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SE Asia Chronicles Podcast Transcript #3


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This is an auto-generated speech-to-text transcript of a SE Asia Chronicles Podcast


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03:10:47:12 - 03:11:21:23
From Southeast Asia. This will be episode number three, episode or volume number three of the Southeast Asia Chronicles. Yeah, that's what we call them so far. Chronicles. Let's see, I'll teach you. Copyright 2023 by stock photos worldwide. Hi. You can go there to find these stock photos worldwide. Dot com. There's Lincoln near the top of the page. You can look at pretty pictures of Southeast Asia and crazy pictures of Southeast Asia and things like that.

03:11:22:06 - 03:12:01:16
Okay, the this is a series of podcast we normally do alien stuff, disgusting, debauched, rousing alien podcast. Those are it alien anal probe dot com or some people don't like to type that and so they go to they claim dot com they think that's more respectable. Yeah. So you can go listen to those things if you want a lot of alien stuff and probing and alien sections.

03:12:01:16 - 03:12:36:06
But no pictures during this series. The Southeast Asia Chronicles is designed to tell people what it's like to escape the Matrix in the U.S. and also try to help them do it. I'm not keen on seeing a whole hordes of expats coming into Southeast Asia. We've got enough them and a very great deal of them are whacked in the head.

03:12:36:06 - 03:13:13:21
I don't know what it is. There's a lot of jobs here. Really we don't need any more. But if you're a nice person and you're in your tired of your life, of quiet desperation and you're nice, just be nice. If you're nice, we'll try to give us some tips and clues on how to get here. First of all, we're going to tell you maybe a little bit about whether or not you want to even be here, chatting here somewhat, how you do.

03:13:13:21 - 03:13:36:09
And then we're going to we're going to try to tell you how to get here, how to do it, how to pull this off. If you really want to do some more, what can a lot of people who think they can't? Yeah, they just need the right tools and kind of an overview of what the hell it's going to be like and stuff like that.

03:13:36:16 - 03:14:07:19
Okay, so as you know, these are really informally done. I don't do outlines, I don't plan on script anything, I just talk. And the way I do it, the way I keep any order at all to it, is to chronologically, because that's all my tiny brain can handle. But even when I go chronologically, I like everybody. I tend to skip things from time to time.

03:14:07:19 - 03:14:28:14
And I, I think people understand things that they don't. And so what's happening already, even with episode number three, is we're getting feedback and people are saying, Man, I didn't really understand what the hell you were talking about there and what's this all about? And you're going too fast. No, slow down. We want more detail and stuff like that.

03:14:28:14 - 03:14:45:20
Okay, got it. And that's going to be a continuing process. All way through this because that's just the way it is. You know, you write a book or a magazine article or something and you know, before you send it off, you can go back and edit it. You can read it and read it and read it and have other people read it and they say, Oh, I don't like that word.

03:14:45:20 - 03:15:07:07
You know, you didn't explain this very well. And you it's easy to edit. You change with a podcast. It's really, really hard. Really, really hard. You can't really do it. So what we're doing is we're just going to on people who write in and say, Hey, what the hell are you talking about there? How we don't get it.

03:15:07:16 - 03:15:38:05
Okay. And then in the next episode we'll go through it and flesh it out, clarify it. That's how it's going to work all the way through this with aliens podcasts, people don't ask a lot of questions or they're so stupid to answer. With these. There's going to be a lot of questions. I can see that already. There's going to be just a mountain round of questions and I'll try to answer them as we go.

03:15:38:05 - 03:16:01:13
Okay, so that's what we're doing. One of the first things people wrote in about was they said, okay, in number one or number two or whatever you talked about, you had an Indian wife, you married an Indian wife from Canada, from Indian reservation, and then you're talking about some other girl and she's like German. And then what the hell is going on?

03:16:01:14 - 03:16:42:09
Oh, oh, I screwed it up. I went back and listen. I screwed it up. I forgot to mention. Hmm, I can see things in my brain, but, you know, I'm like, okay, yes, I did marry an Indian girl from a tribe in northern Canada when I was on the square rigged sailing freighter. We sold food and supplies, Indian reservations all up and down the coast between well, between the U.S. and Alaska, all up and down that stretch for 30 days.

