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SE Asia Chronicles Podcast Transcript #2


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This is an auto-generated speech-to-text transcript of a SE Asia Chronicles Podcast


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Okay. Good afternoon from Southeast Asia. This would be volume episode number two of the Southeast Asia Chronicles is that's what we call home. I mean, it's really subject to change. Could, you know, what could be anything could change every day. We don't know what they would do.

01:30:58:13 - 01:31:42:13
We're just talking. It's all tapes. All recordings are copyright 2023 by stock photos worldwide dot com let's see to get to these that's pretty much where you got to go we don't have we don't have these on alternate domains. Hmm. Interesting. So stock photos worldwide dot com is where you got to go to get to these you scroll down ways to find link I'll put it up near the top somewhere to make it a little more easily noticeable because now it's buried down in some crap on that on the homepage.

01:31:42:13 - 01:32:18:13
Well, okay, if you listen to the last one, I hope you did it. Set the foundation. It set some groundwork for my experiences in the US. Why? I get weary more than tired, weary to the bone of the US and why I left while I had wanted to leave for a long time. So I'm going to finish up that foundation, try to do it quickly, and then we're going to move on to the actual experience of going to Southeast Asia and when and why and how and what happened.

01:32:19:02 - 01:32:47:23
You know, did I get raped by monkeys? Yeah. Yeah, did we're going to that. In my painstaking detail, raped is very similar to being probed by aliens, but except they're monkeys. You know, some aliens are monkey like, you know, we got this whole other series of the podcast, Alien Anal Probe. Okay com if you want to know, you know more than you ever want to know about aliens, go there.

01:32:49:03 - 01:33:20:05
Now we've got a collection of maybe 400 cases, cases, reports, you know, a lot of drunken, rambling bullshit in that series. Those things are everywhere around the world in front of anywhere. Alien Anal Probe Podcast. And we started out with 9400 reports claims they claim dot com and we've gone through 1400 now we're down to 8000 reports.

01:33:20:05 - 01:33:59:10
So we've covered we've picked the park 1400 cases cases sounds like they have credibility. Well, they don't always or seldom you a lot of bullshit in there and we weeded out, throw it away and pee on it, you know, give it the middle claw, stuff like that. The good ones we keep and we say, Yeah, maybe, maybe. Okay, Southeast Asia, I think we finished up the last one with or just just a tiny little smidge of our experiences in New Mexico.

01:33:59:10 - 01:34:28:19
We fled. We were told by essentially the FBI and that the local police were going to kill us because we had been bucking the Mexican drug cartels, bucking them pretty hard prison. Pretty fucking hard. I at that point in my life, I wasn't really afraid of anything or anybody. And then I learned I learned about America and we fled New Mexico.

01:34:28:19 - 01:34:58:10
We had a ranch there. We left. We just, just left it. Just left it. Everything. Animals, vehicles, everything we took. Like we took two vehicles, a couple of prized horses we stored or a little bit of valuables in a secret location. And we fled the day after the FBI told us to get out. And we didn't go back for a long, long time, a year, I think to get our stuff.

01:34:58:10 - 01:35:26:20
We snuck in and got our stuff and snuck out. After New Mexico. We went to Arizona. We fled. You know, one day we made it over to Arizona and we needed peace. Oh, God, we we needed peace. We we needed peace and quiet. Try to collect our thoughts and figure out what the meaning of the world was. It was a very rough time.

01:35:27:07 - 01:35:54:08
We got out of New Mexico unscathed, except for losing our ranch and everything. We owned it, but no physical harm came to us, you know? But I was really surprised. I thought the the I thought the cartels I mean, the police were the cartels. I thought that they would come at us by filing some kind of charge charges, kind of trumped up bogus charges to put us in jail or do something.

01:35:54:15 - 01:36:36:11
And they didn't do that kind of surprised me they they did hatched a plan to raid our our home and kill us. Yeah. And that's what the what the FBI told us that was going to happen in like three days. And so we got out the next day anyway. So we went to Arizona just to find a quiet place out in the woods and camped for a while that didn't turn out well.

01:36:36:11 - 01:37:13:13
We kept in the middle of nowhere south of Flagstaff summer beautiful warm weather is nice. We needed to to off gas. We needed to purge some of the evil element out of our psyches, out of our souls. And we were out there. We were in one campsite for about two weeks. And it was in a national forest. So fully legal place to camp.

01:37:13:13 - 01:37:43:23
And the first thing that happened was we saw a car goodbye one day, bumpy, horrible, pretty much a four wheel drive road. But this little tiny sedan thing drove by pretty clickety scraping, you know, slowly. And I didn't really I didn't really look in it. I think there was one male driver. But it but it struck me, it just in some sense the little tiny thread into my soul.

01:37:43:23 - 01:38:08:01
And I thought, well, that's hard. You know, that's just odd. It just didn't belong there. The male driver did not look at us as he went by and we were only 30 feet off this know road slash path. And we had a big campsite there. We had a horse trailer and horses and a lot of stuff. Anybody would have looked any you couldn't help it.

01:38:09:00 - 01:38:39:14
And this guy didn't. And I didn't. As suspicious as my mind was, I didn't put any meaning to it at that time. I just registered it and he drove on by and he's gone. It turned out later, once we finally went back to town, it turned out that a little girl had come up missing from about quarter between a quarter and a half a mile from where we were camped.

01:38:40:18 - 01:39:13:13
She had been her family had been camping a mile away. She was on her bike. She was riding on this path by herself. I think she was like eight or nine, something like that. And then she didn't come home and they went looking. They found her bike and they thought, Oh shit, we got a problem. So they immediately called everybody and everybody came and they had helicopters and and none of this occurred until after we were out of there.

01:39:13:13 - 01:39:43:16
I am somewhat sure she was in the back of that car somewhat, let's say percent like she was in that car. And I chastised myself, I think, well, what the fuck? You know what, how do you know? Well, there wasn't enough data there to do anything with it, you know, what was I going to do, run out there, stop the car, say, hey, you guys, little girls in the back, you know, a little girl with a popped up or some dancing.

01:39:44:19 - 01:40:09:19
Yeah, we're stopping. We're stopping. He couldn't go fast enough to, outrun our horses. We could have fucking stopped him if we would have seen anything. But we didn't. We didn't see anything. So anyway, it turned out this little girl was missing. She was never found. When we found out about that, we had moved to a coyote campground in Flagstaff because we had some other out there.

01:40:09:19 - 01:40:39:19
We got tired of it. So we moved to the Skagway and we were walking down to breakfast. It's really nice to be looks like we had a food hall, had everything got it was really pleasant. We got more peace and quiet there than anyplace else out in the woods. And we were walking. No, we were at breakfast. We were at breakfast one morning sitting there and this guy comes up and he's a big fat guy, weird looking guy.

01:40:39:19 - 01:40:59:16
Just one of those guys. You think we're what, fucking rock did he crawl up from under? And he sat down and he at our table and he said, Hey, I want to talk to you. Okay, shoot. And he said, You know, that little girl is missing. And I said, Yeah, we heard about that. And he said, They think I did it.

01:41:01:01 - 01:41:23:10
And I'm like, Oh, okay, tell me more. You know, let's talk this through. We can be mates. You can tell me about who you can trust. Insurance, you know, it's okay. And he said, No, I didn't do it. I didn't do it. But they think I did it. And they're, they're going to try to frame me with some fucking thing like that.

01:41:23:10 - 01:41:47:22
He had this long, convoluted tale, and at that moment, I pretty well convinced he fucking did it. You know, what are the odds where the odds end up in a campground, motherfucker. And he said he want to ask me a favor. This little kiosk, you know, maybe one of you hide the body or something like that you. Sure we can.

01:41:47:22 - 01:42:17:18
We can take care of that. Let's go out in the woods and see the body in or capture from behind. And then I'll see. I felt threatened and, you know, I'll be here. And he wanted me to he said the FBI had been going through the campground asking if they if they knew him, anything about him. And he wanted me to tell the FBI that on the day the girl went missing, he was there in the campground, period, I swear you want me to swear it?

01:42:19:09 - 01:42:37:21
And I said, well, in the first place, and I I'm not going to fucking do that in a second place. We weren't here. We were out there, you know, maybe a quarter mile from where the motherfucker got the girl and he's like, Oh, well, that's okay. Just tell him you were here. And I'm like, Dude, you're not going to be any record of us checking in here until, you know, like, whatever we can do.

01:42:38:05 - 01:43:01:01
Maybe two weeks after she went missing, you know, it's easy to follow this up. It's easy to know why would a why would I fucking do that? I just just shoot in the fucking mouth, you know? And he just was in he just went on and on and on about that and he wouldn't let it go. And finally I just tell him, fuck off.

01:43:01:01 - 01:43:28:11
Just go, go away from it. Just go, go away. And he did he get up and grudgingly left. And after breakfast we were down there about an hour. He was gone. After we had to walk back to our campsite and we had to walk by. What turned out to be his trailer was it tiniest little thing? It was like 12 foot, you know, 1945, fucking rundown piece of shit, really.

