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SE Asia Chronicles Podcast Transcript #7


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This is an auto-generated speech-to-text transcript of a SE Asia Chronicles Podcast


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00:00:00:11 - 00:00:12:10
Good afternoon from Southeast Asia. God bless. It doesn't matter how many times I clear my throat before I record.

00:00:15:00 - 00:00:36:15
Too lazy to edit that out. Don't care at all. Or you don't care about a lot of stuff and it's glorious. Oh okay. This will be episode number seven. Episode or volume number seven of the Southeast Asia Chronicles. The things. Oh, Rocky, start there. Okay.

00:00:39:14 - 00:01:20:04
All tapes are copyright, all images, all text. Everything is copyright by stock photos. Worldwide stores, worldwide. Dot com. Okay. That's where you got to go. Let's see if you like aliens go to they claim dot com. And if you listen to enough of those tapes, you won't like aliens any more. Oh, okay. Those are designed to even scarier.

00:01:20:04 - 00:02:08:18
And they will scare one. Even though he stuffed. All right, let's see. This is number seven. We in the first few weeks are laid the groundwork for why I left the U.S. and why you might want to also. Specifically, you're not going to have the same specific problems that I did, but you're going to probably be experiencing or have experienced the same kinds of problems or I know an awful lot of guys they have or they had a bad marriage, maybe some bad kids do.

00:02:09:17 - 00:02:31:11
Plenty of those. What percentage of guys have a bad marriage? Excuse me. Jeez. What the hell? That's inexcusable. In the US, it's probably really, really bad.

00:02:34:15 - 00:02:47:16
60%. 65%. Outwardly bit nasty. Both of them want out quietly. Bad.

00:02:50:04 - 00:03:21:18
80%. If I. If I. Yeah. I think that's pretty accurate. 55% will end in divorce because they just can't take it anymore. And pretty much all the time, one of them will take the other one to the cleaners. Let's see which one could be. Oh, yeah, it's that one. Okay, so I was lucky I didn't have that. Well, I was lucky she died.

00:03:22:16 - 00:03:30:20
Yeah, so that makes me really unlucky.

00:03:33:10 - 00:04:09:02
40 years of hard fought. But most guys don't have that experience. If you do, then I'm happy for you. But most of those guys went out because the women and equally, the thing that wears on is what the Western countries have become. Crazy. You're insane. You're insane asylums. You're living in a crazy house. I mean, you really are.

00:04:11:10 - 00:04:55:00
Can you do that? Just like. I don't have to read in the last year. We got you to Bangkok. We got that for. No, I can't even see the screen. Oh, yeah. Rocky, start. Rocky, start cooking with your sauce. Bangkok. We got you in a hotel. When I first went to Bangkok, I chose a hotel that was kind of lower end.

00:04:55:00 - 00:05:18:02
Wasn't wasn't horrible, but it was lower. Like, I paid a reserve, a reserved for, like, a month. I paid 30 bucks, 20 bucks in 2023. And then I thought, well, it's going to be a flop house. You know, it's going to be shit, but I'm, you know, okay, for a while I'll look around and I got there and I was just stunned.

00:05:18:08 - 00:05:58:20
It was two and a half bedrooms, really. Two bedrooms, a little tea room, TV room, master bedroom, one huge big king bed, silent piece coin, air conditioner, every room, huge TV. I was like, No, this can't be right. There was no that was a long, long, long time ago. It's not like that so much anymore. The prices have gone way up, but you can very often find really stinking nice rooms in Bangkok.

00:05:59:11 - 00:06:25:21
So hopefully you're in one. You're not in some flop shit hostel fuck piece of shit. And we've gone through, you know, okay, you're sitting there and you're bored and you're sick and you want to find a girl. But I've told you all the ways not to find a girl, which means just about all of them in Bangkok, at least.

00:06:25:21 - 00:06:50:11
I don't know of a good way to find a girl in Bangkok. I don't know. I don't know. Anyway, unless you. Unless you're there while you learn a language, you learn a language or the world becomes your oyster. So if you're not going to go for, say, two years and you're in a Western country and you're sure you want to go to Thailand, really, really sure.

00:06:50:18 - 00:07:16:16
Because you do want to spend two years learning the language of Thailand. And then at the last minute you feel you're really sure you're going to Thailand. Good, godly learn. Go to school, go to school, pay, you know, pay, pay, learn from a Thai, not for a fucking Russian or some stupid good. I hate to learn it from a native Thai and learn it thoroughly.

00:07:17:07 - 00:07:43:23
Put in the hours, do the homework, do all the little exercises they want you to do. And when you get to Bangkok, the world is your oyster. And I mean that with a pearl in the middle, you're going to have so much fun you just can't even comprehend it. Your head's going to explode if you don't do that, if you don't learn the language, a smattering of language will help you a little bit.

00:07:43:23 - 00:08:13:13
But if you get semi fluent, you own it, you own that city, you own it. And that's how you're going to find the higher quality girl. If you grow like I did, you're going to be lucky and find a nice one, or you're just going to get stepped on and screwed over and raped for the ass by their lady boyfriend or something like that.

00:08:13:13 - 00:08:37:19
Okay, so how did I do it? I mean, sitting around Bangkok for a while and my family created some kind of a page somewhere. I don't even know where they put it. Maybe it was some old Facebook thing or some kind of a blog page or something. I'm not sure. I even went to it and looked in anyway.

00:08:37:19 - 00:08:55:11
They put my pictures and they did this and that and they kind of hyped it up a little bit and they said, okay, this guy's going for a trip, you know, maybe around the world. But right now I started with Southeast Asia and, you know, he's going to send photographs and he's going to blog in here and tell you everything he's doing, what he's saying.

00:08:56:21 - 00:09:24:14
And I thought, yeah, that's going to go over really well. You know, you're going to get to visitors, you're going to be family. You know, it went crazy in the beginning. It was crazy, crazy video and crazy. And I think I saw I didn't even post on there. I sent a couple of pictures, two or three pictures to the family and they posted them and then I wrote a couple of things to family and they posted there and that was about it.

00:09:24:21 - 00:09:47:23
That's it. I just stopped so busy and overwhelmed and stressed and I stopped. And anyway, some girl, some tiger saw that thing how she would because it was a U.S. thing and there were no Thai language on it. I don't know how in the hell she ever figured out that was what it was about or anything else, and had some contact point for me.

00:09:48:16 - 00:10:15:09
And she e-mailed me and said, Hi, how are you? I see you're in Bangkok. I live in Bangkok. I was born and raised in Bangkok and I would like to meet you if you want to meet me. And she was quite cute with 26. What the hell the hell is this? Oh, oh. Scams I get like scam scams.

00:10:15:09 - 00:10:32:05
Girls get you. And I think I ignored her for a while and she kept right and kept writing and she was really nice. You know, I can take your clothes off or anything. Didn't have any tattoos and didn't ask for money. And I thought, Oh, well, she'll get a lunch, you know, we'll go to a lunch. But you know, I can't hear anything.

00:10:32:05 - 00:11:06:18
I'm lonely and I don't even know where to go to lunch. So at least she can help me get in a cab, take me to lunch, you know. Okay, so we did that and she was a very shy, very, very traditional Thai girl. Her dress was dressing. Habits were very modest, nice girl, nice girl. And I don't know what she wanted from me.

00:11:06:18 - 00:11:26:03
I was in no position to be romantic at all. I didn't ever thought in my head my wife should have been gone for a number of months. And I figured, well, I've done one for my life. I'm not going to have any romantic thoughts, you know, for the rest of my life or I didn't want to entertain them.

00:11:26:14 - 00:11:48:08
I thought, well, this this is this is a blessing because that all my life is over. It's done. You know, I did it. I enjoyed. It's gone. Thank you. Do not move on to some of the kind of shit you know, taking pictures or something, them any way. So she hung around with me for a long, maybe two months.

00:11:49:07 - 00:12:08:05
I think she lived quite a ways away, but it's no big deal. I whenever she wanted to come, I paid her taxes. It was pennies in those days, just praying. And she didn't get ripped off because she was tired. Oh, she did. Motor motorbike taxis. Yeah. So that which that truly was pennies. You know, most of the time she did motorbikes.

00:12:08:05 - 00:12:33:21
Okay. So she would stay in my hotel sometimes and sleep on the sofa, slept in the bed. She had some little work thing that she did. She did embroidery or something for some clothing maker, something like that. Little, little sewing jobs. She could do them all and she would bring that work with her. And so she would just sit there and watch TV.

00:12:33:21 - 00:13:13:04
And so she had air conditioning. So that was I went to her room in downtown Bangkok one time and there was a tiny, indescribable room, no windows. It was in the middle of the building, no windows. And woke up about four or five floors, all everything stained and stinky, cockroaches everywhere, screaming kids, drunk and tons of music. I think she had 12 people staying in that room and they were all just doing the best they could.

00:13:13:04 - 00:13:39:12
You know, a mix of guys and girls. And they were just doing the best they could, just trying to scrape up the rent every month. The rent, God, it was like 30 or $35 a month and they could barely meet between a dozen of them. They could barely. And she had to do that work. You know, if you want to come over you, me, she just had to bring their workers she couldn't afford one day not doing that work.