03:16:42:09 - 03:17:03:12
We did a turn. We did a run round trip every 30 days, no matter the weather. We had to be on schedule. We had to be at certain places and certain days had to be had to be. So it was a hurricane. Didn't matter. We had to run and that put a lot of saltwater in my veins, she says.

03:17:03:12 - 03:17:29:10
We going to the Indian reservations? They didn't speak English hardly at all. Then there's a long, long time ago. And so she heard she. I mean, obviously she was flown in her own dialect and she could kind of sort of depending on the tribe, depending on where we were, she could translate better or worse, depending, depending on how close their dialect was to her.

03:17:30:05 - 03:17:48:21
But she was the only link we had at all between the Indians at all. We, you know, we couldn't talk to him at all. He couldn't talk to at all. And so, you know, we we had this huge square ringed ceiling trader and we'd pull into these little coves where there was an Indian reservation on the side of the hill or whatever.

03:17:49:23 - 03:18:12:07
And, you know, they were gorgeous, even heard of cars. I don't think they were so far in the bush. There was no there was no cars, you know, and we would pull in there and drop anchor in The Cove. And if it was summer, pretty much the whole tribe, maybe 100, something like that would just dove into the water.

03:18:12:14 - 03:18:33:15
Half of them were naked because it was warm and they liked it and they would just dove into the water and it went out to us. And the tribes often had real dug out canoes, real dug out canoes, and they would launch those things and they'd come out and then the little raft around the the big boat, you know, and we help them up out of the decks.

03:18:33:15 - 03:19:03:02
And we had a store set up there. And so my Indian wife would jibber jabber, jabber and make deals and take the cash and stuff like that. So that's that's that's what was what I was doing with her when she came down to the US later. I didn't realize it in Canada maybe because we just didn't have access to it, but was a hopeless drunk who didn't know it.

03:19:04:19 - 03:19:31:09
When you came down to the U.S., she had access to endless supplies of alcohol and she drank it all. You know, she could drink it town dry. And as anyone knows, that's a recipe for madness and chaos and and I learned early in my life through through my family, that if if the drunks you kind of loose, you kind of loose, you you cut him loose.

03:19:31:09 - 03:19:51:23
Only thing you can do, they are a lid anchor and they're going to drag you down to whatever depths they're headed to. If you try to hang on to oh oh, they're going to drag you down. Every interaction is going to be a drag down. It's going to can ruin your life, even though maybe you don't drink at all.

03:19:52:05 - 03:20:19:20
It can ruin your life just having them in your life, not necessarily even living with you, just around. And I learned a long, long time ago the only universal solution to that was cut loose. And so when I realized she was just hopelessly broke, girls divorced her. I was divorced a while from her. How long? A year? Maybe not even a year?

03:20:19:20 - 03:20:44:03
No, I'm not even here. No, no. Three or four or five months. And I was around town quite a bit as a little town, little logging town, and I was around town all the time and I knew from, you know, 70% of the people in that town. And there was a little girl, she was about 13 or 14 really want to be super, super, just stunningly pretty little girls.

03:20:44:12 - 03:21:09:21
I was the eldest 20. No. Yeah, 20. Something like 21 figures to me. Anyway, I had seen her around and she waved and smiled and I would wait and smell that. Was that because she was, you know, I think she was 14 years old and I would see her, you know, a couple of times a month at the store here and there, whatever it was, it don't don't deal.

03:21:09:22 - 03:21:35:14
Don't, you know, just you don't talk. You don't work, you know? Yeah, she was somewhat flirty. But anyway, I was, you know, on the hill, I was in a cafe one night pretty late about 11:00, and I was eating. I remember who I was eating roast beef with great roast beef on bread with gravy. I well, I'm aware of that.

03:21:35:14 - 03:22:09:15
It's funny how the neural connections forged themselves in some situations, and they're just there forever, you know? I can't remember my dog's name, but I remember that. And I was sitting there and it was raining outside and nasty like it always was up there. And I had a bunch of friends. Your friends? Yeah younger than me. There were 15, 16, 17 year old range, but a lot of them I knew a lot of those kids and they were they were typical kids.

