:50:23 - 06:03:16:18
So you go home and I went online. The earliest appointment I could get was two and a half months out. What I said, Oh, that's fucking shit. You know, this is kind of a biggish town. I'll just go to another town. Well, you can't. You can't. You can't go to any other town except the one that your address is in.

06:03:16:18 - 06:03:20:06
What did you take over fucking America?

06:03:22:07 - 06:04:00:23
What the hell's going on? Okay, so I waited after two and a half months. Got the appointment within, and they required so many documents that I had a folder of documents, even though I'm still in the computer. There's no picture in the 20 years. No more 25 to 20 or 20 years. You probably know what I fucking eat for breakfast, but you can't.

06:04:02:04 - 06:04:24:15
You need all this. Okay. Okay. So I took in this huge folder of I had in all I had about 40 pages of papers and I locked them down and I told them, Take what you want. And they sorted through them. They took what they wanted. They ended up taking 32 of those documents and they made copies and they didn't get them all back.

06:04:24:15 - 06:05:01:06
You know, this was probably a three hour thing. You know, I had my passport. I had everything that was good enough. 32 So Thailand had fucked me for whatever it was, 26 or 21 pages of documents, which was beyond insane, beyond ludicrous speed. And here was the US fucking me for 32 years just to get a new I.D. card.

06:05:01:06 - 06:05:25:15
Okay, so when you go to Southeast Asia, there's a there's a reason for all this bullshit when you first get you know, when you first when you when you go to Southeast Asia, there are going to be things that piss you off, piss you off, and you think, Oh, my fucking God, this is just backwards. This is fucking bullshit.

06:05:26:04 - 06:06:06:15
Well, probably is, but it's probably now just as much bullshit as in the U.S. So if you come down here and you're and you're going around, you start to grumble and you think, Fuck this shit, I'm just going back to America. Well, Americans are say, because COVID just taught them, okay, in the world, there's a huge percentage of the human population that craves and lusts for any kind of power they can get.

06:06:07:11 - 06:06:42:22
They're they're just boys. They're bullies. They they they want to be bullies in the are bullies. They were born bullies in their brains, in their souls. They bullshit. But they never really got to manifest that because they're working as a goddamn insurance salesman or some fucking thing and they can't really push people around in that job. And then came COVID, and suddenly all these bullies had almost unlimited power and it was fucking glorious.

06:06:43:22 - 06:07:11:03
Yeah, they loved and they were in hog heaven. Roll in the snow bins of power and they just went crazy. They could take any harebrained notion they had and say, Well, let's see, we should do things like this because let's see, why do we have any valid validation, any logical reason to be, do or call it somehow, some way?

06:07:11:12 - 06:07:42:01
I don't know. This is going to reduce the numbers of code or some fucking thing we don't know. But at the label we're going to put on it. And so there you go. Now you got to do all this other stuff and now we can really, really, really fucking push you around, you know, because it's COVID, okay, now everybody, everybody realized that and everybody thought, okay, when covid's over, it'll go away.

06:07:43:07 - 06:08:13:21
What did they got? They develop more of a taste for power and let it go. So that's where all the shit came. Came from, you know, through documents to renew the state in every facet of life in the US is like that now. So, you know, you get tired of the bullshit in Southeast Asia. Think really, really hard before you go back to the US.

06:08:13:21 - 06:08:48:07
I was there six months and like I couldn't I couldn't take it. I was I was at 99.999991 100 nines done with the U.S. And then that six month stint up there pushed it well over the line. So there's shit down here that's going to piss you off, maybe to the point of making you want to leave and go back to hell.

06:08:48:07 - 06:09:13:10
I guarantee you're going to think about that. Sometimes you get like, this is this is just you fucked up, just you fucking crazy. Well, there's no escape from it anymore because it is the US and it is Germany and it is the UK and it is Canada and it is every fucking country. You and it's going to be that way forever until well, I don't see any population ever mounting any kind of armed revolt to stop the insanity.

06:09:13:10 - 06:09:47:12
Now it's it's just we're we're in a free freefall of wokeness. It's a brain disease. I see this all the time. It's a brain disease. Something is infecting the brains of people. And it seemed rooted in this lust for power. So that's my message on that. So I got a lot of stories about no telling as we go.

06:09:47:12 - 06:10:06:09
My solution at this point is if, if, if I don't like where I'm at or go to another country, I don't like that want to go to another country. There's plenty Southeast Asian countries and I'm just run off the clock. You know, I'll die at some point. I'll I'll die. And there's enough countries, you know, to keep me here until happens.

06:10:06:20 - 06:10:32:10
So an older expat probably should look at it like that. And we're going to go through the countries because I've lived in most of them, not all, but I know I can give a general outlines for most of you. So South East Asian countries in Europe, you get a little bit of a feel for, well, could I try that bid?

06:10:32:10 - 06:10:53:16
Could I try that? Is this going to be too soft? Is that going to be too hard? You didn't really matter because at some point when you're sleeping, the bears are going to come home for you. So no matter. Okay. Another thing I want to mention down here, but you may not like you're not going to relate. Well, I realize it right away.