00:13:39:20 - 00:14:11:20
Pennies a day. Pennies it. And everybody was hopeless and hungry, hungry, literally hungry in Massachusetts or worse. Bangkok at that time was just full of those situations. But there's plenty of them now. They're not quite as bad off. You know, they've their standard of living has come up 30% in the last ten, 11 years. So anyway, she was a good girl.

00:14:11:20 - 00:14:37:03
Her English was terrible, which was a good thing. I mean, she didn't come from the bars, us. She could speak a little bit. We would usually that was more frustrating than anything else. And so we would just use Google Translate or something. And so, you know, our conversations were silent, were just like, okay. And she took me everywhere.

00:14:38:04 - 00:15:15:19
I saw everything there was to see in Bangkok all day, every day. That's what we did. We went looking everywhere. Sometimes she would have a friend join us. Not too often. I learned after a while that she was a little bit on the cranky side and that was a little bit wary. But I thought, well, you know, people are different, you know, or cranky too, so help she would negotiate a cab.

00:15:16:03 - 00:15:46:14
Maybe the fare was going to be a dollar 90. She wouldn't stop until she got $4.82. You know, make sure I never get ripped off. Make sure I never got food poisoning, which is rampant. We'll cover that later. So I got lucky with this girl. I get lucky and I don't know. I suppose she thought we were going to be boyfriend and girlfriend at some point.

00:15:46:14 - 00:16:28:16
She had been thinking that. Never kissed her, never hugged her. Ties are ties are not big on hugs. Most Southeast Asians are not too shy for you to reserve most ties, particularly to kiss. They don't like to kiss and they really hate facial hair. They hated. But even if you don't have even I shaved my after a while they kiss the hug a little bit that they're you know I told you before that we call them starfish in bed.

00:16:28:16 - 00:16:59:20
We call them starfish because, you know, starfish is starfish. Okay, look out for you. Don't know. Anyway, this girl, she was with me five days a week and we just did everything there was to do. I did Bangkok except for the bar scene. I did Bangkok. We did it in two months, all day, every day, every single place you could go.

00:16:59:20 - 00:17:35:19
And I learned God either the amount of money I had was incomprehensible to her, let alone how many blocks she was making per month. Probably, probably 600, but remarkably, about $20 a month. And of course, you could eat all of that. You know, and all the people in her room, the ten or 12, it fluctuated. But, well, none of them were making more about $20 a month each.

00:17:35:19 - 00:18:04:14
So they were just poor, poor, poor, poor people. You know, they had a little lamb and there's no possible way to even street food. They had a appropriate bur just an open propane burner, just almost like a blowtorch. And they had that in the room hook to appropriate take, you know, five gallon propane tank there in the room and had it fashioned some kind of a grill thing over the top of the thing.

00:18:04:14 - 00:18:38:10
That's how they cook. It's the cook, the rice or anything they want to cook. Mostly rice doing it was mostly rice. Mostly rice and fruit they would go get kind of. So I spoiled fruit from the street sellers who couldn't sell to the fillings anymore. It real cheap, scrounge a little bit of meat to go in there. And that was a done and so that's what I did for the first couple of months in Bangkok.

00:18:38:10 - 00:19:23:16
If you're not that lucky, you're not going to last in Bangkok. If you're alone in Bangkok, can't speak any language, you're not going to last. It's going to get to you. You are going to end up in some tourist area where there's English. How can you get lucky like I did? I don't know, because the odds are, you know, about a million, million, million percent that anybody looking at my blog thing up there on a U.S. server would have been a scam or just another scam like always do.

00:19:24:08 - 00:20:00:17
So to find her was or for her to find me was stupidly lucky. By all rights, my nightmare should have begun the first time a doctor, because they do for most of the guys, almost all of the guys, I would say, do you go to Bangkok? You got to go to Bangkok. Everybody has to do Bangkok. You know, you're not going to have hardly any fun.

00:20:00:17 - 00:20:18:23
You're going to take cabs around, you're going to go on the Internet and the Internet's going to say, Well, you got to go here. You got to go there, and you got to see this and go see that. Okay, so you're going to get cabs, you'll be free to the motorbikes more. But taxis do well. I mean, yeah, you should be.

00:20:18:23 - 00:20:44:10
But, you know, you're going to get a much better rate, negotiate the rate, even if you get straight ten times to get through between the Thai and English, you know, write it down, translated on your phone and agreed to the rate to go some place because it motorbike jacks we don't have meters so you're going to say I want to go to the palace.

00:20:44:10 - 00:21:08:07
You know how much and they're going to say 400. But you know, no. And you just walk away and you go to the next one. You say, how much palace? And he's going to say, because you just heard the first of these guys, 300 and the first one's going to rob and he's going to say, okay, 220 button.

00:21:08:20 - 00:21:33:15
I don't know. I think about you go to the maximum, okay? You do like it and pretty soon you're going to get it for 80. But it was a pain in the ass. Some places it's not so bad, but Bangkok is. So look at some other places worse. And so you just take whatever taxi out. If you're taking whatever taxi and you go to these places, go see the temple.

00:21:33:15 - 00:22:00:14
You go. I mean, the palace. You know, pretty soon if you're going around temple hopping, you're going to become really quickly like Chevy Chase of the Grand Canyon and it would or that was summer vacation or whatever the song was. If they go to the Grand Canyon and the kids are, oh, my God, oh, my God, look in the Chevy Chase, what walks up to the edge?

00:22:00:14 - 00:22:28:00
And it looks for okay, let's go. After about your third or fourth temple, that's going to be you. But still, you know, take the pictures, go to the temples, take the pictures, and then you can say you did it. Okay, there's a shitload of stuff to see. There are some floating markets where they have some little piece of water.

00:22:28:00 - 00:23:02:20
Maybe it's a swampy, little sleuthing and they got these long boats paddling around in there and they're trying to sell you ship should be down the hill docks and you sit there and or you can walk around and they'll pull up to you and try to show you some populism, souvenirs and coconuts and whatever the fuck. And you can barter with them, you know, and they'll sell you shit and then what they're trying to do is take you back to the old, old, old days of Thailand before they had roads because they didn't really have horses too much in Thailand.

00:23:02:20 - 00:23:32:11
So jungly, it's not horse country. You know, fucking lions are, you know, more than snakes go. And horses didn't really thrive in Thailand. We had some but not everybody. So they walked everywhere. Get ride a monkey. So they walked and paddle on a boat was better than walking. So that's what they did. And they got the slaves. And then ponds and swamps and shit and they just used them to get around.

00:23:32:16 - 00:23:59:02
And so naturally the markets grew up from those. And so these places nowadays are trying to take you back to that thing in The Tourist. Oh, you just see, they, they go to great lengths to try to make it look real or not. That's fucking sacred for the tourist. There is one that used to be one in northern Bangkok, quite a ways outside of town.

00:23:59:02 - 00:24:28:08
That was a real interesting building because, you know, and they didn't want either one there. It was for their own people. The whole community lived on a network of the rivers and swamps and shit, and that was still how they did things and they were happy and they didn't want bothered. And so, Tiger, a friend took me up there, got to see that when you go there you sh sorry.

00:24:28:08 - 00:24:53:15
In Thailand they mostly want you to wear nice clothes because they're just kind of like that. And when you go to a place like that, you don't you wear normal clothes anyway. So you go to all kinds of places like there's a few crappy museums and you can travel around. You go to lots and lots of restaurants, you're going to get food poisoning.

00:24:53:15 - 00:25:15:06
Hopefully you studied, you know, the what to take to Thailand. And they're going to tell you certain kinds of antibiotics in Thailand. The over the counter in the US, of course, you get $180 to some doctor, right. You get the same thing that's over the counter in Thailand. So you took those and you took your your poopy meds, you know, what's it called?

00:25:16:09 - 00:25:59:15
There's a bunch of different brands of it, but it's anti pooping medicine. Take about a hundred packets of those. You got to be you need them. You're going to get food poisoning. You're going to get salmonella. Oh, you're going to get E coli. Not so much, but still, a lot of you are both together in hospital quite a few times, but ten times in one year, when I was still stupid enough to insist on eating street food, you're going to get sick in the regular, traditional restaurants.

00:25:59:15 - 00:26:33:11
How often? One or five? One out of five. Probably in the street. Food is going to be a little more like one over three. And you going to be sick for 12 to 72 hours, you know, next to your toilet. Most people who stay there a long time, they learn to get the street food. Yes. Yeah. I used to read these travel blogs.

00:26:35:03 - 00:27:01:06
Some fucking school tourist would be writing a travel blog and they would say, people ask me, is the food safe in Thailand? Oh my God, of course it is. Those people are great cooks and they don't want their own family to get sick either. You know. Oh, you can eat anything you want. Fuck you stupid fucking dipshit, uneducated newbie fucking moron.

00:27:01:06 - 00:27:31:08
You're going to get sick. You're going to get sick. I didn't get sick for the first couple of months because I had that girl. She knew where to go. She got me good, good food. She somehow, instinctively knew. Anyway, so take your meds. If you're having a long, bad stretch, you know where Whoopi comes and goes for a couple of weeks.

00:27:31:08 - 00:27:51:18
It's going to happen, and you just can't seem to get over whatever now. God, hell, could be parasites really gone. A lot of times. Just take an anti parasite med like every six months. Cause I figured, well, if I have any symptoms, you know, they will have soon. So they just do a cleaning every six months or whatever.