03:22:09:15 - 03:22:30:15
You know, they were in trouble in this way and that way. And, you know, I had problems with life and stuff like that, but I don't know where I clicked with them. I you know, I clicked or culture, cultural backgrounds were the same or something. I really clicked and I was friends to them and I liked it and I was kind of the the quasi Fonz to them, you know.

03:22:30:15 - 03:22:52:15
And so I sit in this place having this roast beef sandwich thing, and suddenly the door burst open and. They all ran is like eight of them. They all ran in and they and they said, Shawn, so that girl, I wonder if she just got kidnaped and I'm like, What, what, what, what longer? What are you talking about?

03:22:52:20 - 03:23:10:18
And they're like, you know, you, you senior, you know who we're talking about? That girl. And they told me her name and I also kind of knew her name and they said she just got kidnaped. And I'm like, like, you know, come on, come on, guys. Come on, you know, what are you. Oh, this isn't an episode of Happy Days, you know?

03:23:10:22 - 03:23:40:03
Really, it's not. And they said, no, really, seriously, we're not bullshitting you. Really. And they all look very serious and they all looked very somber and they all looked very shocked, shocked and scared, really scared. And so after about 5 minutes, I started thinking, God, really, really? Could she have been kidnaped? What in the hell? Okay, now, I got to tell you, in those days in that region, the police were just somewhere.

03:23:40:03 - 03:23:58:01
I don't know where they were. They we never talked to them to give us a ticket, maybe. Sometimes, you know, we prayed that'd be about it, but whatever problem anybody had, we just handled it. I mean, it didn't matter what the problem was. The last thing we ever would have thought of would have been to call police for anything at all.

03:23:58:14 - 03:24:22:17
Nothing. Nothing. Somebody. Somebody kills your kid, you go kill him. You know, you want to call the cops? The fuck? That was the culture. I don't know. Some people can probably relate to that. Some people can't. But they were so far removed from our thinking that I mean, they didn't exist, really. They didn't exist. They wrote tickets, you know, that's all.

03:24:22:19 - 03:24:43:08
That's it. That's all they did. And we didn't think about it unless we had to. So I didn't tell them to go call the cops. I just said, well, I don't know, you know, if you really were kidnaped, you know what the hell you want me to do about she could be anywhere. And it was her population. The town was 40,000, something like that.

03:24:44:07 - 03:25:09:15
You know, it's a rainy, dark night. It's 10:00 or nothing I can do, you know hell. What the hell go? You know. You know where her friends live, you know, go in there. And they knew who kidnaped her. It was two guys. Two guys who had been hitting on for quite a while, really get an obnoxious, another two older, much older guys early twenties and I ended doing a website on one.

03:25:10:08 - 03:25:31:06
It's a long story, but anyway, so the kids knew who they were and I said, okay, go to their friends, you know, see if they just took her somewhere like a no, no, no, really this time a serious no. They didn't just take her to somebody's house. No, they, they, they had rope and they had gloves on and shit like that and they forced her down in the back seat later.

03:25:31:06 - 03:25:56:03
Oh really. What a fucking fuck. Maybe this really is something legitimate. And I. I was really, really slow to react on this because I just didn't, you know, nothing happened. There had been one murder in that town in ten years. That was some woman killed her husband from a certain it was a I mean, we had a we had everybody fought all the time but nobody had guns really.

03:25:56:16 - 03:26:18:04
Well, I did, you know, people who had guns, they didn't use them when it was a peaceful town. It was it was a logger town. It was a drunk logger town. Everybody Punched everybody up, but we didn't kill each other, you know. So anyway, we're sitting there, we're discussing this and and they're saying, come, come on, come on, we got to go.

03:26:18:04 - 03:26:34:09
We got to go look for. And I think it's impossible. You know, they had a couple of cars and I had my car and okay, so we got three cars. What we're just going to drive randomly around town in the rain, in the dark. We're never going to see this car. It's probably five, ten, 20, 50 miles out of town by now.