06:10:54:16 - 06:11:36:11
Like I started getting a clue. No, the first few months and I didn't really understand what was going on. But humor in Southeast Asia, if it exists, I am not, you know, 100% sure it does. If it does, it's so alien to me that I can't figure it out. Humor is something different. Americans, well, westerners at all basically understand common strains of humor.

06:11:36:13 - 06:12:02:17
But Southeast Asians don't get ours and we don't get theirs. And you'll notice that. So my my my point is, if you come down to any Southeast Asian country, if you're naturally kind of a humorous, joking, kind of a guy, don't just fucking shop, just shut the fuck up, you're going to get in trouble. Just shut the fuck up.

06:12:03:02 - 06:12:29:03
Don't make any jokes. Even if you think, Oh my God, everybody's going to get this. No, no, no, they won't really place on a no, no, shut up. Just shut up. It's weird. And I have not yet all these countries all these I have not yet figured out Southeast Asian humor. It's a there are different flavors of it in each country.

06:12:30:17 - 06:12:57:23
But even having said that, I don't know what they were. I don't know. I don't know how to make Southeast Asians laugh. God knows I've tried everything. My big business in the U.S. was based on jokes. That's how I made enough money to retire jokes and joke photography mostly. I mean, I'm a joking guy. I joke in my sleep, for Christ's sake.

06:12:57:23 - 06:13:23:21
I can't help it. Yeah. You know, it's who I am. I. I'm a jokester. I'd rather be the joker, you know, virgin. I mean, if I live long enough, I will be the Joker. But it's really hard for me if you're a really serious guy, you never joke. Well, you fine. If you're if you like your joke or I'll do it.

06:13:24:13 - 06:13:49:03
I just don't do it. You can try it. You're willing, but it's going to end badly. You're going to get the deer in headlights look and they're probably going to be offended. And you might lose a relationship right there in the space of five or 10 seconds. They're going to think that you're putting them down somehow or they're going to think you're insane or something is going go haywire.

06:13:49:11 - 06:14:19:08
Or if you attempt to be humorous, I suppose if I see Southeast Asians laughing, I do. They laugh now, not nearly as much as Americans do, or UK, Canada, where westerners, they do laugh probably I would say 30, 40% as much. No, even not even that maybe 25% as much as Westerners. But they on occasion laugh. If you go look at their TV, you will see, okay, what do they like to look at on TV?

06:14:19:08 - 06:14:48:14
What makes and what slapstick, you know, stuff that made us laugh in 1929. That's what makes them laugh now, today. And I can't go there. I can't make that shift. I can't do slapstick. I wonder, you know, every once in a while on these podcast, aliens especially, I'll say something really stupid or I'll say something sexist. And I know it's sexist you know, and I know I can't get away with it.

06:14:48:14 - 06:15:14:16
So I'll got myself really fucking hurt, you know, punish myself and the Southeast Asians don't watch those podcasts what they do, I can see where the listeners are. There's quite a few in Southeast Asia, but anyway, probably out of the whole of the whole podcast. Well, fucking our podcast is probably the only thing that makes them look, maybe I should just do a podcast where I just hate myself, get a ping pong ball whack and whack a wedding.

06:15:15:03 - 06:15:49:21
You know, I never figured out how to make what I've really got. I've tried. I've tried every thing I know and I know a lot, but I've tried adjusting my humor to listen to that and to tone it down and open up and to shoot. So keep that in the back of your mind. This is why so many guys, when they come here and girls do when they get here, they try to integrate with the various societies in who they can't.

06:15:51:08 - 06:16:20:19
And they end up hanging around in little pods of expats, and they sit around and drink beer and they bitch about how things are in that particular country, you so you haven't really gained anything. You're just you're still in your country, just in small group sitting in some fucking dingy bar somewhere complaining it's not a life. So I don't hang around expats.

06:16:21:00 - 06:16:50:21
Yeah. Oh, I don't. I came here to experience Selfie Asians and that's why I'm here. And I'm here to learn about it and integrate with their culture, not live on the periphery of it. I want to understand them and I want to make friends with the good ones. Okay, now what do we do for Tiger? Bet we're so far over.

06:16:51:19 - 06:17:13:23
Oh, my God. We are already. Jesus Christ. The whole point of this number four was to go nuts and bolts about, you know, getting on the plane. And what do you do after you get off the plane in some Southeast Asian country? And I didn't touch you, but I'm trying to I'm still doing, like, foundation work, you know, doing the setup I promised God, I promise I got no more notes here to cover.

06:17:13:23 - 06:17:34:03
So, you know, I've done foundation wise. I think it's all necessary stuff because it's going to come back and serve. You will once we start doing the nuts and bolts stuff and I start talking about what it's going to be like when you go here, what it's going to be like when you go there, and how to get around this problem.

06:17:34:03 - 06:18:05:00
And what are you feeling when this happens and in this foundation, stuff is going to serve you well because you're kind of sort of like in a way, learning another language. You're still English, but, you know, except those Brits, they speak Swahili. A lot of language I can't translate for racial, but okay. They hate me for saying the theme through the Alien podcast in Swahili British Connection.