00:27:53:01 - 00:28:29:05
It's a very routine hospital. Put me through that a few times. Oh, that ain't fun. Because if you were puking before, you're really going to put one. No, I mean, you could propel yourself. So sure it's going to get you. You got to do it anyway to learn and see and experience as you do there. Probably most of us not going to kill you.

00:28:30:09 - 00:28:58:07
Some of you know, if you still don't have a girl. Okay. Okay. As you're going around, as you're going around, you're going to be in restaurants and cafes in the store and oh, God, everywhere. And I don't care how old or ugly you are, girls are going to hit on you. Doesn't matter what your age is. They're going to be 18, 19, 20, 25, 27.

00:28:59:16 - 00:29:28:00
Well, after about 27, they kind of stop hitting because they think they're too old and nobody would ever want if they're 30, they're aghast. They might be gorgeous, gorgeous. But the culture is such that they're being told they're too old and nobody wants. So they won't. They'll they'll look shyly, but they won't be like the 23, 24 year olds who just lock on stare.

00:29:28:03 - 00:29:50:04
I want you, I want you right now. Okay. You're going to run into those. Well, how many times you depending on where you are, you might run into that five times an hour. No, I'm not shooting you. You think I you know, my friends would ask me, what's it like? And I would tell them, come on, come on, come on, just tell us the truth.

00:29:51:11 - 00:30:35:03
Well, that's the truth. Oh, that's absurd. Do they really love your soul? No, of course. You want to have some young tie that's got some money with the no ties 70 money. So you're the next best thing. You get money. They do all this health issues. So East sees a differently than the West. If you're three or four years older than some girl in the West, she's going to treat you like a fucking leper.

00:30:35:03 - 00:31:19:08
If she's 32 and you're 36, are you fucking with me? Just get. Get away! What are you fucking pervert? What? Why would I want you? You nasty old bastard? Okay. And that's pretty good in Southeast Asia. They got two things going on in their teeny little brains. One is that they want your money. They think about this if they don't have a good provider, a man is a good provider, they're not going to eat will eat shit that are going to be sick.

00:31:20:14 - 00:31:43:23
I mean, Thais think they're immune to bad food. No, they're not. They get sick about 10% less than us, but they still get sick. Every girlfriend. I had to get sick almost as much as me, and she'd been there puking your brains out and and, you know, getting out the other end and moaning in it. But she said, Well, you know, I'm not as sick as you because I'm Thai.

00:31:43:23 - 00:32:12:04
And, you know, you look like you've got three hooves in the grave there, lady. Anyway, if they're poor, they're dirt poor. They're going to be eating shit food. They're going to be sick a lot. They do have government medicine. It's fucking work. And I'll tell you a story later. A friend of mine died from they know this, they know what shit they know.

00:32:12:04 - 00:32:48:05
If they get sick, they can die because they can't get good medical care. So they're looking at you from the standpoint of God they know. And and also it's they perceive older men especially shillings as being more stable not partying so much they gamble. A lot of them don't drink like they're fucking stupid. Thai boyfriends did. Probably not going to beat them.

00:32:49:05 - 00:33:12:19
So they got those you get those perks going for you. They're looking at you through that, through those glasses. But also, the more your money, that's probably the biggest motivator. They want your money because not just like some of them just want your fucking money because they want to go use it and gamble and buy gold and stupid asinine shit like that.

00:33:14:16 - 00:33:44:07
But the smarter ones want your money because they know they're thinking God like it's dirty food. It's not going to make me sick. Every 12 days. Oh, God, wouldn't that be something I can eat better quality food? Maybe I could even have a few things that I like. I really think I could. Ice cream. Do you think someday we could buy some ice cream?

00:33:44:07 - 00:34:22:06
Oh, please. Okay. Really sad. The other thing is, they want your money, because if they get sick, you fall down, break your leg. So fucking thing. They don't want to go to government hospital. We want to go to a real hospital, even a cheap, real hospital, because their chance of survival is vastly higher. So they're looking at you from the standpoint of maybe this guy can save my life, my life, maybe this man can keep me alive.

00:34:22:06 - 00:34:49:11
Because if something goes wrong and I have this man very high chance I could die, you know I'll die anymore. Well, I can see they don't want to die any more than we do, but they're very pragmatic about life after death. And so it will all come back. Well, maybe it will. But who want to go through the fucking trauma just as and stay here?

00:34:49:11 - 00:35:09:21
They don't look at it that way. Buddhism teaches them that, well, you just going to come back, you know, if you weren't too bad of a person, you're not going to come back as a frog. You know, you so they're they're much more at ease and pragmatic about the whole Dalian thing, but still, they don't really want to, you know, so they're looking at you.

00:35:09:23 - 00:35:47:17
Maybe they can get a little better food. Maybe you can keep them alive. You can give them your conditioning. Oh, well, can we go now? Okay. The other thing is the other side of it is that in Asian, Southeast Asian culture, age or physical age, truly, truly is not does not have the stigma to it that it does in the West, because they truly they've been taught their entire lives.

00:35:47:17 - 00:36:40:16
It's their culture. It's ingrained into their brain. It's hardwired, hardwired into their brains that if you're older, you're going to be smarter. They don't want a stupid tie like they had last. Tired of tired of not. Or the Thai guy's really that bad. Yeah, they are. Oh, yeah. And in spades, 100 times over the other and worse. You I know only good Thai husbands fuck, I don't personally know any I've heard of some that I could count on one hand after 1011 years that might have been kind of sort of okay, no, they're not fucking bad.

00:36:40:16 - 00:37:24:15
And the girls don't, you know, and they're short, dirty, you know, shower all that much, drink the gamble. And every one of their friends, maybe their children too. They they're not good providers. They'll squander all the money. Thai guy for them is a bad choice. In most Southeast Asian countries, the guys are bad choices everywhere. Oh, they might be handsome as hell get you so far, but you know you can't build a life behind just that.

00:37:24:15 - 00:37:48:06
Conversely, the old stupid flags go down there and meet these young girls who don't know anything about and can't talk to them. They're not looking so they think they can build a life around that and they're just as mistaken but covered up. So these girls, as you're going around Bangkok, even if you don't speak any language, they're going to be hitting on you.

00:37:48:06 - 00:38:13:18
I don't care what you look like in Frankenstein. I don't care what you look like. I don't care. I don't care how old you are. I don't care if you're in a goddamn wheelchair, you're going to get hit on all the time. It might take you a little bit, you know, a few days to wake up to what's going on when you're on the fucking train or the buzzards, you know, sit in a cafe or some goddamn thing.

00:38:13:18 - 00:38:35:05
And in this hot one size from a few tables away, just locks eyes and stares and smiles in the US or Western country. You'd be sick in Norfolk. Oh, fuck off, folks. She's a she's getting ready to insult me somehow. This is going to be bad. What the fuck is she doing? She's making fun of me or something like that.

00:38:35:23 - 00:38:54:21
Or she thinks I'm her grandfather, you know, reincarnated or some fucking thing. Oh, Southeast Asian. No, they're hitting on. They're flirting, they're hitting on. They are openly the ones that do it really brazenly watch out because they're used to it. They've been doing it for a long time. They know what they're doing. They know how to do it.

00:38:55:10 - 00:39:32:23
The ones that are very shy and demure about it, maybe we maybe explore that for tattoos. Fuck you don't know. Possibly. Don't look. Don't, don't, don't smile back. No, no. Fucking slap you with a ping pong. Well I will. I've had guys come down to visit me and I've never been anywhere. One guy in particular. Well, I got the bruises on the after three trips down over five years, I ended up unfriending him because it was just stupid.

00:39:32:23 - 00:40:05:04
It was like Whistler's brother, you know, you just needed a goddamn ring. And he knows you lead him around. Every fucking time he turned around, he was in trouble because he wouldn't listen. And he was stupid. Lady birds weren't getting to him and stuff like that was pretty fucking funny. Oh, usually the lady boys are funny and I've had some number of lady boyfriends, had a lot of fun with them, friends.

00:40:05:04 - 00:40:35:20
But they can kill you. You can take life sometimes. No, sometimes. Very often they do. Be careful of the lady boys. The lady boys. When you first get there, you're not going to know Lady Bird from a fucking German Shepherd. You're not going to know you're not going that. You know what? When I first got there, my I could identify lady boys in probably 30, 35% of situations.

00:40:36:12 - 00:41:02:02
And it was a really hard time, like just a few years. Don't you figured this out? God, they're the good ones. You know, if they have any morality at all, they'll kill you before kissing. Yeah, but a lot of them just don't care because they want to get validated. You know, if they can kiss somebody, then that's. That means they got you.

00:41:02:02 - 00:41:33:13
They tricked you, and I'm not. I'm not saying sex even. I'm saying kissing. You know, they're going to get to you. You're not going to fucking know. Okay? By the time I left, I could identify them in lower nineties, lower 90 percentiles, maybe three, maybe four, maybe five. We probably are lucky in a good 95%. There are there are actually some physiological traits you can look for in somebody.