01:43:28:11 - 01:43:43:09
A piece of shit trailer. And I didn't even see any vehicle around there. That's interesting. I never thought of that before. I don't remember seeing any vehicle around here. I just wonder if I would have seen a vehicle. Could I have matched it to the one that drove Biased out there? Now that would have been that would have been good.

01:43:43:21 - 01:44:15:08
I just thought about this this very moment. They do not remember any vehicle associated with it. Drew. Just a trailer sitting there, been there for I don't know how interesting. Anyway, I was walking by them and by the trailer I didn't see him and I, the more I walked by I just got more and more pissed and I, I'm a little bit impulsive and my son was with me and I said, Just a minute.

01:44:16:08 - 01:44:34:07
And I think I can't remember she walked with me or not. I walked 30 feet over to this trailer and I was going to tell that guy what I thought of him, and I was going to tell him that I was going to go talk the fuck and tell them. But what he said and just see what he did to see what he did.

01:44:34:07 - 01:45:06:07
You know, he wants to draw down truck and go for do it like not faster than anybody in the world. But I guarantee him faster, a fucking fat slob like that. And so I went and knocked on the door. It's normal dog, not a pound. Nothing, just a normal knock. He had no idea who he was unless he had seen you come in instantly, the whole trailer started shaking and somebody inside like a big, heavy guy, was flopping this way and flopping that way and stopping here and running around.

01:45:06:07 - 01:45:36:20
And I heard a door slam that I might have been there might have been some little separator to the to the sleeping area or to the probably to the head to the bathroom, probably something like that, which I am really hard. And this went on for a long time, like ten or 15 seconds, something banging. The trailer was physically rocking and I thought, what in the fucking fuck should no vocal sounds whatsoever?

01:45:36:20 - 01:45:57:19
And when it all stopped, went silent and I said, okay, now he's coming to the door. No one ever came to the door. So I knocked again a little harder nothing silence and a couple of times more because I knew he was in there to no fucking, you know, wasn't his pet rabbit for Christ sake. And never came to the door.

01:45:57:19 - 01:46:28:14
I thought, Oh, you motherfucker, you got her in there right now. And something told me to look at fucking door open. Break it off the goddamn latch if you had to. Just, just fucking get in there. Something told me to do that, and I didn't because the courts and law enforcement have become so fucking crazy. Crazy over the last 50 years that nothing would happen to him at all.

01:46:28:20 - 01:46:51:05
But I go to jail for breaking and entering and scaring him, making him feel bad. You know, you get five years just for making him feel bad. And so I didn't do it. Instead, I went in, called the FBI, and told them I want to meet with them privately. And they showed up and we went to a place where he couldn't see us.

01:46:51:12 - 01:47:11:10
And we talked and I told him exactly every detail of what had happened. And they took notes and they said, Oh, well, thank you, very fucking nice. Thank you, thank you. And they went away and I said, okay, now you know, he's innocent or guilty. They're going to fucking figure it out because they get somebody to really focus on.

01:47:11:10 - 01:47:32:06
Now. And I waited and waited and he just kept hanging around. Hanging around. He avoided us, didn't no eye contact, no, no anything. And finally, about a week or week a week, probably a week, the FBI came back. He had door in the bushes and they got our attention. They said, come here, come here, come here. You have secrets.

01:47:32:06 - 01:48:01:01
We've got secrets. And so we met him at the same place and sat down and and they said, okay, we just want to let you know that we've checked this guy out and he's fucking clean. He's just clean. You just squeaky clean. And I said, Oh, really? Well, that's nice. It's good to know what you do. And I told him I had worked federal before and, you know, they, they couldn't really tell me much, but it open them up a teensy bit and, and I said, what do you do?

01:48:01:01 - 01:48:23:14
How do you check him out? What's the what's the story? And they said, well, we asked there's another FBI agent here stationed here, and he knew the guy. And we asked him, you know, could this guy be involved in the FBI? And I said, no, no fucking way, no, no, not not in a million years. No, no, no.

01:48:23:14 - 01:48:52:07
And they said, okay, case closed. He's innocent. And they stopped looking at him. And I said, wait a minute. I mean, he is FBI. Okay. Oh, and supposedly we're supposed to trust him. Well, I had quit law enforcement because I learned the trust and but it had had some credibility. It was an FBI agent who's who vouched for the guy in a Christian Preston Press to the point of pissing them off.

01:48:52:07 - 01:49:07:14
And I said, okay, this this guy vouches for him. Okay. Can he vouch for his whereabouts on that day? Can he vouch for that? Does he positively fucking know? Was he having lunch with him the entire fucking day somewhere 50 miles from here? And they said, Well, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, nothing like that.

01:49:07:14 - 01:49:27:10
He just vouched for him. He just vouched for his character. And I said, Well, he just asked me to lie to the FBI a week ago. He just that ain't a good character. You know, that's a that's kind of a fucking red flag. There. Oh, God. I want to slap on Darrell. Darrell and Darrell, you know, fuck me.

01:49:28:07 - 01:49:48:05
And they just kept insisting, no, the FBI guy, he had vouched for him and he was he was clean. And there's no possible he could have done it, cause you're just such a nice looking guy, you know? And in the back of my mind, it had God dammit, God dammit. You got FBI guy in there who's. Also a fucking pedophile, you know, really, I didn't say that.

01:49:48:05 - 01:50:07:12
But in the back of my mind, that little light bulb went off and I thought, what in the fucking hell? And they shook hands and left. And that was it. That's all we ever heard about. It was done in your found. The girl never found a body? Never. Well, I don't know. I was fucking, you know, four or five lifetimes ago.

01:50:07:12 - 01:50:28:23
Maybe they did someday find the body. I never heard about it if they did. But for the time we were there, we were there another couple of months in that area. There was nothing on news about them ever finding her. So that was her first experience trying to find peace and quiet south of Flagstaff, Coconino County. The next one was.

01:50:28:23 - 01:50:51:09
Oh, God. It was only like a day after that, after that car had driven through. Before we moved to the cave, we were still in that camp and we were out there just lounging. It's a church and lounges. And we were lounging. We were lounge lizards, you know, we were just soaking up the warmth and, you know, watching the snakes and stuff like that.

01:50:51:19 - 01:51:27:05
Life was like it was okay. And we were starting to wonder if we might, you know, psychically survive or this fucken horrific bullshit. And we decided my son and I decided to go for a walk just down the hall, passing the same path road, saying that this little car had driven up. And we we went the opposite direction of where the little car had come from, not even thinking about the little car that was, you know, dun we had it was gone purged from the memory pretty much.

01:51:28:00 - 01:51:53:19
And so we're walking, walking, just strolling that lazy afternoon the next day, nobody within 100 fuckin miles and we're about a hundred yards from our camp. And I look up ahead and there's a pickup that had careened off the road, off of the trails thing. And it's about 30, 40 feet off the road and doors are open like that.

01:51:53:19 - 01:52:15:15
I my immediate notion was, oh, it's drunks. And they ran off the road and they're probably passed out or something like that. And so we just kept walking. Then we noticed that there was some kind of commotion on the ground on our side of the pickup, on the ground, in the grass. And we got a little closer noticed that there was two guys.

01:52:15:15 - 01:52:37:08
One of them was standing, the other one was straddling the body on the ground. And we got a little closer and realized that was a woman and got a little closer, realize it was an old woman and the guys were young, they were early twenties Mexicans. And I said, Oh, what for? And I always, always, always carried a gun.

01:52:38:02 - 01:52:58:17
But then that day I had a few other experiences through my life. I just didn't carry a gun and something horrific happened where I really, really needed one. So I told my son, Run as fast as you can, just fucking run the sprint back to the back to the camp, get the rifle, sprint back to me as fast as you can.

01:52:59:07 - 01:53:24:20
And he did. And I got the got the rifle and held it up, yelled at him, said, stop, fucking stop, now I'm coming. And I started sort of jogging over to him and they just looked at me and went right back to choking like I just did. Like I was here and I got closer. I caught him at gun point that focus, stop going to shoot you.

01:53:26:01 - 01:53:44:13
And they just kept choking her and I chambered around and they just kept choking her. And then I finally tightened my arm. The guy that was choking her was going to hit him on the side of the head because I'm, you know, 20 feet, 20 feet. The guy standing up just down there looking at me like, you know, what are you gonna do, motherfucker?

01:53:44:13 - 01:54:11:22
You're going to kill us. We don't care. And I take my aim. We're going to get him right. The temple, one room. I thought maybe by now the woman wasn't even struggling anymore. I thought, fuck, she probably did. And he realized that I tightened my arm and also tightened the tension on the trigger. He realized he got it and he jumped up, threw his hands in the air, started yelling, Fuck you's.

01:54:11:22 - 01:54:44:02
And at that point I'm just watching for him to go for a gun. I don't care what they're yelling. I just watching their hands and see what they're going to do and we. No cell phones in those days. No nothing. No, no way to contact anybody. We're in the middle of fucking nowhere for hours. We could get, you know, far out as we could, or four wheel drive and they leaned down and they got a hold of this woman and they pulled her up and she's choking again and holding her neck.