06:18:05:00 - 06:18:36:23
Okay, I'm not going to go through here. I'm trying to tweak your brain, your brain a little bit, trying to kind of help you find a slightly different way of looking at the world, because pretty soon we're going to look at the world really, really differently, and you're going to need to fall back on all this stuff that I've been feeding into your psyche.

06:18:36:23 - 06:19:04:22
So hopefully as you go through this one, two, three, four, as you're going through this, hopefully you're absorbing stuff on you and you're reserving a space over the side of your brain that will be your own little foundation for how things are here, because it's different. It's a chasm. It's a cultural chasm. It's not just a different culture.

06:19:05:10 - 06:19:33:18
Who is it? Mark Twain used to say eastern western is western. Never the twain shall meet. And that is true. That is so true. You can't comprehend it right now. You won't be able to comprehend it by the end of this podcast. But if you come here, you'll comprehend. The Philippines is a halfway house between Western culture and Southeast Asia.

06:19:33:18 - 06:20:01:18
It's a halfway house. It's not really Southeast Asia. There are elements that are kind of like Southeast Asia, but it's not really it's not Laos. It's Thailand, it's not Cambodia, it's not Myanmar. It's not be sure. I love Vietnam. Vietnam is one of the most alien places that been mind numbing. I can't even wrap my own brain around that.

06:20:01:18 - 06:20:34:16
I have to go there soon and do some shit now. Got to do it. It's beautiful. People are super friendly, but air of weirdness. Every breath you take is like reading in weirdness, you know, it's not necessarily nice weirdness. Just you remember those old used to be those commercials. The hell are they for laxative or some fucking thing?

06:20:34:16 - 06:20:49:17
I can't remember. Anyway, they would cock the camera at about a 30 degree angle. Sure. Somebody walking down the street. Will you feel a little off today? You know, because you didn't take your crap and you know, it just makes you feel bad holding something like that in a sort of camera was caught, you know, like a 30 Angel England.

06:20:50:04 - 06:21:08:22
And they used to do that in the old Batman series, too. They would cut the cameras. Oh, that's fucking weird. That's annoying. I Can't even. I can't even see the action. You know where they. Okay, that's Vietnam. Every day in Vietnam. It's kind of like that. Every day in Southeast Asia, anywhere is going to be a little bit like Vietnam.

06:21:08:22 - 06:21:34:17
It's going to be 45 degrees. You know, you can't figure out which was up or down. Maybe she lived there a really, really, really long time. Part of the deal is if you learn to be fluent in a language of a country, you will learn to a very great degree the logic of how they think in that country.

06:21:34:17 - 06:22:01:04
And I notice that the reverse of that also Southeast Asians, if they learn to be fluent in English little by little by little, they begin to think much more like a Westerner. Just by speaking like a Westerner, they begin to think and act more like a Westerner. Language is a huge thing. I never got really proficient in any language in Southeast Asia because I never knew what country I was going to be in.

06:22:01:04 - 06:22:20:14
I didn't want to, you know, waste two years and becoming fluid in Thai because then at the end of the two years I might go to Cambodia or whatever. So I didn't bother. I learned enough to get around. I could converse somewhat, not really all that well. I probably missed most of the jokes about me. You know. And they will.

06:22:20:14 - 06:22:50:06
They joke about you. They rank us all the fucking time mercilessly. I think Filipinos probably more than anybody, their gossiping little fools in there. Gossiping is not nice. It's this. All right. I know. I'm just overloaded. I know that. I know him. So, you know, take these. Put these in your phone and take them on the plane, you know, because you're going to have plenty of time to listen to him again and again and again.

06:22:51:01 - 06:23:06:09
And every time listen to him, you're going to pick up new stuff. And after you've been in a country for two, three, four months and you listen to him, you're going to pick up more stuff. Because in a lot of a lot these podcasts, you have no idea what I'm talking about. You can't relate it to anything, but you will later.

06:23:06:09 - 06:23:34:05
You will and you'll you'll listen to one after you've been in Laos for six months. Oh, my God. That's what he was talking about. Who? Okay, so we're. We're done tomorrow. Not tomorrow, but next. Next podcast. I positively guarantee we're going to go nuts and bolts instead of theories and overviews and stuff like that. That's enough. We've done well.

06:23:34:05 - 06:24:00:04
No, we haven't done enough. We're going to do more of that as we go. But you've got to be some nuts and bolts stuff in there. So all this is all this stuff is valuable. It's it's a background. You in painting the environment. Stroke or stroke. Mr.. We're just hoping so that sinks in. You know, you pour water a rock and the, you know, something goes in somewhere.

06:24:00:18 - 06:25:21:20
It doesn't. Oh, all right, we're done. Okay, this thing can go. All right? Yeah. All right. Thank you very much. And you know, it's nighttime or good evening. Goodnight decks or maybe the liner is another penny and shout and my friend Mary can look. My concert caption can be well and the little girl the 11 day rock'n'roll guten tag live in generated also got my name tag option made me well known in Germany but later on good afternoon from Southie Asia.