00:41:33:18 - 00:42:05:02
Maybe I'll teach that I don't really figure if I get tired. There are there are several things you can look for to know if it's a lead. But they can surgically change all of them. And they do except for one. One thing they can't change. I do. I don't mean down there. I mean it's an obvious thing. You can see and they don't even know what it is.

00:42:05:02 - 00:42:37:16
But I'll teach it to you. All right. Now, when we when we when we move further into Ladybird territorial teacher, it's a one thing they can't change. They can't surgically fix it. They don't know what it is. So you can look at them. You get them to move a certain way, look at you. Now I know what you are and they're going to have no clue how you figure it out.

00:42:39:01 - 00:43:07:17
You're in the change voice, the change, their hips, they change. But you change everything inside the most beautiful titties you've ever seen. Your whole fucking God do gooder. Grace, it's criminal. But one thing they cannot change. I don't know very many guys who know that. Or do you know that? So that's the only fucking thing you learn after fucking dick.

00:43:07:17 - 00:43:32:22
But you're going to get hit on by little boys as often as you hit them by girls as 5050 is going to be. You go around for a whole day, you know, why should I, girls? You are going to be hit on by five lady boys. Okay? If you're thinking you might be a lady boy, you know, if you're trying to lean in that direction, you can ask him.

00:43:32:22 - 00:43:58:16
It's okay, it's accepted. And nearly all of them will say yes if they are. I mean, if they are right, nearly all or somewhere around 98%, mostly. Yes. That they're the good ones will tell you right up front, you know, they'll smile at you in a cafe and they'll ask if they can come over. He's like, Oh, my God, oh, my God.

00:43:58:16 - 00:44:21:17
Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Look, look at you. Look at you, look at you also. Look. I hope not. Yeah. They're just ravishing. First thing to look for is their if their feminine moves are a little bit exaggerated, strike one. If their kids are a little too big and just a little too perfect, straight to the stage.

00:44:21:17 - 00:44:54:21
Don't have very good titties lot of don't have any at all it's okay for me I. I don't care. I truly do not care. A few other things you can look for, right, as they're walking over to your table. But anyway, they're going to sit down and you're going to talk for a minute or two and they're going to they're going to try to get you interested in a if you start if you don't do anything, if you if you don't reciprocate, they're just going to let it go.

00:44:54:21 - 00:45:29:08
If you do start showing a little bit of interest, the good ones will tell you, okay, I'm a lady and I guess we're going to do that right now. I guess we're going to have this discussion right now because you're going to run into this so quickly trying to figure I have not pre thought this. I'm trying to think of the best way to go with this particular subject.

00:45:29:08 - 00:46:06:20
There are guys who go to Southeast Asia and they hate these. They hate lady boys, fucking hate. I knew a Russian kid who came down from Russia, went to a tourist town and he's only been there the day I think I think was his first night. He's walking around, looking at the bars, looking at the girls, and some certain bar areas are kind of loose.

00:46:07:17 - 00:46:31:06
You know, loosely dedicated to me, lady boy hoods. Like they could be four bars in a Sochi and they're all equally bars, you know, because they just kind of like to stick together. So there are areas in the states where it's all lady boys. And if you're around and if you don't, if you're not interested in a lady boy, you don't go there because it's really boys in the sky.

00:46:31:14 - 00:47:05:22
How old was you? He was 19 or something like that. He barely got enough money to make it to Thailand. It was not that far from Russia. Well, that's the way it's always. But he got there hog heaven walking down some. So at night and so lady boys approached him. They stepped out of the bar. They did. They'll come out into the street and get you know, they'll grab your arm and talk to you and kiss you.

00:47:05:22 - 00:47:39:23
Tried to kiss you whatever. I used to let them because I am not the slightest bit homophobic, not even 1%. I am not gay, even 1%, but I'm not homophobic 1%. So I don't care. Does Barbie care? Oh, I hug my lips. Well, you times. But I didn't like it. Okay, but I don't care. You know what? They get some go through a lot of it, but that's who I like.

00:47:39:23 - 00:48:05:15
They'll do that. They'll come out and their voices are going to be feminine. They're going to be so fucking hot. Okay, so they did this some little, I don't know, three or four, probably some place five. And they got to this guy and they're doing this to him and he's like, Okay, I heard you probably ejaculate in his fucking pants three times in the first 30 seconds, you know, and then somehow he figured out they were lady.

00:48:05:21 - 00:48:27:23
They also told him with me money told him I'm not sure he somehow figured it out. Probably one of them put his hand down their shorts or something like that. And it was, it was quite hard. A bucket of ice water over his little Russian head is what planet of my own do there? I don't think he knew anything about lady boys at all.

00:48:29:00 - 00:48:53:04
At all. I think that was his first experience that they existed on this earth. So like that he was that naive and. He was one of these good old boys like you might find in, you know, Louisiana or Texas or something like that. And that's been bred into him. That lady boys are evil, they're this and they're all fucked.

00:48:53:04 - 00:49:22:02
We hated their to be killed. If you can't kill them, if you can, they're vermin. Okay. So they grew up with it in Russia. No reasoning to it. No logic, no compassion? No, no. And he went berserk, even fucking desert, and he recoiled from them. And he launched into a litany of the foulest insults, whatever little English he knew in only Thai.

00:49:23:08 - 00:49:56:22
And lady boys are going to be pretty good in English. And he just dressed them down for however long they took it, which probably wasn't more about ten, 15, 20 seconds. And they were so insulted they were just beyond insults to them because these are people who, in almost every single case, they're not a man in their soul.

00:49:57:09 - 00:50:19:11
Yeah, they're biologically they've got the DNA right fuck in their soul, which was where it really counts. They're not a fucking man now. So they got born and they grew up. Be three, five seven years old. My is as I figured not go over go fuck with what has happened here. What, what? What have I got that fucking thing for?

00:50:19:11 - 00:50:47:04
What the fucking hell is that thing for? I don't like that thing. Take it off, take it off, take it off. Okay. So they go through their whole lives in the in the battle that it's a it's a, it's a battle royale for the whole life to deal with nature's mistake. And they go all that shit. They go through the operations, they do the hormones, they they are leads, not all of them.

00:50:47:19 - 00:51:20:09
Very small percentage are just guys that are somehow perverted or something, but that's a small percentage. Almost all of them are. Lee These that happen to look like men. Okay, get that through your fucking thick head, because that's the way it is. God said it. It just hurts me. So anyway, this guy launched into when they they'd had enough because they were he was insulting their soul.

00:51:21:05 - 00:51:48:16
It wasn't insulting looks or their sexual choices. He was insulting their very being down to the depths of their soul. And they said, That's enough, motherfucker, Chip, you've already gone too far. You can't fucking stop this. No. And they usually carry little knives. I don't know what these are. I do know. I do know what they had. They had double the box cutters.

00:51:50:06 - 00:52:16:13
They all had little box cutters because they do they carry and they sliced him from head fucking to get clothes off like it goes off, slice his body. They knew exactly how much they could slice before the blood loss became dangerous. Well, it did become dangerous before they killed him outright. I doubt that there was any. Let's see.

00:52:16:13 - 00:53:06:23
There's probably no three or four inch square area on his body that was not sliced. Sliced. So he's pretty indescribable this point. And they left him on the pavement and so he walked off somewhere. And I don't remember how long it was before that somebody found him laying there, just gushing blood. And police came, police got him, took him to the hospital and they stitched him to none of the cuts were particularly deep, just enough to make it bleed and leave a scar.

00:53:06:23 - 00:53:37:19
And he was in hospital about two weeks. He was. And when they discharged him, he had a huge hospital bill that he couldn't pay. And they discharged him and couldn't walk. He could just he could do the mummy walk, you know, and arms outstretched and him and surely the other kid and and scalp I don't know if they did anything to his whacker.

00:53:37:19 - 00:54:08:19
I don't know. You never said sliced his ass. Fuck me. It was, it is. And a friend of mine started helping him. It was a bar girl and she took pity on him. Started helping him. She had a good heart. I should have married her. Except I wasn't physically attracted to her really at all. But a good friend.

00:54:08:19 - 00:54:36:12
She was a good friend to me and I tried to be the very best friend I could to her for many, many years. She was one of the very, very, very, very few barbers I ever knew. Count them on one hand that were capable of maintaining a forever relationship with one guy. No question I'd stick my life. Well, lots of guys do stick their lives on, you know, look at my brother in life that his life might be lost.

00:54:36:18 - 00:55:08:00
But anyway, she started taking care of this kid and took him to her room. She had to dress every single wound a couple of times, a day with whatever and hell doctors had given her, you know, antibiotic creams or something like that. Probably all stitches, you know, just stitches. We couldn't turn over the stitches and Pokémon. And as soon as he got out, he started just bashing lady boys to anybody who would listen.

00:55:08:00 - 00:55:35:08
I mean, literally in the tuk tuk, in the cab, in the walk and, you know, trying to walk, he just screaming about the fucking lady. Come aboard. Okay. So the cops came and got him and knock it off, motherfucker. Knock it off. Fuck off. This is not your country. It's not your culture. We don't fucking like it. We like you here.

00:55:35:08 - 00:56:05:23
We want you healed up. You'll look just enough to get on that goddamn fucking plane. In the meantime, knock it that fuck off. Just shut your fucking stupid, sloppy, god damned stupid fish mills. And he's like, No, fuck, you know? And they put him in jail. It's not a democracy. It's a king says what's going to happen? And they put him in jail for a couple of weeks and they worked on him.