03:26:34:09 - 03:26:56:04
What in the hell? You know, and I want to finish my roast beef anyway. And as I'm sitting there and they're looking dejected, like, oh, you know, the phone's not going to help us suck this shit. And all of a sudden they started yelling. They said, Look, look, look. And I looked out the glass doors of this cafe in exactly.

03:26:56:04 - 03:27:19:01
Across the street. Exactly. Across the street. The car was pulling up and it was the car it was the car that kidnaped. And I thought a trucker would. Okay. And I told the guys, no, go get him, go get them, you know. And they said, no, we can't. Because the one guys from the Army, you I. Oh, okay, motherfucker.

03:27:19:14 - 03:27:41:17
And just about that time, this little girl popped her head up in the backseat and looked straight out across the street at us in the cafe, and she looked fucking terrified. She just tearfully just oh, god. And you know, that gets the protective bullshit going in the guys and me too. And I said, okay, okay, go and ready for that instant.

03:27:41:17 - 03:28:02:00
They pulled out that car pulled away. They had stopped over there for something, I don't know. Anyway, they had stopped for something and then they pulled away before we could even get out the door. I'm going to fucking shoot. You know, you're going to be blocks away before we even get to our cars. Cars were a couple of blocks away and fucking from Jesus Christ.

03:28:02:22 - 03:28:26:16
And but we did. We went in and ran for the cars and and got them got to go on my never ever, ever, ever started. But it did. It just did. I like magic and they were all piled in my car. Then I'm like, I think we just took my car. And they were like, you know, six of them in the goddamn backseat sitting on each other laps.

03:28:26:16 - 03:28:43:07
And because they all were scared and they want to stay together. And we started off down the street and I thought, where in the fuck would be a logical place for her to take this girl? What the hell? Where would they be? Gone. And it just hit me. Little, little mini bolt of lightning. And it hit me and I thought, Oh, go into the woods.

03:28:44:02 - 03:29:08:01
Look out of the fucking woods. They're going to rape in the woods. And if she if she screams gets mad the probably killed. And so I thought okay there's only one route to the woods closest up to the woods and we went down, made a right hand turn, went over bridge and we got right in the top of the bridge.

03:29:08:10 - 03:29:27:18
My car was really sticking slow, especially with all those goddamn kids in there. But somehow we caught up to these fuckers and they were right top of the bridge and we got up next to them. They did. They didn't know. They didn't recognize my car or anything, you know, next to him. And just look and look and look to see what the hell they're doing.

03:29:27:18 - 03:29:55:02
And they were looking straight ahead, driving. And right at that point, the girl popped her head up and looked at us with this look of horror, the guys. Horror, horror, something just hit me. Just struck me. And so I had the passenger roll down the window and went over and kind of kind of lunge the car at this car a little bit to get their attention.

03:29:55:13 - 03:30:12:20
And that guy rolled down the window like, what the fuck you want, asshole? And I just yelled across, Pull over if I can pull over now, right now. Fucking pull over right now. And he's like, No, fuck you. Who are you? What the fuck? Bullshit. And he kept driving and I had a gun and I pulled it, pointed it at his face.

03:30:13:06 - 03:30:35:15
So poor in fucking shoot you. And he grudgingly slowly went down off the bridge and he pulled over on the shoulder and we were on them. We were just fucking on, everybody was just on. And I got the girl on the back and they had the gloves on the head, little African black gloves on up in the front that open the back and shit like that.

03:30:35:15 - 03:30:56:13
And she thought maybe that was the end of her life to be miserable for a while and that's going to be the end of her life. That's what she was thinking. And so the guys all took my guys all took care of those two guys. The one guy was a drill instructor from a local army base. He was just a fucking push, just a fucking push.

03:30:57:07 - 03:31:14:02
And they took care of him with no problem. He was whining and crying by the time you fucking left and went, everybody was done. We just said, Don't come back, you know, don't come back. Your students like we see you. We're going to fucking kept you very up there in the swamp. Nobody will ever know. And he didn't.

03:31:14:02 - 03:31:43:18
He didn't never come back. The other guy lived there, and he didn't make any trouble for a while. Well, I will finish that in a minute. That she was 14 at that time and she I was that did it that like submitted it for who didn't do anything for me in a romantic way because the age difference was just insane.