01:54:45:16 - 01:55:06:07
And I said, Lady, lady, lady, getaway, getaway, getaway. And I told the fuckers to get back up. Step back, step fucking back I'll drop you, you touch your fucking drop you and they're like a heart, you know, same attitude. Just air, you know? It's just this arrogant cartel attitude that they don't care that. No, I mean, it's not as if they can project that they don't care.

01:55:06:07 - 01:55:36:02
They care if you kill them. They don't care. Their lives are so fucking miserable. They think probably anything is going to be better than what they got. So they don't care. And the woman, they wouldn't let go of her and she wouldn't make any attempt to get away. And I thought, What the fuck is this shit? And I said, okay, maybe they got, you know, some kind of relationship thing that at first I thought, well, she's a prostitute.

01:55:36:02 - 01:55:56:03
They took her out there in a bunker and, they're going to kill her. But she seemed to have some kind of connection to them. Beyond that, you know, even a prostitute would have run away and she wouldn't even when she had the chance, she wouldn't know this. I'm trying to process this. What the fuck? What is going on here?

01:55:57:13 - 01:56:24:05
And the guy who'd been choking her pushed her towards the open door in the passenger side and said something in Spanish probably was get in. And she just did. She just hopped in the pickup in the middle of the bench seat, said, yeah, like, okay, let's go. And the two guys got in and flipping me off and yelling, Fuck you.

01:56:24:05 - 01:56:48:03
And they backed out of there and turned around, drove away. And I thought, Oh, welcome to Arizona, welcome to the U.S. And we walked back to the camp and trying to figure out what would be the proper thing to do. And it was about a half hour later, some other car came bumping and grinding and scraping along that little trail thing.

01:56:49:01 - 01:57:09:04
Oh, the fucking fuck they were doing. It was a family. And we ran out and stopped him and said, Hey, you going to come? They said, Yeah. And I said, okay, try to remember where you are because we need you to call sheriff and get him out here. And they said, okay, yeah, no problem. And in God, it was about 3 hours later, the sheriff did show up right, right to our campsite.

01:57:09:04 - 01:57:31:22
They held true to their word and they did it. And he said, okay, what's going on? What's going on? And we told him the story and he said, Oh, describe the vehicle the whole bit. And he said, Yeah, okay, I got to go check on something, I'll come back and talk to you. And so he was gone for a couple of hours and he came back and he said, okay, I found him.

01:57:33:00 - 01:57:56:07
I said, What? What? You found him? How the fuck did you find him? You know, they could have been anywhere in Northern Arizona for crazy hours, you know. And he said, Well, I just sort of had an idea when he told me the story. I had a sort of idea. He was one of the slow talking old sheriffs, you know, all time Western sheriffs.

01:57:56:08 - 01:58:23:08
God, I like those guys. Fuck. Those are my kind of people. If they're going to come and arrest somebody, they're going to apologize. You could say, man, you know, I'm sorry, I hate to do this, but, you know, you know, I got to arrest you. And if you just come along, you know, you just sort it out in court and, you know, it's probably going to be okay probably not going to be nearly as bad as you think it's going to be.

01:58:23:08 - 01:58:51:10
So she'll come on, you know, just come along and and that disarms people and they're like, okay, okay, let's go. Now, you know, the Camacho's screaming, making themselves hoarse with screaming. They're screaming so fucking loud, they can't even articulate the words. Get on the ground. Get on the ground, motherfucker. You. And of course, that makes everybody instantly defensive.

01:58:51:10 - 01:59:18:00
And that's why people get shot by cops. That's what one reason. There's other reasons, but that's one reason. So anyway, said that he had had this idea and he went to where he thought they were because he thought he recognized the family and, you know, had dealt them before like two or three times a day really. And he went and got the woman aside and she said, you know, they were killing me.

01:59:18:00 - 01:59:36:09
And I passed out and, um, but I am not going to press any charges because they are my sons and the sheriff pushed as hard as he could and she wouldn't do anything. She just you know, you take me in, I'm just going to swear out a statement saying they didn't do anything. I know what you're talking about.

01:59:37:14 - 01:59:58:16
And so she gave up and came back to us and he said, well, you know, you saved your life. You know, the people are going to kill her later. But for at least for today, you saved your life because they were planning to kill for whatever, for some imagined transgression. You know, maybe they maybe she smoked some of their dope or some fucking thing.

01:59:58:16 - 02:00:21:05
You know, you have no idea what the hell goes on down there when he said, thank you very much and, you know, have a nice day, you see him again, you know, let us know if you see him to anything bad, you shoot him or let us know what your choice, you know, pretty much. And he left and that was the end of that.

02:00:21:05 - 02:00:48:16
And we decided at that point that we weren't in a good place, we weren't in a good campsite. So we moved, I don't know, about 20 miles or something to a place called Weimer Springs, beautiful aspen grove. God, it was gorgeous. It was just breathtakingly gorgeous. It was huge. White aspens, nicely spaced, lots of shade in the space.

02:00:48:16 - 02:01:13:02
In between them was grass, almost as if somebody had mowed it like a like a golf course, you know, it was just just with the sole needed. Oh, God. You know, we set up a camp there at and it's some old established campground campsite. I mean, there was no camping. There was national force set up in the middle of nowhere.

02:01:13:02 - 02:01:35:05
There's no you know, they don't have a picnic table and shit like that. You know, we set up a nice camp there and we had our horses and our two vehicles and the horse trailer and all of our stuff spread out there. We had several tents and a lot of gear stuff. We set up a nice campground and we spent a day or two there just.

02:01:35:05 - 02:02:18:19
Just English, just bliss. Days were warm, fire at night, horses were hobbled, so they were more or less free that come around and steal the marshmallows and shit like that. It was kind of sort of quasi heavenly. Weimer Springs And one day wife and son had gone walking around somewhere and I laid down in tent and warm day.

02:02:18:19 - 02:02:48:16
Door was open, flap was open, and for about 2 minutes I really lapsed into a feeling of peace. It's very rare. I've only experienced that maybe three, three or four times in my term. This was total peace. That one was the world and I could just feel my battery recharging, right? That little green bar was just up and going up and going up.

02:02:48:16 - 02:03:17:04
My God. Oh, God, I need a couple of days of this. I'll be good to go. And I got about 15 minutes of it. Then I heard a vehicle come and I thought, What the fuck would you know? That we were off in the corner by the woods there. Was that the road thing? The trail thing that went by our campsite didn't lead anywhere except us was a dead end.

02:03:17:04 - 02:03:40:18
And this vehicle pulled right up to my tent. I mean, six feet from my tent stopped. And I was, fuck. Oh, maybe it's a ranger, you know, something like that. And then Mr. Rouse and the engine just stop. And on that gas pedal honking the horn and I thought, Oh, well, maybe somebody's got an emergency, maybe somebody sneaked it, you know, something like that.

02:03:40:18 - 02:04:08:10
So I jumped up and jumped out there and it was a older pickup set, sloppy piece of fucking drunk and shit driving it, nice looking girlfriend in the passenger seat and I went to his window and I said, What in the fuck do you think you're doing? And he said, Move your campsite. Move your campsite. I looked and I want to move my campsite.

02:04:08:15 - 02:04:25:16
This is an old established campsite. It's at the end of the fucking road. There's nowhere else you can go. If I move my campsite, you can drive about 15, 20 feet and then you go stop anyway, because that's the woods. What the fuck do you think you're doing? And he just got wealthier and wealthier and mafia and just demanding he start lunging.

02:04:25:16 - 02:04:45:08
Is his truck forward towards my tent? And after just a minute of this, the girlfriend is screaming at him, slapping, are you insane? What do you think you're doing? What the fuck is wrong with you? Why am I with you? You know, like that. And he was nonplused. He just kept it up. He just kept it up. He's ramping up.

02:04:45:08 - 02:05:07:08
Ramping up? We're expected any goddamn second he's going to grab for a gun. And I walked over just about four feet and picked the same rifle, chambered around for another pickup. Do what you're going to do. You know, I. I can get you through the windshield. You can hit me, motherfucker. Try it, please. Do you feel lucky, punk?

02:05:09:02 - 02:05:31:16
And he sat there and thought about for a few minutes and his girlfriend is still screaming at him. No expression on his face, just looking at me. And I've got him right through the windshield in just a throw round. It's not much of a round. It's, you know, it's it's an old, old deer rail, but it'll go through a windshield and it'll take out a human.

02:05:31:16 - 02:05:44:07
The windshield is close enough to the body that it's not going to you know, the glass is going to deflect the bullet a little bit, but it's not going to deflect it enough. You know, maybe it's going to knock it off by half an inch or something like that. So you get him in the left side of the heart or the right side of the heart.

02:05:44:07 - 02:06:13:15
You know, you're going to get him. And he thought about for 30 seconds, probably just a stalemate. Standoff, and then he put it in reverse, back slowly away, drove off into the distance, never saw him again. And by that time we're thinking it's fucking Jesus Christ, this is worse than fucking New Mexico. This is a goddamn insane asylum.