00:56:06:09 - 00:56:24:17
I don't think they physically hurt him, but they worked on him like, you know, you want stay here. You like it here? We like it in this jail. Keep flapping your jaw, you stupid fucking blood. Just keep it in. Over a couple of weeks. He got the idea that if he said one more word, he's going away for a long, long time.

00:56:24:17 - 00:56:42:22
Maybe two, three, four years. All they've got to do is say, well, he he disparaged the king. You're fucking gone for as long as they say five years. Ten years. Thai prisons are full of people who did that. Just disparage the King, maybe even once. So all I got to do is say, Yeah, he said that to me.

00:56:42:22 - 00:57:04:09
He said the king was a fucking pedophile, you know, gone so fucking thoroughly gone, you can't even comprehend it. So they got it across to him, you know, one more fucking word out of you. In public and private, we don't care. In your fucking sleep, we don't care. That's what's going to happen. And they let him out and he got it and he shut the fuck.

00:57:04:13 - 00:57:32:15
Fuck up. Okay? Even when they got. When they let him out, he could still barely get around. Most of his stitches were coming out, but he just saw someone got infected and he was still in rough shape. Anyway, this girl, this friend of mine, she only. And then they canceled his visa early and. By that time, he didn't have enough money to go home.

00:57:32:15 - 00:58:00:21
You know, my first flight. He's just really fucked. If he goes into your state, he's going back to jail. And nobody at home was going to send him money for a flight. It's fucked. It's really it. It really screwed himself in every possible way in this girl, this friend of mine, she had no money at all. She was making 4500, bought a month.

00:58:00:21 - 00:58:33:01
That's 30 bucks. 2320. 440 bucks. Hundred 30 bucks, something like that. A month. A month. And she couldn't help him financially, but she actually she went around to a number of bars and she took collections from the girls, said, Hey, this guy's really bad shape in every possible way there is to be in bed. She and I, we need money to just get him on a flight.

00:58:33:01 - 00:59:02:16
Just get him out of here. You know he's not going to start either. He stays here. And amazingly, this is a next to impossible thing to do. But amazingly, these girls coughed up enough to put him on a flight. I don't all prostitutes. It was all from prostitute prostitutes, bar girls. I don't know how many it took. It must have taken a hundred of them to chip in for enough to get a flight for him and money they could not afford.

00:59:02:16 - 00:59:23:19
They did it. And my friend finally got the money, took him to the airport, booked them a flight, him on a plane. He's gone. She never heard from him again. So don't fucking do that home. I don't care. I don't give a rat's ass what you think about lady boys or gays or any for a fucking goddamn fucking thing.

00:59:24:11 - 01:00:04:11
Just shut your goddamn fucking mouth Just shut it and keep it shut because they will kill you some other countries. Maybe you can bash and say, Why would you want to? Who cares? But in Thailand, God, please look at me. Look me in the eye. Do not fucking do it. Well, you hate him. He's nothing to me. Just shut up if you can't be polite, just be neutral.

01:00:04:11 - 01:00:37:12
You know there are some downsides to lady. I'll tell you later. Don't worry, too. Not all happy times, boys. The Thais accept them more than any other culture, probably on Earth. More American Indians were pretty accepting of them. The Thais just recognized them as well. You know this this person is more male and this person was born a female and this person was more something in between.

01:00:37:12 - 01:01:11:09
And they're struggling and trying to be what they are in their heart. And luckily for them, in Thailand, the medical operations, the changeovers are really, really cheap and they're really, really, really good at it. Hardly anybody dies from having. So if you are a man and you get old enough, you realize, oh, god, you know, terrible mistake. You know, what the fuck?

01:01:11:15 - 01:01:48:01
What can I do? Well, if you're in America, I'm you have surgical options. You can go trans, you can do this and that, but it stupefying, expensive and complicated and probably can't afford it just is a very hard year for and so huge swaths of the population who feel this way they just got to stay in the body they were accidentally given.

01:01:48:01 - 01:02:23:00
In most countries they're stuck just stuck in Thailand, not stuck so much. Not nearly as much. So it's a good thing for them. Okay. We're going to talk way, way, way more about this. But as you're walking as you're going around Bangkok, you're going to run into these, especially if you go out any bars in an entertainment venue, places, areas.

01:02:23:00 - 01:02:51:00
And all you do is you run into all the time and one of the things they do that kind of tends to get them in trouble is they're a little bit too aggressive. They want to be ladies. Okay, your lady. I don't care you lady. It's fine. But they want to so badly that they overdo it and they and that manifests itself in several ways.

01:02:51:00 - 01:03:25:00
One of them is that they overexaggerate the female posture and movements. They get to those that are too big to me. They look unnatural. They try to walk with a sway, looks natural. They'll get their Adam's apple shaved and the voice changed. Sometimes they do too much. Doesn't work out really all that well. And when they meet somebody that they like, they come on too strong.

01:03:25:00 - 01:03:52:17
I used to hit on you get within five miles of any bar district. You know, you go through a bar district, you're going to be hit probably you walk through a busy SOI with a lot of bars, some really good bars. You're going to get hit five, ten times per block somewhat. And I didn't ever have any problem just treat them like normal people.

01:03:53:05 - 01:04:16:05
Sorry. I'm okay. And they mess around. They fill you up a little bit and they give you some juices and now we can change that baby. Oh, you know, but you could, but not today. You know, when you just go like that, you just go with the flow. You won't have any trouble, except one time I just walked through it and I knew I was going to go through a lady boy area.

01:04:16:05 - 01:04:42:13
Well, I didn't hear. And they all came out. You know what they always do, baby? And doing the usual stuff. What are you doing? Know one of them got a hold of me and got me in a goddamn bear hug and they'll do this. Still bear hug you, you know? And after a minute, you say, I can't breathe.

01:04:42:13 - 01:05:16:18
I can't breathe. And they let you go. You know what's a joke? Okay, this one wouldn't let go. This is one strong mother. Jesus Christ. She wasn't all that big, but look. And muscles like steel fucking tables. And she got me in a bear hug and I couldn't get loose right away. And it's a little difficult to breathe and know, like, oh, you know, you, you can really hug, you know, how is it really hugging like that?

01:05:16:18 - 01:05:45:14
Okay. And then I got to the point where it's like, okay, that's nothing. But, you know, you had your son, okay, that's enough. That's enough. And she wouldn't. But she would I think she would tell you. And I started going through the usual stuff that I do when I want to get away from I would, you know, resist a little bit and my voice would get a little more serious and a little more serious in stages, you know, like, okay, okay, okay, honey, that's enough, you know, really kind of hurting me.

01:05:47:07 - 01:06:22:21
And in phases one. And funny, you will get to a point where you're like, okay, this is really it's gone on long enough. It's 20, 30 seconds, it's enough. And as a big, strong man that you think you are, you're going to do make some kind of a move that's going to break her grip and you figure, okay, that's going to end in that it's going to be a little bit of a aggressive thing to do, but it's enough.

01:06:22:21 - 01:06:58:13
And so you do that move whatever it is, and almost always break their grip. And it didn't do anything at all. She didn't steal people's. And I thought, Oh, well, she's quite strong and oh, I don't think I ever saw one that strong before. I'm Not really strong, but I'm not upset either. And so I get a few seconds and she didn't get in.

01:06:58:14 - 01:07:38:15
I did it harder. Quite a bit harder was like, That's enough. You're starting to tick me off. That's enough. My voice is going up and then Frazier, you know, a few more seconds. And I got to a point eventually where I said, okay, this is kind of like all all out soon to be battle, you know? And I, I gave her maybe two or three moves with my very best strength, very best strength without actually punching her in the face.

01:07:38:15 - 01:08:18:18
An interface was too close together. It really could swing in nothing. They used her and I'm thinking, okay, I'm going to have to start choking something because this has got to fucking stop. I couldn't breathe anymore. I could not fucking breathe. It was getting really, really serious and I just said, I don't know where this came from, but just before I started choking her, I said something like, Lady, I got to go home to my wife.

01:08:18:18 - 01:08:52:07
It was the weirdest thing. I didn't think that would do anything at all. I don't know why I even thought of that incident. I said she broke off that grasp. Well, fuck you. Then she walked away. I laughed about that for weeks. We're still obviously. Okay, so you're going to run into these. Lady was all over. Baker Most are going to be nice do not go in fucking, you know really dark sighs where there's two or three or four lost in lighted places around other people because they'll rub.

01:08:52:07 - 01:09:23:12
Yeah, they will. The ties have an explanation for that. The ties say well the lady boys do a lot of that stuff and they do the reading the stuff. They do it because they are SEO in. Yes. Oh yes. I'm confused. And who's to say that's not correct? I don't know. I I'm not a goddamn psychiatrist. I don't think I want to be flirtatious.

01:09:23:12 - 01:09:48:23
Shrug it off like, well, lady boys will be lady boys, you know, because they're confused. And now being Cork City government, the police, you know, don't really like them too much because they have an awful lot of trouble with them because they they're not content. A lot of them an awful lot of them are not content to just be lady books, just be just you.