03:31:43:18 - 03:32:06:07
But for her it was something different and forever more. After that, I was the man I was. I was the man. But we didn't talk. We didn't, you know, see each other. Same about time. Once in a while, a few times a month. She Hi, how are you doing? And then she got to be like 17. And then she just turned on the term.

03:32:06:07 - 03:32:44:06
She just turned it on. But you know you're going to be mine. That's all there is to it. I don't care what I have to do. And I was to still age before the age difference was the same. But at least now she was older and little by little by little she just worked her way into my heart and we ended up getting married, having kids, all, you know, 2.3 kids and, you know, all the shit you're supposed to do and so that is the girl when I when I know, when I'm talking about my wife in all of these.

03:32:44:14 - 03:33:23:05
That was the wife. I'm about. She's the one who died. Got to her 11 years ago, something like that. No, this one, Kurt. We never heard from the military guy again. He's gone. He's out of the picture. The other is, about 20 years later, she got a letter from him. We were living on a big boat in a marina.

03:33:24:23 - 03:33:53:22
We'd only been there a week. We had just poked our names into the electric account. The only way that our names were attached to you, even really to that state and to write to the right, to the boat. She gets a letter from. This fucking perfect piece of shit is Oh, I love you, I love you. I'm going to find husband and take him out.

03:33:53:22 - 03:34:29:01
You know, I go on and on and on and she was scared and she just threw the letter away. We ended up going out to the marina and ended up somewhere else nearby pretty quickly. And nor from the sky, nor from at all. Until we'd been married 35 years. And he came back and he found the restaurant that she owned.

03:34:30:20 - 03:35:03:15
And just went at it just like a crazed fucking motherfucking goddamn piece of shit, just sneaking around the restaurant sometimes when she was working, calling again and again and again and again and again, they wouldn't fucking stop. And at that time we couldn't even remember name. Can you remember whatever? So we had to go to the town where he had gone to school and go through the goddamn yearbooks and find his picture and then, oh, god, you name Katrina, motherfucker, you know, yours.

03:35:04:19 - 03:35:34:13
And I put together whatever few skills still had remaining from law enforcement and then built a huge dossier on him and found out everything there was to know about him. It turned out that we had lived in probably ten or 12 towns in that region over many years. So he he had followed us to every town over the complete span of 35 years.

03:35:35:12 - 03:36:06:19
In one case, he lived 100 yards from us. And he walked past our house every day on his way to work. Think about that. So I compiled this whole thing and we had the we the phone calls. I did a weird and tricky thing with the subpoena and I. How do we do that? We traced we traced his calls to a cell tower behind his house.

03:36:07:23 - 03:36:35:18
So so we had him by the fucking lawyers there. And then finally I took it to court for a emergency restraining order because I had so much he had been calling her employees, telling them that he was going to take me out, you know, crazy mother fucking warned you. Turned out he was a lifelong druggie, you know, fancied himself one of the biker boys.

03:36:35:18 - 03:36:59:16
You know, he had some more rusty Harley-Davidson parts. He didn't have any running motorcycle. He thought he was a biker, you know, and you know, that type, he just fucking loser in every single category. We took it to court and the the judge threw it up, wouldn't grant the restraining order, saying he had not made any threats directly to me.

03:36:59:16 - 03:37:22:21
We said, what? What? Well, here's one of the people right here in the courtroom that he made the threats to. And the judge said, well, you filed for the restraining or this person didn't file for it. So she can't you know, we can't take her testimony. It just went like that. Just the usual usual fucking American. Good clinical insanity of our judicial system.

03:37:23:06 - 03:37:58:14
Clinical insanity. I've got a huge website about the guy I, I detailed every single detail about him and wrote it all out through his pictures and everything. It's somewhere I can't remember even what the name of the hospital. I suppose he's still alive somewhere she's not is figures anyway. Okay, that's a story that. Okay, she was a hardcore German girl, tough as nails, toughest frickin nails, solid human being.