02:06:13:22 - 02:06:51:02
Something wrong with these people? This is the goddamn devil's fucking workshop here. Jesus Christ. It was bad. And then everything was quiet for about five days, and the horses roamed around on their hovels, eating the happy as hell. And we. We were trying to relax, but now we were super wary because of this shit that had happened. And we were just on edge time just waiting for the next one, just waiting for the next fucking thing.

02:06:52:14 - 02:07:18:01
And one night afternoon, some car started showing I think it was a Saturday might have been you have a Saturday was a Saturday this forecaster showed up 2345. He can and mostly they stayed at the other end of the area they start setting up camps and I said, well, okay, you know, it's Saturday, you know, and they they weren't loud.

02:07:18:05 - 02:07:42:10
You're normal, boisterous, you know, kids and yelling, screaming and a little bit of music. Not too loud. Shit like that. A number of them drinking beer with like, well, you know, beer. I'm not a beer drinker, but I will on occasion drink other things. Well, it's American. You drink beer, it's American. And then, CREWSON, we have 30 cars and then 44 cars and and 16 and a hundred cars.

02:07:43:00 - 02:08:10:09
And then it was fucking it was beyond the gathering. It was a festival. And we said, oh, my God, this is this could really fucking get out of hand. So far, nobody had camped within 80 yards of us, but it was looking like it had the potential to be ugly. But we just kept to ourselves, you know, we stayed in the campground quiet.

02:08:10:23 - 02:08:35:13
We don't even play music. We don't do anything. And then pretty soon, right about dusk, a big vehicle came rumbling in, slowly coming down the road with about ten cars surrounding it. And we thought, what in Broken Hill is that? It was a semi truck, big flatbed summer. It was just incomprehensible. We did we couldn't process this. We couldn't compute.

02:08:37:08 - 02:09:32:12
It had been, you know, pretty uncomfortable. Get a fucking four wheel drive up there. It was a semi a semi full sized semi and it parked and positioned itself. And we walked over a little closer to try to see what in the hell was on this. Somehow it was just piled with equipment and we took the tarps off it and we started looking to identify the stuff was it turned out to be it was an entire set it up for a rock concert, huge speakers and amps and every kind of microphone and instruments and drums and stage pop up stage and just and we thought, Oh, God, we fucking stepped in it.

02:09:32:12 - 02:09:57:05
No, no, no. It's getting dark. It's too late to uproot our camp and crawl off farther into the woods. We're going to have to endure a night of living hell. And we were just how much more of this shit can we take? What other state can we go to? Where can we go? How far out in the woods do you have to go to?

02:09:57:05 - 02:10:28:00
Just have a quiet day and a night now? Years, years before, we had debated whether or not we wanted to get involved with some organized religion. We weren't sure about it. We wanted to know more about it. We wanted to experiment, you know, not experiment. We wanted to experience it a little bit carefully, see what it was about, see if we fit.

02:10:28:00 - 02:10:52:04
And we researched all the major religions and we settled on Mormon Church of Latter Day Saints. They seemed like, you know, they seemed like logical people. They didn't drink. They had some beliefs that were patently fucking weird. But we thought, well, maybe they're just weird because we don't understand them, you know, we study people, teachers, and they seem to have a really strong sense of community.

02:10:54:03 - 02:11:20:09
We thought, man, that's that really, really statement sounded like what we want in our lives, you know, really, we could get behind people like that and we just never got around to it. You know, the New Mexico thing, we were in New Mexico three, three and a half years, I think, Rob, nine times at the end of it, they had the cartel had run a car through a restaurant at 70 miles an hour with a bunch of people in the hospital.

02:11:20:19 - 02:11:51:07
That's all we got. It was it's a refused. So anyway, we we wandered over and we found some people, you know, on the outskirts of this group watching the semi set up. And we said, Hey, how you doing? What group are you with? And they said, Oh, we're, we're LDS, we're Church of Latter Day Saints and this is our annual Father and Son Weekend.

02:11:51:07 - 02:12:22:13
And I thought, Oh, my God, thank you, sweet Jesus. There is a God. He's come to help us. And right beside relief, we almost cried because I mean, certainly we knew that, you know, no Mormon get together is going to be any kind of a problem. You know, they don't even drink. Well, we could look around, we could see a lot of drinking, but, well, maybe they keep it very light, you know, and we thank them.

02:12:22:22 - 02:12:42:17
And we said, well, you know, sometime if you want to come over to our campsite and talk to us, you know, you'd be really welcome. And I'm like, okay, sure. And we went back to the campsite and this get togethers thing wound up and wound up and wound up. Pretty soon they got a fucking band up there and they're just wailing.

02:12:42:20 - 02:13:19:14
They're just they took years off the lives of every wild animal within three miles, you know, that big gensets running and huge lights and just wailing. And the people are jumping around and dancing and drinking and we said, Oh, well, this isn't really what we thought. Mormons were. And nobody ever came to talk to us. We thought, Well, they're busy with the party, you know, maybe tomorrow.

02:13:20:20 - 02:13:54:19
And that all through that night, they got wilder and wilder and wilder and wilder. And the group closest to us, which was was now about 60 yards across the grassy area, they wrapped it up as bad as raucously as any group you could ever imagine. They had huge mini mountains of empty beer cans. They were all drunk. It was about maybe of them, I don't know, in that group.

02:13:54:19 - 02:14:18:11
Just in that group. And they had their own speakers that the band had shut down by then. Now we're no we're looking at midnight that the band had shut down. But this other group started it because they weren't they weren't ready for the band to shut down. So they just made their own puke and they, they got so well that it was just crazy.

02:14:18:14 - 02:14:37:01
Our horses were still, you know, shuffling around in their hobbles and they were out there in the dark with glow in the dark Frisbees thrown them, hitting their horses. Well, you know, they were targets. They were doing it for fun and it would scare the hell out of the horses. And they would try to run in their hovels, and they couldn't and they would fall down.

02:14:38:01 - 02:14:59:16
And they thought that was just hilarious. That was great fun. And they get louder and louder and pretty soon we're at like two in the morning and they had no signs they were ever going to fucking stop, ever. And finally I walked over about half way to their to their camp and I yelled at them, get their attention.

02:14:59:18 - 02:15:24:17
I said, Hey, people are trying to sleep over here. Please, can you keep it down a little bit? That's it. That's verbatim what I said. I don't know. Maybe my tone always sounds angrier. I often, you know, angry, but. Yeah, but it was nicely said. And I said, Please. And instantly it was, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.

02:15:24:17 - 02:15:42:04
We're going to get you. We're going to kill you tonight, you motherfuckers. You know that. And and and it and I even retort, I just walked back to the camp and waited. I thought, well, maybe after a few minutes, you know, cooler heads will prevail and know somebody will get to them and shut the fuck up and slowly calm down.

02:15:42:04 - 02:16:11:08
We'll be able to sleep at some point. You know, maybe we hope that didn't happen. What happened was they wrapped it up even more. There's a bunch of kids over there also running around and they started running through our campsite and they threw it into our fire, some of which exploded, some of which stink. I don't know what it was.

02:16:11:08 - 02:16:32:22
And they thought that was hilarious. They would streak through the campsite, throwing shit into our fire and knocking over our little tables with dishes and shit like that. These were evil beings. These were satanic beings. And I meant to use those two words, evil and satanic. These were satanic people. And the adults could see what was going on.

02:16:32:23 - 02:17:03:02
They thought it was hilarious. That was good fun. That just great, great. Keep it up, boys, girls. It was girls. This was about half boys and girls. And the ages range from probably about probably about eight to up into the teens of the group that was running through the camp, probably eight or ten of those, I would guess, if only we'd had enough by now.

02:17:03:02 - 02:17:39:12
It's two. It's two in the morning. No other people there. A total of. I don't even know. I can't even guess. I'm guessing somewhere between 150 300 people camped in the main encampment area, which was 40 yards from the worst group. Of course, everybody there could hear them clearly. And nobody lifted a finger. Nobody lifted one finger to stop them or even say, hey hey, that's enough, guys, knock it off.

02:17:39:21 - 02:18:09:01
Nobody said one word and kid was scared and my wife was scared and my kid put him in the tent because I thought it was going to get ugly. And I finally reached the red light and I, you know, had a 30 minute handgun of some type, I think five rounds. And, you know, 30, 30 is not a fucking combat weapon.

02:18:09:01 - 02:18:31:05
It's you could do combat a sleeping deer. You know, that's about it. Certainly they were all or, you know, hundreds of guns and no radios, no cell phones in those days, no nothing. And I told my wife, okay, I know you're scared, you know, but you've got to do this. This is something you're going to have to do in your life.

02:18:31:05 - 02:18:53:12
And I'm sorry I can't leave this campground because they'll take it over. They'll take it or they probably rape you. Probably kill it. You'd probably steal everything. Set the shit, the horses on fire. I can't leave here. You're going to have to go, you know, take your little car. Nobody scraping down that fucking road and you go to any you can find where there's lights, a house, ranger station, fire station.