01:09:48:23 - 01:10:21:06
You'll never have any trouble. You'll be accepted in every corner and facet of society. You'll never be insulted or put it on Russian dukes. Just be lady boy, just have a life. But an awful lot of lady boys can't do. They're not content with that. They going to cause trouble. A lot of trouble a lot of and they're not above killing you and that's all perfectly understandable because they're confused.

01:10:23:00 - 01:10:55:04
Okay. So what happens is the Bangkok police, when they start getting a lot of reports of problems with lady boys in some particular quadrant, they'll form a sort of a semicircle around it. And they all it's all planned. They know what they're doing. They have a destination in mind. Sometimes lady boys figure it out, sometimes they don't. And they will start doing a sweep through an area, through a whole neighborhood, you know, kind of a similar circle when I first started out.

01:10:55:04 - 01:11:10:16
Not too obvious, you know, lady, wait to see them come on the street walkers and like that, they're just thinking, oh and then they start moving away and they try to go left and right. Well, they can't because there's more of them. So they go one way where there aren't any cops. And, you know, we used to round up Mustangs the same way.

01:11:12:05 - 01:11:35:10
They only just keep keep moving slowly, slowly, you know, push and push and push. And and pretty soon they end up all in one block. You got the streets sealed off and now you push follow them. Your final well, they're looking around looking around where the fuck we talk, where the fuck. And they see one short, one dark.

01:11:35:10 - 01:12:13:10
So you look what's in there. Let's go in there for the whole run down to the end of that sorry, cuckoo clock. Little high heels, actually, the big. And they run down to the end of that. So it will wouldn't you know it it's a dead end all the doors and the cops come in and hold them there, then they bring in a whole shitload of busses, load them on the busses, lock the fucking doors and they ship them off to the tourist areas.

01:12:13:10 - 01:12:31:09
That's what they do. I'm not saying it's right and I'm not saying it's wrong. I'm not making any comment about it because I just I don't know. It's not my culture. I'm not I'm not immersed in that culture. I'm still an outsider after ten, 11 years. I'm still an outsider. I don't know every nuance of their culture. It's not my place.

01:12:32:11 - 01:13:07:06
I was born into it. I'm just telling you what they do. And the ones that aren't doing bad shit causing trouble in certain areas. Of course they're never rounded up because they're not out there causing trouble. Leaders living their life somewhere. Hopefully they found a good man. Whatever, whatever they wanted just stayed it on the road working and they have a nice life and they're watching movies together and those don't have any trouble.

01:13:07:06 - 01:13:28:11
Nobody's going to bother. They're going to be more accepted in Thailand than any place else on the face of the earth. I believe that I don't know of any place else that accepts a more than Thailand, and it's not a conscious linguistics. They don't have to say, let's see. Okay I'm going to decide to accept gays and let don't know that that's not part.

01:13:28:11 - 01:13:56:00
No, no, no, no. There's no decision. They just do they just do. It's part of their soul. I don't know what Buddhist teachings were on base or Lee was reaching like that. I like studied some of the Buddhist teachings, but never read across that. I don't know if he did teach anything, you know, probably you would have been totally teaching what the ties are doing.

01:13:56:01 - 01:14:23:19
I don't know. You could Google it. I'm sure. Anyway, so this whole long thing to tell you, they are third sex. There are six stuck between one and the other. The if if they're born again, they are not a real man. They're not good genetically. Yes, they oral key. Put it on the person you want to do do it or you won't.

01:14:23:19 - 01:14:55:17
I don't care. But in their find a way to quantify what's in their soul and then put that on the person. Nowhere to do that. I don't think without some kind of a soul scanner, you know, maybe next year will have. He's polite. I'm going to tell you one more story and then we'll just a few minutes after that and we'll wrap it up for this episode.

01:14:55:20 - 01:15:23:03
We're still stuck in Bangkok. I know. I still get stuck in Bangkok. Well, I'm trying to tell you what you're probably going to do in Bangkok. Okay. I had a room in our lady bookstore. I had a room. And this is going to make me cry, sir. I shouldn't have given her away. I had a room as open about the fourth or fifth floor overlooking an entertainment.

01:15:23:03 - 01:15:54:15
So a loud, raucous fucking place in a tourist town. It was a it was a great little kind of gory. Fucking love that thing. Cheap, really happy there. But the noise in the SOI was just where I couldn't take it. I was there for a couple of years and anyway, in the evenings, a lot of times when it cooled down, I would go down to the front of the building and there was a porch kind of a thing out there, raised area, probably ten feet by ten feet, something like that.

01:15:55:09 - 01:16:30:04
The sort of overlook the SOI and it was just continuous crowds up and down this sort entertainment. So it people got it was interesting people truly on the face of the earth, lots of stupid fucking drunken expats, expat fucking pieces of shit songs, but plenty of times they go hairy, big boned Europeans and sneaky little Russians and fucking Russians and, you know, every kind of people.

01:16:30:12 - 01:17:04:09
Okay So I didn't have any trouble. I was up on this raised area and I would take my launcher down there and it set it up and I would just sit there too, you know, cause some things and sometimes take a camera down there and photograph weird people that you go in stock photos worldwide calling it a billion, billion on there were people in Soyuz and 107,000 more than I haven't even processed seven he was sort of you okay so I'd sit down there in the, you know, probably be down like nine, 10:00 or something like that.

01:17:04:09 - 01:17:28:22
And these were 24 hour places time and it's fucking 24 hours a day. It's rock and roll. That's fucking rock and roll. They don't really have rock and roll, but it's a rock and roll goddamn country. It's rock fucking roll. They go, don't stop. And that was a big thing for me because I'm a 24 seven person. So I sit down there, my lunch or whatever I had, and people would come by.

01:17:28:22 - 01:17:57:21
Sometimes people say hi, sometimes it would. Hookers are come by be you go to your room. No, thank you. My wife is up there, you know. Well, in my heart, she really was. Or maybe she was sitting down with me. I don't know. And so on. This lady boy came along really pretty lady. And looked at me and said, Hi.

01:17:57:21 - 01:18:19:15
I said, So how are you? Oh, I'm okay. And she sat on the edge of my little porch thing for a while and just talked. It's just chitchat. English was good and she really nice and we kind of clicked, you know, kind of just a nice person not trying to get over on me or get me up to my fucking room or anything.

01:18:19:15 - 01:18:47:15
Just nice, just chit. She was just a soul walking through a story on the earth in this life. And she found a little bit of a connection with somebody who would talk to treat her normally. And I think she thought that was pretty nice and I did too earlier. So we got her chair and she sat there and we sat together for a while.

01:18:47:15 - 01:19:11:16
You remember maybe quite a while as our our house and talked nicely and at the end of it she told me right off, she's a lady boy. And I said, Yeah, I know you're cute. And at the end of it she said, Well, you're really nice. Thank you for the talk, you know, do you want to go up to your room?

01:19:11:22 - 01:19:43:23
You don't have to give me any money or anything to know. That's really sweet. Thank you. Thank you. That's a nice offer. Really warms my heart a little bit. Thank you. But I just, you know, not a lady boy person and she's like, oh, Jesus to you. That's really too bad. You know what? Yeah, well, you know, different kinds of people in the world and sometimes the right ones meet up and sometimes they don't like.

01:19:43:23 - 01:20:11:01
Yeah, that's true. So she got up, she's going to go and she stopped in the in the little peck on the cheek and I kissed the back of her hand fixed next to her a nice and she said, you know, I'm not really fond of fillings, but if they were all like you, I would love them. I said, God, that's nice.

01:20:11:21 - 01:20:41:02
Thank you. Squeezed your hand and she walked away down the sort of. The next night I was up in my room. I didn't go down for whatever reason. I look in my room and pretty ladies at the same time. We had said goodbye the night before, supposedly 1130, you know, some like at 12:00. And I heard this screeching and a boom in the bushes screaming.

01:20:41:02 - 01:21:05:23
And then there were sirens and shit like that. And I thought, What a fucking shocker. This was a story where it was just continuous motorbike taxi traffic and motorbike traffic, you know, I don't know, probably one or two or 3%, you know, go each way and they don't necessarily stay on their side of the story. It's always a little alley and there's drunks one round all across in the fucking streets.

01:21:05:23 - 01:21:30:07
And sometimes you're in 30 fucking miles an hour where they should be doing three. I thought, Oh God damn, somebody walked out short of something, got hit and like waited for a while and a commotion kind of slowly died down. And I what? I went down there, but I can't remember. Did I go down there? No, I didn't go down there that night.

01:21:30:16 - 01:21:58:11
Were just tired or something. And I went down the next day and, you know, people I knew were walking around and they said, hey, what did you hear? A commotion last night? They said, Yeah, man, that was terrible. And I said, What the hell happened? And they said, Well, there was a guy sitting where you usually sit some filling, some fucking bread.

01:21:58:11 - 01:22:32:14
I don't know if I'll go off on, you know, I will fucking look some point. I'll tell you what, I think the rich are rich here. What the rich in general. The rich here. I'll tell you sometime and I'll tell you why I think. Well, anyway, some some Brit was sitting there where I usually sit and they said this lady boy came and started talking to him and he just launched in to her, you fucking lady boy scum big sucking cockroach piece of shit.