03:37:59:15 - 03:38:41:20
And we had 40 years less. We had 40 years less one day. Okay, so. So that's explain now, right? Okay. Got it. Jesus Christ. Okay, so people are saying people are asking me, well, everybody doesn't like the corruption in the US and they don't like the bullshit. And on, and on and on. How bad was it? Did you, did you really have to leave the nation of your birth because of the fucking bullshit?

03:38:41:21 - 03:39:12:22
It's like, well, yeah, because the few tiny little tidbits I divulged in the last two very long podcasts were were just one screw in a stand off the beach. Oh, good, you lead an active life, and you're going to have active bullshit in it. That's all there is to it. I guarantee you. I guarantee you, when I work for the feds, I get tired really quickly.

03:39:12:22 - 03:39:43:18
I got tired of corruption there. I was the only in there like a year and 11 months and like and I was just off by six months. But I thought I could adapt and adjust, you know, and people in my unit, they kept saying, well, you know, what we're doing is not that bad in one of the things that started kicking me off in the early days was we would get a warrant to do a bust in some house.

03:39:43:18 - 03:40:25:17
I remember one of them was it was several friends who worked for the DMV, and for years they had been selling fake driver's licenses for 500 a pop. That was in the seventies, early seventies. And these weren't just fake. These were real. They were real fake because they put them through the system as a real driver's license. Tens of thousands of these people, a house, they just had the blanks and they put it through the system and cheat them.

03:40:25:17 - 03:41:01:01
You had a new real, real untraceable. It's a real one. You how are you going to know what's a real person? So anyway, we did a lot of work like that and a lot of a lot of work against other government offices and sometimes against other law enforcement. Sheriffs offices were renowned for in little bins of criminals with dens of criminals.

03:41:01:01 - 03:41:16:23
One of the one of the things I was going to say that started ticking off in the very beginning was that in that state at that time, they had a law that said that you if you had a bust of good work, you had a bust, you could go pound on the door. You know, you'd followed them to their house.

03:41:16:23 - 03:41:45:04
You know, they got to shit, whatever the shit happens to be. You follow them to the fucking house, you know, there's six of them in there and you go knock on the door and maybe go clandestinely like a mailman. Or maybe you go as a team, you know, a battering ram shit like that and you would say you knock on the door and the police open up.

03:41:45:04 - 03:42:41:12
And if they didn't say yes, come in, could we can we? So how many bad guys got rid of that crap? Whatever it was in this case, it was it was cases and cases and cases of white girls, license dealer Bob's. And they were they were busily flushing who would have taken the hand of three or four or five or they would have plugged the fucking toilet eventually, but anyway, so the routine was that when you had one of those somebody in your, in your little pod going on the side of the house or maybe the back door or something like that, and you would yell, Police, open up the room and person from your

03:42:41:12 - 03:43:00:02
own unit would yell in a little voice, you know, a little disguised voice. They would say, Yeah, okay, come in. Okay, so everybody in your unit, they could testify, say, well, we heard them. They said, come in. You know, that whole thing was horseshit. Okay, that's that's another one grain of sand on the beach for the shit that we were doing.

03:43:01:08 - 03:43:32:21
It was bad stuff. We were we were high end. We weren't experimental because this organization had existed for quite a few years before I came along. So you couldn't call it experimental anymore. But it was it was out there. The drain up. The drain. It was Outer Circle and Neptune as far as what we could do. I remember there was one case where the one guy had gotten into a group when they were doing bank robberies and they were hurting people.

03:43:34:07 - 03:44:03:05
And it was the war. The mob, they were Italian. So they thought like the mob, you know, all I don't think like the police, which I had lot of my Italian friends like, but thinking is kind of fun to be around as long as you're not fucking being criminals, you know, I sort of enjoyed the thinking as far as taking care of their own hood, you know, stuff like that.

03:44:04:05 - 03:44:24:19
But so this guy got into that. He knew what they were doing. But I don't think they knew if he knew. But he got into the group as far as he could get any and he just got stalled, couldn't, couldn't get any higher. He couldn't get to the point where. He could really get anything on the bottom. You just couldn't.