02:18:54:21 - 02:19:11:14
If you have to stop a car, if you don't block a goddamn highway and stop a car, you do that and you tell them, please, please call the police right now because we got a big fucking problem. And she didn't want to do it. She was just trembling and crying and she didn't know really where she was. She had followed me in there.

02:19:13:03 - 02:19:36:07
She just didn't know anything. And I said, Look, why we're springs, just remember that. Wrote it down. Why our springs was it's a known landmark place and you know, find the cops, tell them why we're springs. They'll bring it back out here. Okay You don't have to find your way back. And so she just sobbing and she gets in the car and she drives away.

02:19:36:07 - 02:19:59:23
God, I felt the sadness and the fear. It was palpable. Who was she? She had to go by this main body of the group to get out, and I expected them to stop her car and jerk her out and do God knows. What? Because these were satanic evil fucking entities. They don't get any worse. Well, yeah, they do.

02:20:00:00 - 02:20:24:03
I mean, they could be pedophiles know. Who knows if they weren't. And anyway, so she got past them and I slide really from that. And then she was gone a long, long time. I thought she was lost. You know, maybe she just pulled off the road somewhere crying. This is about fucking night. Was it the worst night of my life?

02:20:24:03 - 02:20:52:17
No. The worst night was when my wife died. This was the second worst nightmare. Eventually she came back and she had several sheriff's cars with her. And we told them the story and they said, okay, we got it, we're going to take care of it. And they walked over to the to the groups. And as soon as the sheriff's car pulled up, they had hidden all the beer cans.

02:20:52:17 - 02:21:18:02
And so the deputies went to the two deputies walking around. There was more in other cars. And the two deputies walked over to the first group and we couldn't hear what was said. And they were there about 10 minutes, 15 minutes maybe. And then they came back and they said, It's taken care of. They're going to shut up.

02:21:19:16 - 02:21:44:05
And I said, okay, that's great, thank you. But we want to pursue this further through the church and through. We want to go to the prosecutor on this. We're heading to another state because we can't fucking take it here. You people are crazy. We can't stay in Arizona crazier than New Mexico, crazier than any country I've seen in Southeast Asia.

02:21:45:01 - 02:22:16:08
Crazier than Cambodia. Fucking crazy, insane, clinically insane. That's how we shot it. Was, it was. It was Satan's fucking place. That's how we felt. And we said, Okay, fine. You settled them down for tonight, but they're going to wrap up again. They got a hold. They hit them tomorrow and tomorrow night. And we need to have some case numbers, some stuff like that, some some data, some specs and told them who I was, what I used to do.

02:22:18:01 - 02:22:35:10
So we can pursue this further once we're out of here. Then they said, Oh, no, we can't give you that. No, no, no, no, no. Case number, no, this is all handled. You what? I said, how do I know it's handled. And they said, well, they're going to be prevented from ever coming back here. And I said, Yeah, well, how are you going to force that?

02:22:36:02 - 02:22:58:17
Well, you know, we do the best we can, you know, and they showed me several sheets of paper. There were documents where they had recorded all of their vital statistics, you know, driver's and all that shit. You know, they said, Don't worry, we got it, we got it. It's taken care of. And they're not going to give you any more trouble.

02:22:58:17 - 02:23:13:13
And they wouldn't give me a copy of anything. Wouldn't give me a case, an incident number, nothing. Just nothing. And they said, okay, thank you very much for calling us and get in the car and let know. Actually, they did not know. Not not at that moment. We said, look, if you guys leave, they're going to be honest.

02:23:13:18 - 02:23:32:19
You're going to be honest. And we'll very good chance will die here tonight by some misdeed that's done in the dark. And nobody will ever know, even if even if the whole group saw them do it, the whole group will lie. Because now we know that they're evil. And so if you go and we're going and they said, okay, so we have everything up.

02:23:32:19 - 02:24:08:22
Took us a while, took 40 minutes, you know, you're putting up a trailer, the horses do all the fucking shit hook up the trailer dog. It was a quite a little routine and we followed them on out and went into a hotel like you. And shortly thereafter we left Arizona. What? You know, this thing never went back there to that state quite a while later, probably four months.

02:24:09:04 - 02:24:27:07
We got settled somewhere and I wrote to the Coconino County sheriff and said, okay, this is the incident that happened on such and such a date at such and such a time. Your deputies came and they did this and this, and they wouldn't give us a case number, incident number. They wouldn't give us any data that would give us anything.

02:24:27:07 - 02:24:49:03
Now, I want the data because we're going to pursue it. And the sheriff wrote back, said, no, that there's no record of anybody ever going out there. You know, we never heard of anything like that. And so I hit him with a FOIA request, Freedom of Information request for for some kind of incident number or something. And they wrote back and said, Nope, there's no record, no record on file and nothing ever happened out there.

02:24:50:20 - 02:25:28:19
And with that, oh, gee, you know, we're just stepping back further and further and further, seeing the bigger and bigger and bigger picture of the world. And we realized, oh, deputies are all Mormon. That whole area is Mormon. Deputies were Mormon. They're looking out for quote unquote, their people. It's called corruption. And I pursued the Coconino County sheriff for a long time, several months, had an attorney write to him, say, look, you know, this could be a big problem for you.

02:25:28:19 - 02:25:42:08
If you keep lying and saying nothing happened, they would just write back and say nothing happened. And increasingly they stopped writing because they knew they didn't have to. The deputies would swear. And so, you know, we never went out there. No. What are you talking about? How are you going to cut through that? You can't put them on a polygraph.

02:25:42:08 - 02:26:10:21
Well, they won't they won't take one volunteer waterboard them. You would have worked. They would like to reject you today, and I'd fucking you too. Well, 20 seconds until they pull it. When I put it on my answer, run the straw. Anyway We had no choice but to drop the enforcement end of it. So what we did was we had a database of pretty much every address in the country at that time.

02:26:10:21 - 02:26:36:14
It was on DVDs. I had suddenly 18 DVDs full of addresses the entire country, and I just did a search through the database for every LDS church within, you know, 50 miles of Flagstaff, 70 miles, whatever it is. And we made up a form letter to the LDS Church in that radius and said, look, this happened such and such a night, Wyoming Springs.

02:26:38:02 - 02:27:07:01
And we are offering like a five or $10,000 reward for the names of the people who who were the worst offenders. They were sent to every church, probably, I don't know, 60 churches, something like that. Within that whatever radius I chose, maybe 60, maybe 50, or 60 churches. And we thought at the very least, you know, nobody's ever going to give us the names, but we want to be sure to be aware of what had happened.

02:27:07:01 - 02:27:24:18
That was the main point of why we were doing it. Well, we thought at the very least, some percentage of them would write to us and say, God dang it. Well, they wouldn't said God, it was a dig it. We're really, really this happened. This is not our way. We're going to try to get you to the bottom of this.

02:27:24:18 - 02:27:47:01
And don't worry, we're going to handle this internally. We're going to handle it. Don't worry. Got you. We're really sorry we turned you away from the LDS Church. We weren't valuable, you know, we thought we would get some letters like that. Didn't know how many. I thought maybe 10% would write back something like that. And after some number of months, we had none.

02:27:47:01 - 02:28:11:08
We had zero. So we sent them all out again. Same letter, slightly reworded, never got a reply. And after about a year and a half we dropped the whole thing. We did, however, make a podcast about it and catch on in the Alien Anal Probe podcast collection that is marked LDS. I don't remember the episode number, but it's marked IL.

02:28:11:12 - 02:28:59:12
The yes, the whole story is with a lot more detail is on that in that podcast. Okay. So what I'm what I'm giving you here is an overview of why I left America. Yeah, but it happens in all Southeast Asian country with all countries. I that was some of the worst shit I had seen in my life. And it shook my respect for America and for Americans and just dropped it off at the ankles and then chopped it off with the Cavs and then dropped it off at the knees and then chopped it off the thighs and then removed the legs from the hips.

02:28:59:12 - 02:29:35:12
So that respect and these are just these are just a baby. Handful of the experiences that caused me to to that conclusion. Now, I know that people who they have a job or a profession, maybe they change that once or twice or even three times in their life. They go to work every day and they work, you know, in an office or something, and their lives are stable and they go around in and through life and they see tiny little hints of shit like this.

02:29:35:12 - 02:30:15:01
Not that many people. Well, no, it used to be that. Not that people had really horrible stuff like this happened. Now, in the 2000, it's just about everybody has experience. Things like this horrific, mind numbing things. Not too many people have experienced as many things as I have because my life has been active more than most by a factor of about 80.

02:30:16:09 - 02:31:01:16
And I just been around more. I just been out doing more things. And when you do that, you're going to experience more bad things. You're going to experience more good things too, but you're going to experience more bad things. And I did and I have hundreds or thousands of stories similar to these. Okay, so we return to our home state and after satanic Arizona, northern Arizona.

02:31:01:16 - 02:31:28:00
And I in one of my ranches, I had had to haul a lot of hay and so I bought a semi truck to do that and just taught myself to drive it and drove it will really, really well. And so when we moved back to her home state, I thought, well, that'll be a nice relaxing occupation, you know, I'll just do that for a while.