01:22:32:14 - 01:23:09:00
Get away from me. No. Kick in the fucking mouse. You know what? And she snapped. I think she just had enough of that earlier life. She just. Her whole life probably was one contradiction like we had after another. And the night before, she had had a nice, pleasant, intelligent, sweet exchange with somebody. And here she is, the next night in the same place, having an exchange with Luke and Satan.

01:23:09:00 - 01:23:55:14
She snapped. It was too much of a contrast and she had some kind of a nicely I'll carry some kind of looking thing. And she pulled it out lunchtime, stabbing the Majestic and he got an artery and he spurted going down, flopping. And she was aghast at she had done looked at it for a minute panicked, turned to just blindly ran into the soil and a motorbike hit her and killed her.

01:23:55:14 - 01:24:32:10
So she kind kind of fucking fuck not going to fucking kill you. You're not in your culture anymore. Fuck your culture. Let's try to be a nice person. If you hate lady boss goose gear, keep it to yourself. I don't care if you do. You know I'm not going to judge you about that. I judge huge here and sure people older again.

01:24:32:10 - 01:25:01:19
I'm not going to get you over that. I was going to say keep it the fuck to yourself. Shut your fucking mouse if you hate him. Maybe Southeast Asia is not a good place for you if you don't carry the way. You know, I'd be just fine. If you love them all, you're going to be Sam Heaven, you know?

01:25:01:19 - 01:25:35:02
Okay. I know a lot of guys who love them that married him living happily ever after. We hope, we presume, we hope, don't know. Never tried it, but it's working for them. So I do know a few lady warriors I did who were really smart and they just wanted to be lady boys and live the life as a girl.

01:25:35:11 - 01:26:00:15
So they went in and they got the operation. They didn't get any radical, stupid, crazy goddamn fucking shit done. They got some boobies, but they didn't get huge, grotesque ones. You know, usually we're they never tried to overplay their hand. They never tried to exaggerate their moves or their looks. They wore normal little bit of modesty to make up.

01:26:00:15 - 01:26:42:09
They didn't go, fucking goo-goo cuckoo, crazy. And they were ladies. There are ladies, period. And they had nice legs. Everybody liked. I looked fine. Okay, so you banging around Bangkok or whatever city? Just Bangkok happens to be probably where you first landed. If you happen, if you happen to get a flight. So some of the transferring flights that are going to Bangkok so aren't approved, they're going to Don one.

01:26:43:03 - 01:27:10:05
Don Morgan and I never see it correctly. I'm always chastised for not saying it correctly. Tyson You know, you don't say it like that. You say it with dung. Wang I said, Yeah. Don Wang No, no, you know that's not correct. Don Muang Actually, see. Don Wang not oh no, that's not right. That's not right. And you go through that five or ten fucking times, you have a anyway there's a little airport, smaller airport north of Bangkok called Don Wang.

01:27:10:13 - 01:27:40:07
You know, sometimes a, you know, a hot flight will go into there and it's kind of nicer because it's a smaller, less crowded. Sure. They still have their customs up there appreciably do. Yeah, I'm not sure. Well, no, not 100%. 99.9% sure they get customs up there anyway in then they'll, they get a bus, it'll usually take you for free down to some one room or you can get a cab from there, go to where you want, you know, whatever.

01:27:41:06 - 01:28:07:05
Just there's two main airports in Bangkok. So, so you're staying in your hotel, you're going around, you're getting hit on by the lady voice. Okay, you. I got to kill you. How to know? Can I do it here with this location knowing I'll take my fucking shirt off? No. Okay. You may not have an Adam's apple. Their voice might be girlish.

01:28:09:00 - 01:28:38:06
They can hear the bones of the face reshaped and shaved skinned can be smooths. Their fucking stubble is gone. I don't know what they do down there. Well, I do. I do know what they do down. Guys tell me it's not completely, you know, natural. The feel is not natural. Okay. But it works for them for what we're the guys who who stay with lady boys, who marry lady boys and stay with them, are happy with me.

01:28:39:12 - 01:29:09:00
Most of them, some just perverts. And they think, oh, it's kinky to have Lady Boy. Well, fuck. Well, most of them get hooked in by their heart. They can have very special hurts, not all some fucking killer fucking rubbing pieces of shit, but some can have very special arch not a man's heart It's not a fucking man's heart.

01:29:09:00 - 01:29:36:18
Biologically it is. But not real. So anyway, where the hell was I going with that? Our time, Ruby. Jesus Christ. Just be polite to the lady boys. Oh, yeah. I've got to tell you how to fucking identify. Okay? There are things that'll give it away, especially if they overdid. They made the bucket big. They made hips too big.

01:29:38:18 - 01:30:06:06
You, you know, this and that. And the kids are too perfect. And, well, I've had some girlfriends tattoos just like that. So you always told me that shirt of putting your hand down their pants. And that's not always going to tell you either. I mean, I tried that, but people tell me shit. There's one way that I know of in a publicly tell and you can tell right there in the county.

01:30:06:07 - 01:30:31:14
Okay If I take my arm and I do this from the camera, how can I do this? I can't really. Yeah, I can do. Okay. Okay. You see my arm? I'm defending my arm as far as I can. Okay. Right. Okay. See, between the upper arm and the form on the back where my elbow is, it's a straight line.

01:30:31:15 - 01:31:03:15
It's pretty fucking straight. Okay? It's that I can't go anymore. Okay, that's it. It's extended as far as you go. No, a real girl. When she does that, her wrist, the elbow, her arm will go a little over center. So you'll, it'll it'll do it'll it'll go a little bit like that. So, like the forearm will go further up.

01:31:04:11 - 01:31:34:21
I can't make it go for her, but with a girl they can't grab. The first girl you can find me could do that to push the starts far she can get mine stopped there. Hers will keep going a little bit for just a few degrees. But it's obvious once you get used to looking for the examination, if they're lying to you, say really?

01:31:34:21 - 01:31:58:09
You know, I used to be a doctor. I did. You break your arm to look? You got you have kind of a problem with your arm. Let me look at your arm. I want to see to see if it looks okay. Oh, really do you think a serious and need to this jaw and then you fucking know if if their arm looks like that their voice most of them don't know that we can no.

01:31:58:09 - 01:32:22:10
And they're just shocked, chagrined they, they think you got magic fucking powers or something. Love it and you're going to hell a little different degrees. I think guys that can their arm extends a little bit and I've seen girls that doesn't go over center quite as far as some of the girls. But pretty much all of them will go over centers to some degree.

01:32:22:10 - 01:32:58:20
And you can tell it's something in their anatomy and, you know, go talk to a bone doctor and ask him what the hell's going on in there. You probably Google it up, I don't know. But anyway, so there you go. Now, you know, you get the tools. I'll tell you lots more ladybird stories as we go along. But on as far as finding a girl who actually wasn't in Thailand, who likes boys more than anybody else, Germans.

01:33:00:15 - 01:33:49:12
Germans, by far the biggest consumers, lady, boy, love Germans by a wide margin. I don't know why. I don't know. I just speculate. They don't care. But that's how you can find a girl in Bangkok. I'm not sure when Thai one Thai you're in, you're in like Flint. You're in one time. You got a long time before you got you got two years before you go learn Thai not from only from a time only from a Thai native speaker because nobody can speak Thai like a native Thai, nobody can.

01:33:49:12 - 01:34:07:03
They're just going to give you a lot of bad information. You're going to go down there and you're going to start saying shit the way they taught you and no fucking to understand a word you're saying. It's got to be from time. Remember, also, there's different dialects of Thai. Different parts of the country is not that big of a country, but they still have different dialects.

01:34:07:19 - 01:34:31:20
People in central western, they're not going to understand people for on. Yeah, all really it's pretty much a whole nother language. Only some number of words are going to match it and same from us from anywhere else in the main part of Thailand. If you go down to south of Cook, it's going to be the same. But south of Pokot, the language changes dramatically.

01:34:31:20 - 01:34:56:19
So, you know, try to pick an instructor or teacher from a region where where you're going to be gone because they're going to teach you wrong stuff. You get one reason and you learn how to speak song and then you go to Bangkok. Well, that was what? What the fuck? So be careful when you go going around of the restaurants, you will find this too much in Bangkok.

01:34:57:15 - 01:35:41:05
You find it in some other outlying. You go up and you saw there's a particular town up there is really famous, but in some places you want to go to a restaurant, you want to eat some high, you know, support some sheep or something, then look at the sign outside study, look at it closely. If somewhere on the sign there's a little picture of the dog.

01:35:41:05 - 01:36:14:22
There you go. If there's no dog, no picture of a dog, you know, may or may not be safe. But if there is a picture of a dog, God and dog is just fine. Socks. We killed a cobra one day. The Thais could help, but I wasn't expecting that fucking nasty spitting cobra. Certainly one of the deadliest cobras there is.

01:36:15:10 - 01:36:39:10
Anyway, he was going after some kids in the playground and then they killed him and eating, eating mutton, skinning within 5 minutes of killing and he was on the Barbie within five more minutes, 10 minutes tops. So he was fresh. And everybody, he didn't get sick. One guy got the next morning he had boils open source and boil all over his body, ended up in the hospital.

01:36:39:18 - 01:37:10:05
He fought this for two years, so I have no idea what cause that doctor did you. They just treated it to, you know, topically. Which snakes can sometimes be bad. Yeah. Or I'm just wondering. Okay. Girls dating sites. No worries. No learn Thai. If you can't do any of those things, you can go around a restaurant you're going to hit.