03:44:24:19 - 03:44:50:11
And they were hitting bank after bank after bank after banking and hurting people. I don't recall that they killed, but they hurt him. They shot him and hurt him in other ways. And everybody really want to get this fucking group. But the the quote unquote Dawn of the family wasn't really done. But he he was the top guy, the patriarch.

03:44:50:11 - 03:45:18:02
He wouldn't let this guy in. But the Italians respecting family bonds, as they do, he saw a way in. So the guy that was orchestrating all the robberies, the bank robbers, he had a pretty sister. So the guy ruder for a while, took a couple of months and the murder with the blessing of the family. And right after.

03:45:18:02 - 03:45:44:20
The wedding. Then he's in. He's fucking in. He's in Flint. He's in, he's accepted. Now he's quote unquote the family. So right after the wedding, right after before they get to go fuck somewhere, you know, the family said, okay, now you're in, now we're going to initiate you. And he said, okay, let's go, brother, the chance to go.

03:45:45:08 - 03:46:10:23
So he called it in, you know, like, okay, okay, we're going to go, we're going to go, we're going to go here and we're going to do this. And they took him out and they did a bank robbery. And I oh, god, somebody did get hurt on that one. I remember they did two things. They did a bank robbery and they also did a liquor store that was like next door within the space of 15 minutes.

03:46:10:23 - 03:46:34:11
And they're like, okay, now you're, you know, criminals like us know we're fucking but, you know, now we are truly, truly family. We don't share the DNA, but by God, we're as close as you can get to that. And he said, yes, yes, I feel it in my blood, you know, and get all done. And he didn't want the girl.

03:46:35:07 - 03:46:53:06
He just said, okay, I got to go see where I go. Listen, I'll see you at the house and went and made the call and we pumped up the whole thing. Yeah. The next morning or a couple of days later he got the whole thing annulled because he hadn't done anything, you know? Okay, so point I'm making here is a district sleazy.

03:46:53:06 - 03:47:18:00
Fuck me to do shit. We did stuff like that all the time. Sometimes we would go with him and he had a liquor store in and maybe two or three in a row and the management of our group would come in later and compensate. The store owner said, Look, keep your mouth shut. You know, we're on these guys.

03:47:18:00 - 03:47:36:13
Don't worry, you're going to get them. We're going to get them. In every case that I know of, the owners or whatever, you know, the victims said, okay, you know, I can get them, try to get my money back and whatever and and it all got smoothed over and straightened out. And it was just it was like that every day, every day, every day, every day.

03:47:37:09 - 03:48:06:14
We had one guy in in my unit where we would go somewhere. We had a safe house, we had a bunch of shit and we would go somewhere. We have a big meeting. Okay, like, okay, here's John. Joe Smith know we're going to get Joe Smith and everybody's like, okay, how are we going to do it? And we'd lay out maps and plans and pictures and everything and everybody's involved in their thinking and they get ideas and well, we had one guy who who just stand on the corner.

03:48:06:19 - 03:48:20:23
Even if we were in a restaurant, he wouldn't sit at our table. He just stood off in the corner, wouldn't listen to anything. He had no fucking plan whatsoever. He wasn't in on the plan. He had no well, you know, he did have a plan. He wasn't, you know, our plan. His plan had nothing to do with our plan.

03:48:22:07 - 03:48:44:07
And so we got it all set up and we'd go hit the door and door and he'd just elbow past. Everybody's in there, he's in there first, and he just wanted to shoot. He's wanted to kill people. He just wants to kill them, you know, could be somebody's daughter, sister, wife that he didn't know, didn't care. He just want to kill people.

03:48:45:01 - 03:49:07:15
Okay. So I saw too much of that. And after a year and 11 months or whatever, I couldn't take one more minute of it. It became toxic to me. I lost all respect for I. I appreciate what they were doing. They're trying to take their people off the street. But you can't you know, you can't do that. You can't do that.

03:49:07:22 - 03:49:33:17
You know, I know I'm not a huge respecter of laws anymore, but you can't be immoral. You can't do that shit. You cannot do that anyway. So that was another thing that drove me out. You know, all the stuff just went into my change jar and when my change jar got full of Mr. Hankies, I said, okay, that's it, I'm out.