02:31:28:09 - 02:31:35:06
I had an online business going. It was just starting. It was doing good, doing it way better than I ever thought. I would.

02:31:37:11 - 02:32:16:10
But I had a lot of idle hours and I was working as a photographer also for a company and I also had been writing for national magazines for ten or 15 years before that. And they, at the height of it, making good money, I was getting $6 a word for my magazine stories. That was good money in the let's see, when was that would have been early eighties.

02:32:16:10 - 02:32:38:08
I could go to any newsstand any time, and there would always be a handful of magazines that had my stuff in them every month. And that was fun. That was that was nice. That was a validation of something and what the fuck it was. But money was good. The the fame was good. I did have a lot of trouble with magazine stealing my stuff.

02:32:38:08 - 02:33:00:14
I had to sue a number of them. I would start getting fan mail from some magazine and somebody watching me. I really enjoyed your article and such and such issue. And you, they did it. And I thought, what the fuck? What, what are you talking about? And I'd go, Look, I never heard of the magazine. They had taken the story from some other magazine and just copied it and published it in their magazine and never got permission, never paid me or anything.

02:33:00:14 - 02:33:15:21
And I would send them a letter saying, Look, you published this, you didn't pay for it, you don't have my permission, I want money. And they were saying, Oh, we got your permission. Now it's around the office here somewhere. We got it. Really. You signed a thing. I say show me, show me the fucking copy because I didn't.

02:33:16:18 - 02:33:34:03
And then in a number of cases, it got right into the courtroom the day of the trial, into the courtroom. The judge calls the case number. My attorney comes up and and the people say, well, we published it because we had permission, you know, and the judge said, let's see it. They said, well, we don't really have it.

02:33:34:03 - 02:33:59:10
You know, you can't find it or something like that. And the judge to Captain Grimm know it now and that's how it went quite a few times. And that's what what we're willing to start doing with these podcasts if people start stealing them. But I think one guy has already we haven't found he's put them, but we will and we'll make money.

02:33:59:10 - 02:34:23:02
So anyway, at that time, I, I thought truck driving was fun and I got a job doing it, but I was really good at it. I was surprised, employing three reasons or three years and I loved it. God, I loved it. I loved driving the machinery. I loved the operation of the machinery. It was like, you know, I loved the operation of a rescue tug.

02:34:23:16 - 02:34:42:23
You know, you're out there, it's blown 100 and you've got to get close enough to shoot a line over to a ship, you know, and it takes some skill to do it or get drowning people out of the water in a, you know, 20 foot season. It takes some skill to do that. And I, I did it and I was good at it and driving the truck was the same thing.

02:34:42:23 - 02:35:11:16
I've known people who were rich and they, they bought trains and just drove around. They would they would pay for the rights to go up and down some stretches of tracks. And they would just drive the trainer because it was so much fun to just properly, efficiently, competently operate that machine. Some people are just like to operate machines and do it really perfectly well, you know?

02:35:11:17 - 02:35:47:09
And that's how I was about trucks. I just loved it. I worked up to be the the corporation called safety officer. I was examiners to test the check driver for new hires and I was the examiner in and taught them also could instruct and so that was fun but the pay was the pay was like half of what I would pay someone to do housekeeping chores in one of the tugs.

02:35:47:09 - 02:36:07:18
You know, the old days, it was just pathetic. It was just absurd. I'd say there was no point in cash in the trucks, you know, just to go have a couple of pizzas, because it would just it was insanely insulting pay. And the conditions were horrible. They would squeeze you and squeeze you and squeeze you and make you run over for hours.

02:36:07:18 - 02:36:31:10
And and then if you got popped, your logbooks were over your hours that you well, you know, you shouldn't have gone over your hours. Well, and they and they would push you to run overweight and push you to run poisons without the proper papers. They would run you in bad equipment. And then when you got popped at a scale, you had paid fines.

02:36:31:10 - 02:37:00:13
You're supposed to, I guess, you know, dismantle the entire truck and check your refitting in every hose to see if there was a scrape mark on it or because it was a fake job in that respect. In the warehouse, people were the worst people on earth. They were petty, whiny, bitchy, moaning motherfuckers. I never seen a class of people like Warehouse people mocking hell.

02:37:00:13 - 02:37:27:09
We were bad. They were bad, the cops were bad. I got stopped at a school one time. I knew I was 100% legal. I was hauling poison. I had all the papers. I had the poison placards on the truck. These are big diamond, cheap, sticky things goes on the side of the trailer. The big and the regulation says they must be mounted vertically with one point pointing up, at one point pointing down.

02:37:28:05 - 02:38:02:12
Okay. So when I put that placard on the top point of the of the diamond, I didn't want to put it over a rivet on the side of the trailer because the ring would get under it and start making it come loose eventually. So I put the point, the top point of the diamond, about quarter of an inch, I suppose, off to one side of the rivet, not a half inch, quarter of an inch off to one side.

02:38:03:15 - 02:38:27:00
So from the top point of that diamond on the placard to the center of that little rivet that held the siting on the trailer, it was quarter to three eight of an inch. And on the bottom I put the point just not thinking about it. I just put the point the same distance to the other side of the river that it came to down there at the bottom.

02:38:27:00 - 02:38:49:14
I wanted the entire perimeter of that sticky placard to be sealed so that water wouldn't get under it and start making it come loose. You know, there were still rivets under the center of the the placard, but the water couldn't get in because the perimeter of of the sticky thing was sealed. You know what gets you okay so far?

02:38:49:22 - 02:39:11:05
You know who who would ever even click on that? So I rolled into the scale, but the flashlights. You pull over, bring papers, a couple of papers. They came up for inspection, couldn't find anything at all. I mean, they they would put a team on your truck and they will look for a brick hose that is a scuffle work like a shoe scuff.

02:39:11:15 - 02:39:46:18
You know, there's no there's no broken rubber. There is just a scuffed work on a brick and in the flag. And they'll say, okay, you got to replace that hose. You know, you got a call in a mechanic and cost you two or $300 to replace. That was because of the scuff marks. They delight in that shit anyway so they couldn't find anything and that sort of tipped them off because it's rare that they can't find anything, they don't like it and then they came to that placard and they said, Hey, we're going to cite you because that placard is not a vertical point.

02:39:46:18 - 02:40:05:15
You're not vertical, and in the left and right points are not horizontal. You know, they're off. Look at this, look at this, look at this. And they looked and I thought, what are you talking about? It's it's fucking horizontal. It's vertical, whatever the fuck. And then they pointed to that little gap between the top point of the triangle, a little gap between that and that and the rivet up there.

02:40:06:14 - 02:40:32:21
You quarter to three of an inch and on the bottom it was a quarter to three. It's of an inch. The other direction. And at that point you step back again in your life, you two step, step back again and try to absorb this bigger picture. It's like, oh, sure, my life I've learned, but all these other people are insane and evil.

02:40:32:21 - 02:41:05:08
And say, Cannick, now I have to include this group also. Okay, I get it. And I said, okay, please write me the site because I am calling the Sacramento Bee right now the bee here in our and pull up your weight and we're going to document this. We're going to put it on the news. Oh, well, you know, I suppose we can let it go this one time.

02:41:06:04 - 02:41:23:06
Fuck you. Write it up. I want the site like this is a broken law. So fucking broken law. Look at it. If you don't write motherfucker up as a citation, I'm going to turn you in for not following the law, motherfucker. Well, why don't you just get out of here? You know what? I want you to get. In that truck, you just go.

02:41:23:06 - 02:41:57:04
You just fucking go, you know? And I knew that would be the response. And we did that kind of thing was once a week. Once a week. I have a million stories like that. Every truck driver knows it. That's why of the ones who quit that's probably why most of them quit shit like that. They're tired of anal retentive, insane, satanic fucking law enforcement that just a thousand stories like that.

02:41:57:04 - 02:42:30:10
Okay, so I quit that. It was fun. God, I love the trucks. I love the trucks. Liquid it for for those reasons and. By that time my online business was doing quite well. Well enough too. I could go buy some airplanes and fuck around like that and had a lot of fun, a lot of fun flying stuff. I bought my first fixed wing know I had come from helicopters, but I never flown any fixed wing anything and I just bought one and they had a nearby airport, a big, long, grassy.

02:42:30:10 - 02:43:00:19
And I just, you know, I stood I knew all the series stick and rudder was my Bible, you know, that thing. I slept with it. I knew it backwards and forwards. I could quote any, any chapter, any line. I knew the theories and I knew how to fly helicopters and so I bought that airplane. I just took it out to the airport and I ran up and down the runway until I could hold the nose wheel, whatever altitude I wanted.

02:43:01:10 - 02:43:27:01
I could adjust for crosswinds. I could do everything. I just took off and I got a few more airplanes and I messed around, did this and that, and I finally did later go back and get some training for aerobatics in an IFR in Iowa, which I fucking hated, but I did it anyway. I kind of hated Jesus. There used to be a guy and I wrote for Flying magazine.