01:37:10:10 - 01:37:46:13
That's where I left off. You're going to get hit on by girls. Real girls, all the time. All the time. Especially if you are well dressed and your hair is combed some you going left by and you smell good. You look clean. God, they're big for being well-dressed. They're big for being clean. They will off didn't shower three times a day no bullshit a dirty girl showers once a day normal two times really clean.

01:37:46:23 - 01:38:18:21
Three times a day. Cold water. Okay. They're big for the ties are sexy. Are they the cleanest people who are around? Yeah, maybe. Maybe Japan is as clean enough. Sure, because I never lived in Japan. But those are the cleanest people I've ever been around three times and expect you to do the same. And if you don't, dirty man could take one to your room.

01:38:18:21 - 01:38:45:13
We're going to go through that whole procedure. She's going to shower. You're going to shower within 5 minutes and you're going to shower with the door open with your wallet, any valuables within your sight, you know, your tickets organizer. We're going to put them in the safe, stuff like that. It will go through that anyway. You could go to the restaurants.

01:38:45:14 - 01:39:08:17
They're going to hit on you. You got to be prepared to talk a little bit. You got to have a good Google translate right on the fucking front page of your phone, figured out, practice with it, learn a few words. How's the crab? The crab meats. Hello. You finish every sentence with with your man. You finish your sentence.

01:39:08:17 - 01:39:35:00
A crab. Can you I'm sorry, Kate or you kind of a BP again crab. It just means that the man has said whatever proceeded me to man his. And it's a polite thing if you're a woman female, you say so stick call K or K means a female has said this previous thing to learn. Learn a little bit.

01:39:35:00 - 01:40:09:14
Hello and goodbye. You can also be good by kind of strategy. They're polite people. You got to learn self because you got to fucking learn. If you learn no other word, you go learn that one. So the could just be hello for one man crab so you could few other things. Poem is you. Poem means I if I'm talking about me a poem you are.

01:40:09:17 - 01:40:38:11
Who can you reach in like that kind of soft in come just a few phrases you know I actually found there a printed paper phrasebook was better than that fucking Google The Google translator is horrifically criminally fucking erroneous. It will start fights because it translates things so wrong. You can't believe it. Some languages it does kind of sort of.

01:40:38:11 - 01:41:08:04
Okay, Tagalog it's that's a bit Thai it's fucking clueless. You will have fights like I you had a hundred feet over Google translating things incorrectly but that's all you got. You keep your sentences simple. Simple. I see these fucking words. You start talking to girls even even translating. It's like, Hi, what do you think? Would you like to go to a nice restaurant today?

01:41:08:11 - 01:41:45:02
Do you have any preferences as to the cuisine? Because I can anything fuck that's not going to go through Google translate, you know you're going to say la my king, my means we go eat. Okay, put that into translator. You say we go eat. Okay, you put that into Google and it's going to come back with Thai. This is not by not liking my okay it's going to work.

01:41:45:19 - 01:42:08:20
The whole fucking shit is not going to work. Forget it. Simple is as simple does you know simple as you can possibly, possibly, possibly make it three words and you get that one thing digested. Then you try another three words in another three words. You do not fucking string this shit together. It's not going to work. Even with a translator is not going to fucking work.

01:42:09:09 - 01:42:27:02
Three words, three words, three words. That's it. So you meet one in restaurant, she's hitting on you and you got these couple little you can say and you get your translator out there and she knows it's going to be awkward. She knows it's going to be terrible. She's going to have a translator on her phone, too, don't worry.

01:42:28:01 - 01:42:56:14
Or Google has a mode where you can actually pass it back and forth. So you say something, she reads it and she talks about it goes like that kind of smart works. You can also speak into Google Translate and a bunch of other translators. So you want to eat, you know, we go eat. Okay. You you speak that in and it will well, it will translate it to vocal if you want.

01:42:57:17 - 01:43:21:13
And and those were kind of sort of okay except when they get the words wrong, you know, you might you won't speak in we go eat. Okay. And it'll translate. I want to fuck your mother. Really? It'll go that far off the fucking rails. Really. And you? And then you just screwed the pooch on that relationship, you know, because she can't conceive of.

01:43:21:16 - 01:43:43:06
Of Google not being correct. You know, it's you. It's you. You said that even if you go back saying, no, no, no, it was Google. No, no, you're dead, man, bad man. I mean, you know, that's about the end of that. So you got to be so, so, so careful. If you're doing any kind of writing back and forth, you type in your three word thing.

01:43:43:06 - 01:44:04:01
We go eat, okay? And then it'll translate that to Thai and your copy over the Thai, you know, put it back in, you reverse the translation and you have it translate back to English. If it says, I want to go fuck your mother, you know, Oh, that didn't work. And you try it again and you keep doing it until you get one that transmits, translates back, you know, more or less correctly.

01:44:04:01 - 01:44:27:02
And then you send that version of it, and that works good, but it's slow and it's tedious. Okay, so you're going to meet girls everywhere you go, everywhere you go, and you got to have these cute little phrases and you got to have your translator and you got to smile or God dammit, you got to smile. Flanks look very, very seriously.

01:44:27:02 - 01:44:46:08
If we are smiling, that means we're mean. If we're not smile. And that means we're we're right on the verge of beating them. Okay? They're very sensitive. People smile. He smiled. Fuck, I don't care. You got to a fucking plastic surgeon. Get, get that fucking joker smile. Get it fucking going. Because you better not stop smiling. They're scared of us.

01:44:46:14 - 01:45:08:18
They're scared and they think when we're smiling and know enough about it. You know, a few minutes before he beats me and they're watching your mouth all the time. See if you stop smiling and you do, they're going to say, why you so serious? You know, what's wrong? What's the problem? We don't naturally smile. Feelings don't naturally smile a lot.

01:45:09:01 - 01:45:37:05
No, not most of us. So learn. Fuck and smile. I don't care how you have to do it, you practice it, get it. So it just happens all the time and you smile at every person you pass, at least all the women often on the guys too. But at least all the women. You smile a little bit if they're not attractive to you, you smile anyway, just a nice, you know, little nod of the head like, and you fucking look away.

01:45:37:05 - 01:46:05:17
If they're attractive and you want to meet them, you give them a nice smile and you hold eye contact for three or 4 seconds. Hold it. She'll break it first. And if she doesn't look shocked, you take it the next step. And 60, if she says nothing walks away, it still might mean she likes you. But she's scared.

01:46:06:17 - 01:46:31:17
If she just says you can't, then you're in. That's it. That's all there is to it. That's how it works. Yep. Okay, we're way that. Fuck. This is what you long? I don't even know if I can remember this pig sucker thing anymore. Okay, okay. Next one, we're going to go we're going to cover some more things about girls meeting girls in Bangkok and then we're going to forge on ahead.

01:46:31:22 - 01:47:06:22
Okay. Thank very much. And you know where you got attitudes about lady boys can drop them like deadly serious because it can mean your life in Thailand at least. Well, it can't any anywhere. Southeast Asia but bigger in Thailand. Drop it. Just leave it in the fucking toilet where it belongs. At home. Drop it. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

01:47:06:22 - 01:47:31:14
I'm sorry. You don't. I'm one of my best friends in the world. Lifelong friend, hater. He swears he will swear that every gay on the planet is gay by choice. And they chose to be that way simply because they're evil. He's a minister, you know. I love him. I die for him. You would die for me. I love him.

01:47:31:22 - 01:47:52:22
I love him dearly. We've almost died for each other. We stuck together in a couple of situations where it looked like we were going to die and we fucking stuck together. But he's got this thing that he's had where he just knows it. He knows it. God has told him or something evil. That's the only way anybody would want to be.

01:47:52:22 - 01:48:21:20
Choose to be gay is if he felt I've tried, God, I've tried for decades and decades to try to find some way around that. And I can't. It's probably too late now for both of us. You know, neither of us got that many years left over. There's no none of years to keep talking about that. So you'll take that to the grave and I hope, you know, a great pumpkin shows him another way after that, brother.

01:48:22:23 - 01:48:45:20
Okay. We'll talk more about that worry. I'm trying to get your mind in and your heart, your soul in the right place. I'm trying to give you the best chance possible. Being happy in Southeast Asia. You still might not be, but go there with the right attitude. Then you're going to have all the tools you need to be happy.

01:48:46:06 - 01:49:14:04
And if you don't, then, well, you know, whatever. But if you go there with the wrong tools, if you go there be hating and gay bashing all, I can't even comprehend what's going to happen to you. So plug that into your decision making thing. You know, do I want to go South East Asia? Well, some countries down here, it's not it's not as pronounced as it is in Thailand.

01:49:14:04 - 01:49:46:11
But go to Malaysia. They got plenty of gays and not too many lady boys, but they are more Western in their notions about gays and labels. They kind of try to accept them, but not really all that much. Not really very successfully at all. So if you hate gays and lady boys, if you just hate them and you can't get over you can't get your brain rearranged.

01:49:46:11 - 01:49:55:02
Maybe Malaysia. But anyway. Okay, God, we got to going out. All right. Thank you very much. And good evening and good night.