02:43:27:01 - 02:43:50:16
I wrote for Flying Magazine too. There's a guy in there called The Backs Seat. As I recall, he had a monthly thing, VIX setbacks, I suppose, was his name. Anyway, back seat, back seat. I don't know how to pronounce it, but anyway, he he had gotten to the point in his flying life where had to get with IFR and he didn't want to.

02:43:50:16 - 02:44:08:12
Oh my fucking God he didn't want to. He, he resisted it for years and years and years and years because he didn't want to and I didn't want but he did it. And I thought, well, you know, if this guy can do it, I can do it. So I got some fairly extensive IFR training and you know, to change the course, you know, that's a snap.

02:44:08:12 - 02:44:38:10
You just challenge the course, you know, it's not a problem. I see all these guys, you know, they go out and they spend, you know, I don't know, 20 grand formal lessons. Well, that's okay. You know, some people need them, you know, what are I remember I was up for first day or two. I had that stupid airplane and I was running up and down the runway.

02:44:38:10 - 02:44:56:14
There was no no traffic out there, no nothing, you could you could run up one way and hop off the ground and then land, you know, before you get to the end of the runway, you turn around, go back, and you do that again and again and again till you got the really good feel for stuff. And I was doing that one day and this guy came on and my wife was there watching and he just stood there.

02:44:56:14 - 02:45:22:22
Next rated what feels like I do, what the fuck? And she said, Oh, he's teaching himself to fly the and this guy was a long time pilot. He just laughed and laughed. We became very best friends. Very best friends for life. Lifetime friends. I die for you. You said he would for me. I love. He would say so.

02:45:22:22 - 02:45:52:07
After that I the the amazing running kind of wound down because I could not do fiction. And I ran on a stories, had a commercial diving monthly slot, and I sort of ran all of stuff I wanted to tell people and it ran out of stories and risky stories. You know, I published them all, and I couldn't I couldn't make the leap to fiction.

02:45:52:07 - 02:46:26:14
So I, I just wound stopped writing. We then moved to another state. I'm going to wrap this up in 13 minutes. Just Like last time we moved to another state and my wife was pretty big into the restaurant business. And so I played with that on the periphery for a while, didn't like didn't like your customers suck the customers customers are not always right.

02:46:26:14 - 02:46:51:21
They're hardly a great fucking. And I got into really, really hot motorcycles, you know, well over 200 miles an hour. And I couldn't get enough. I wanted to 50 or 300 and to 350. Fucking got it. I wanted more and more and more. It's an addiction. It's a it's a mental problem. When you get up into those speeds, it either bites you in the ass or it doesn't.

02:46:51:21 - 02:47:16:11
If it doesn't you you walk away and you live a long time, if it bite you, then you, you you just go to your mouth about the flame until you die. That's pretty much it. And I was. And what about the I was going to die. But something happened. And I got out of that. Then my wife complained.

02:47:16:11 - 02:47:35:13
She said she had a pain somewhere she couldn't really pin down. She thought she pulled a muscle. So we did some massages and got some muscle relaxers, maybe profit and stuff like that. That went on for a month or two and it just wouldn't go away. And then one night I got really bad, really, really painful, she said.

02:47:35:13 - 02:47:56:16
Got and I can't take this anymore. I can't take a pain. I can hardly breathe. I got to go. Go to the E.R.. So we had really, really good insurance. We drove up to the E.R. and they did a bunch of shit, and I couldn't really find anything. Well, we don't know. Maybe a pulled a muscle. And finally they said, you know, the only thing left we can do is a CAT scan.

02:47:57:14 - 02:48:21:11
Let's do it. Why don't you done it already? If I can do it, she's laying there in pain. They go on morphine. What the. What the fuck? What the fuck? Why did you stop doing nothing, you know? And I said, okay. And they took her in an hour or two later they came back. I said, Well, you know, the bad news, you got a huge mess center.

02:48:21:11 - 02:49:05:21
Your chest up the side of that. She left long in the in the center of the chest. And of course, that was the end of the world. And and we fought it for a year and it was lung cancer, as I recall. It was small. So smoking directly related to smoking. She had actually quit about two years before.

02:49:05:21 - 02:49:25:18
We got her she had tried every thing, like all of us had nothing worked. I did it just because I got pissed off and I got pissed off that Cigarets were controlling my life and I didn't want to be controlled and I fucking quit. Hardest thing I ever did with it. She. She liked to smoke and she liked it.

02:49:25:18 - 02:49:44:07
She did not want to quit. She really she would say that. A what? I do not want to quit. I like it. I enjoy it. In the rec world. You you have to you know, she was starting to get emphysema and we got her on a we tried everything every, you know, every cockamamie goddamn remedy in the world out there.

02:49:44:18 - 02:50:05:19
None of them work. We didn't find anything that worked. Even not even remotely. It was just joke after joke after joke at wasted money and wasted time. Half the shit made her sick and, you know, on five ounce of stuff called Chantix. That's the name of the US. It's got other names in other countries. See and I yucks Chantix.

02:50:05:19 - 02:50:28:04
It was expensive. A lot of warnings about side effects. No she had none at all. She took the first pill and the deal is you're not supposed to quit smoking. You just keep on smoking. You take the pills and you keep on smoking. You just do what you want. And she took the first pill one day, as I recall.

02:50:30:04 - 02:50:45:11
You're fine next to the one that's fine. Smoking. Smoking. Happy, everything's fine. And on about day five, she didn't want Cigarets anymore. She didn't want him. She had no willpower at all.

02:50:47:19 - 02:51:14:20
She never smoked again. Within two years, two and a half years later, the the lung cancer probably had already started by then. And it just manifest itself, you know, two and a half years later, small cell is, you know, totally incurable, you know, you can get outliers and fliers, you know, but probably 120,000, you can go five years.

02:51:15:05 - 02:51:53:00
Vast majority are gone. Two years. She was gone one year pretty much to the day. I think it was one day from her, from our anniversary. So another day or two, you know, that would have been 40 years. So, you know, we were so we were with her in the hospital. We knew she was going to go within hours.

02:51:54:00 - 02:52:52:02
She was very comfortable, medicated, well, somewhat lucid. And I sat with her in the bed and caressed her face. And then she was gone. And I just stayed there for about another hour. Christopher couldn't stop. And then something told me that she was gone. I mean, really gone. She had moved on. So we got up and went home.

02:52:52:02 - 02:53:17:04
I had a Hayabusa at that time. Hayabusa motorcycle 209 on a good day, two of my 209 miles an hour. I did it. I did it 800 miles an hour. Every place I went to do 150 miles an hour once a day, probably at least once a day. I did 200 or more a couple of times a week because it was a little bit stressful.

02:53:18:19 - 02:53:43:08
It was a fast yes and I couldn't get enough and I would go places, you know, I'd go somewhere to meet a friend or something, go to their house. And I would say, okay, you know, Exodus up there, middle way, I can see in the distance on the horizon. So times start slowing down, you know, routinely I did this.

02:53:43:08 - 02:54:18:21
So I start slowing down on the brakes. On the brakes. On the brakes. On the brakes more. Jesus Christ, how much can they take? You know, only remember the exit would go by. I'd look down. I'm still doing a 119, you know, fucking hard. It was hard to get used to my dad. I never really adapted the night after, after we lost her, I went down to meet some other family and we didn't cry.

02:54:18:21 - 02:54:52:01
We just sat their mouths open, staring like guppies, you know? Well, 1:00 in the morning I decided to go home to empty house and raining just pitchforks just poured. And I had a long straight stretch. It was a five mile stretch, no more like eight miles straight flat freeway. There's one or two in the morning. I knew the stretch I lay there was only one or two places the cops could hide that night.

02:54:52:02 - 02:55:35:17
I didn't care. Pouring torrential rain to open a door. I got to go to like a 2 to 9 and drive a 2 to 6 on what opened the door hoping for the hydroplane in the slide, in the sparks, in the crash. All right. In a way, it didn't happen. It should have got home started the next few weeks, you know, started cleaning up the fares, had a lot of money, a lot of money in the bank, had money coming in.

02:55:36:22 - 02:56:10:21
I given away my online business and I was still getting royalties on that and would for life lesson would write in workbook. So I had good money at that time. Good. I got all your fears cleaned up and moved out of the house. What? Stayed with family? Little room, quiet little room. Get some peace played with my cat.

02:56:10:21 - 02:56:44:12
And then I knew when I was done. Done with you as well. A shit could happen to my life. Ten, 20,000 more things than I mentioned here. These are just tiniest baby. Handful of a few of the highlights. It's been a busy busy, busy fucking life that I was done with the US. That was the capper. Not that the U.S. did this to her.

02:56:44:12 - 02:57:14:20
It just maybe was her saying, Look, now it's time to get out. I don't know. I knew I wanted to go to Southeast Asia. I loved Canada and Alaska. They were my home, where I belonged, where I was born into genetically. But Southeast Asia was I wanted that to be my new home if I could. I don't know why.

02:57:14:20 - 02:57:40:23
It was just, you know, go back to those cartoons when I was five that the bugged me then was still nipping at me. I was a lot more fortunate than lots of guys. I had money. That money, so I could go anywhere in the world, any fucking place that I wanted. And I didn't have to worry about too much of anything.

02:57:40:23 - 02:58:05:00
I could buy my way out of any problem anymore. Lots of guys don't have that. I'm still going to tell you how I can do how you can do it. If you don't have that, I'm still going to teach you how to do that as best I can. There's still to be a few guys who can't do it, but I'm going to more guys are going to know how to do it when I'm done with this podcast than if I didn't make the podcast.

02:58:06:22 - 02:58:35:13
So I got to map South East Asia and I did the pin the tail and the donkey. No, I closed my eyes. Map was in front of me was on the screen actually and I just took my hand or something, circled around with the finger up to this place. My first country, my finger, shit, that's where I was going to go.

02:58:37:08 - 02:58:57:21
And it happened to fall on Thailand, probably because it's like in the center that region. So I knew nothing about Thailand, nothing. I never had the slightest desire to go to any place called Thailand, to Phuket, Thailand. What is that? I had no idea what that was. I never heard anything about, never knew anybody who went. There is nothing.

02:58:59:16 - 02:59:42:02
But it didn't matter. I didn't know really anything about any country and Vietnam, but so that was my destination sent off, got a visa with a new passport. But the flight was out of there in under a week. No, I didn't take it. I took my most prized possessions, my good cameras and stuff like that. You know, I arrived in Bangkok after hideous flight, looked around the Philippines a little bit, but didn't really like it.

02:59:42:20 - 03:00:20:01
I needed I needed to go. Philippines was too westernized for me. I needed to go to a foreign exotic, crazy place to see what was the most exotic shit I could find. That's where I needed to be in the center of that. And so Thailand was just fine. It was a good choice. It was a good, good, random choice of of the finger, you know, ended up and landed in Bangkok, had had a hotel reserved, turned out to be a dick and nice hotel.

03:00:20:17 - 03:00:54:21
The bad looking first few days I would go outside where I came from pretty, cold climates most of my life. The first few days I would go outside, everything so fucking alien. I just was stupefied, speechless. Walking around like a fucking tourist, you know? I swore I wasn't going to be a fucking tourist. Was. And I would walk.

03:00:54:21 - 03:01:26:19
I would have the intent to take go walk somewhere. Like there was a busy street. I could see a really busy avenue about five blocks away. I could see the cars and the shit, big buildings. And I want to go there. I want to go there. And so I'd go outside and bottle of water, start walking, I get a block walk and I got to sit down and I rivers of sweat, exhausted, couldn't breathe.

03:01:26:19 - 03:01:53:00
I was dizzy. That water was gone in that first 30 yards. You know, I'd sit down a little while and then I just what I thought was maybe enough strength to get back to the hotel. I can stagger back in and flop down on the bed, take a shower, change clothes, drink another fucking three liters of water, you Jesus Christ, and I did that every day, maybe two times a day.

03:01:53:18 - 03:02:23:21
And I just got to go a little further, a little further before finally I made it. I don't know, after like two weeks and I made it all the way to that busy street, and I had pushed myself to get there and then I couldn't make it home. I, I thought I was going to die, probably at the very least pass out and get my pockets rifled, you know, I was looking around for a cop telling me, look, I can't make it home, you know, can you call me a cab?

03:02:24:05 - 03:02:43:19
Because I can't even flick. My brain's not even functioning. I'm I'm done here. I'm going. Sit here. Die. If you can't help me, I couldn't find a cop. Turns out there aren't really any street cops down there. Few and far between. And so I found some kind of a seven letter thing, but a shitload of liquids guzzled them.

03:02:44:17 - 03:03:11:05
And then I could walk like 30, 40 meters towards home, stop drinking half a liter, 30 meters, stop drinking half a liter was to take an hour and a half to make it back to the hotel from five blocks. Everything was so alien. There was no English. There was not a word of English created, written. Nobody spoke a word of English except one in the hotel.

03:03:11:05 - 03:03:52:17
She smattering of English, really terrible English. And that was my first time in South East Asia. Mother fucking excited it was over. So fucking exciting. It was just oh god, it was everything I ever dreamed. All the misery and the pain and the delight in the wonder in the basement and the fear and the stress. Yes, I was living.

03:03:52:17 - 03:04:41:09
I know now could be long time to figure it out. I know now positively. I know. Yeah. After that middle of the night, right on the highway, about 206 miles an hour through the rain, it. Yeah, after that, something kicked me and ass kicked me a fucking ass combat boot to the middle of the back. And that was my wife, of course.

03:04:41:09 - 03:05:05:14
Okay, so that's my that's how I got to Southeast Asia. That's my some basic highlights of my background. That's how I got to Southeast Asia. And in number three will continue onward. From there, we're going to go through experiences what I shot, what I saw, what it was like, how I learned to get around, how I learned to survive.

03:05:05:14 - 03:05:34:07
And everybody who's thinking about doing this war dreams of doing it. You need to follow and listen to every detail because it's all shit that you're going to experience if you come anywhere. Southeast Asia, the Southeast Asia. In Southeast Asia. There are differences in all the countries, but it's still Southeast Asia. There are commonalities in all the countries to as many commonalities as differences.

03:05:34:07 - 03:06:00:00
It's a wondrous place for people who can relax and accept it. If you can't, you're going to fucking hate it. You're going to be out two months, three months, four months, six months, tops, probably. I've got a friend right now who's at that point he's he's become one of those angry expats and he just bitches about every motherfucker.

03:06:01:06 - 03:06:25:19
Sent me a text a couple of minutes ago. Well, he's just unhappy with this and unhappy with that anal retentive little things that wouldn't make you would make anybody unhappy. But he's unhappy. And I feel for him. I've tried to to sort of bring it back on track. So, look, you know you're here. This is the way it's done here.

03:06:26:04 - 03:06:52:09
Accept it. Just relax. You're going to die and they're not going to care. So, you know, kind of knock down the Karen now you'll enjoy things a lot more than I. I'm going to describe to you that the mentality that it takes to be okay here, not everybody can do it. There's lots of who just can't do it and probably shouldn't even try.

03:06:53:08 - 03:07:14:07
Well, maybe I can help you prepare your mind for what you're going to find here, what you're going to experience, and just I can't really tell you how different how different it's going to be than whatever Western country you're in, because you're not going to you're not going to believe it. You're not going to accept it. You're not going to be able to relate to it.

03:07:14:13 - 03:07:36:23
You're going to take a lion. I generally, you know, people that I knew back in the world and other world, people ask me all the time to tell us what it's like. And I used to and they would say, Well, why would you make shit up the fuck you be talking about? That can't happen. Can't happen anywhere in the world.

03:07:36:23 - 03:08:07:20
It's like, okay, don't ask me anymore, you know, you don't want to know. Don't fucking ask me. I experienced it all in almost every Southeast Asian country I lived in. Almost all of them. And I think I experienced every major point that there was to experience. I crisscrossed Thailand how many times on every kind of motorbike. So the good, the bad and the ugly have some breathtaking memories.

03:08:07:20 - 03:08:39:14
Lots of real points of anger, rage. So we're going to go through this. We're going to start now. We've finished all the preliminary stuff. You got a foundation kind of sort of know where I'm coming from, how I got here. And now it's time for you to start. Really listening and ask yourself, can you do it? Can you thrive here?

03:08:39:14 - 03:09:02:18
So that's where we go next. Okay, now we're way over even my red line of time where we over. I hope we can still see this video, these videos. The sources are like 11 gigs, you know, Jesus Christ. And then I got the Whitlam, the Whitlam comparison in comparison and try to get them down to something that somebody can can download, listen to.

03:09:03:15 - 03:09:25:20
Okay, we'll be done. Next one will be number three. This is number two. Probably showed it before all tapes of copyright 2023 stock falls worldwide. Can't be seen anywhere except on our servers. Tell us we'll sue the fuckers. Send you a third. Send you a third of the one. Sometimes they're big, sometimes. And sometimes the reward can be, you know, 20 grand.

03:09:26:11 - 03:09:48:13
Ten is not ten is not uncommon at all 28 pretty good, depending on how much they stole and how much they and how they used. It can go 30, 40, 50 grand or send you third. That's our guarantee. We do it for can do it. You got to wait for the trial or or you got to wait for a settlement.

03:09:49:20 - 03:10:20:20
But 30% is well worth it to us to get these motherfuckers and get the word around to all the other snowflakes that they can't fucking do it. I don't know if things are going to go on YouTube. YouTube? Yeah. We hate, loathe and detest YouTube. We've got a smattering of just a tiny handful of shit on there, just waiting for YouTube to flag it off because they will, you know, I think they flag off every single piece of content that they've ever had on their in their system just because they like to, I don't know.

03:10:22:03 - 03:10:47:12
They're becoming less and less credible in the world. I don't know if we'll put these on YouTube or even on the RSS, and I'm not sure they might only exist on our particular servers in the US. Okay. Anyway, we're done. We're so far over that. Jesus. Okay. Thank you very much and good evening. You know, good night. Good afternoon.