03:49:33:22 - 03:50:03:08
We don't care. I don't care. I just leave them. That that shit started pretty early. I remember as a kid I was 16, just got, I got to have my driver's license like a week school, high school and I had a 100 CC Suzuki Trail bike, horrible piece of shit. We had laws in that state, had a minimum speed limit of 70.

03:50:03:08 - 03:50:34:22
You know, we had a maximum of 75, a minimum of 55. Okay. On the freeways. And I couldn't do 55, I couldn't do 50, I could do 49. That was yeah, that was downhill. The wind up in my fucking arms like wings, you know, that's all that's all it was in that little 100. You know, we're going to do about 1968 or some goddamn thing just trail sprocket, you know, you just fucking crap in every possible way.

03:50:35:10 - 03:50:57:03
And so anyway, I left school one day and I want to go about two blocks to a kind of a mini mart thing and I want to get some lunch and it's a nice, quiet, residential area. Nice, nice place, nice, nice suburbia. And I got on that little creepy thing and sort of cutting off down the street. And I got about a block and a half, about a half a block from this meeting.

03:50:57:03 - 03:51:25:12
Mark Then all of a sudden, this cop car just shoves me off the road, just shoves me off onto the fucking curb. And this huge set red faced Yahoo! Hillbilly son of a bitch gets out and he's shrieking and his face is turning purple and he's saying, I've been chasing you for a mile. And I called it in as a as a chase because you're just crazy and you're going to kill people.

03:51:25:20 - 03:51:43:20
I caught you at 87 miles an hour, and that's verbatim. That's what he said, 87 miles an hour. And I was young punk, you know, I being nice. I everything I said was yes or no, sir. And I said, sir, I my school is a block and a half right there. You couldn't have been chasing me for miles.

03:51:43:20 - 03:52:08:15
And this motorcycle will not go 87. I wish it would. You know, 49. That's it. Maybe in a hurricane at my back 50. And that just sent him over there and she's just screaming, it's beating spittle and snot running down his nose and he's screaming that I know about these motorcycles and on and on and on. And he wrote me for 87 and I took it to court and beat it.

03:52:09:09 - 03:52:31:02
But at that tender young age, I'm like, oh, oh, oh, step back, step back. Look at the bigger picture what's going on here? What? Where am I? Where am I? Is this reality? People really act like this. Cops really act like this. Just lie and just lie and pieces of fucking shit. And so stuff like that, just add it up and add it up.

03:52:31:06 - 03:52:51:20
And it it does for everyone. It has for you too. I don't care who you are. It has added up for you to some degree. The more active you've been in your life, the more this shit has added up on you. Sometimes people have one or two really horrifically bad experiences with corruption and shit like this. Excuse me.

03:52:53:16 - 03:53:15:11
And after it's over, they get it resolved one way or another. Okay. Oh, my God. Oh, well, that was fucking terrible. But, you know, if I just stay home from now on and never leave the goddamn apartment, you know, bad things will never happen to me again. And so they might go. They might go their whole life again without having something like this happen again.

03:53:15:11 - 03:53:44:09
But if they're out there moving around, being active, doing shit in life, having all kinds of businesses and adventures, and it's going to happen. It's really, really, really going to happen. And after it's happened 7000 times and you keep stepping back and you keep stepping back and you keep saying, Oh my God, look at the bigger picture, look, oh, my God, just when you think you can't be surprised or shocked, you're surprised and shocked again and again and again and again.

03:53:44:18 - 03:54:12:08
And you reach a point where you say, That's enough. I can't take it anymore. You know, hell is the impossibility of reason I domain hill is dot, dot, dot, dot, dot the impossibility of reason that hell. And to me that's what America had become and still is today. It's getting worse every day. I rode Rustler Patrol for a huge ranch.

03:54:12:08 - 03:54:48:00
It was see 1100 sections of land of cattle in the mountains, low mountains, cattle grazing. And let's see, there was 106 and 640 to a section 704,000 acres, and it was ours and our cattle is on there. And they disappeared a lot. And finally they hired me to stop. It gave me all horses I could ride horses. I wear out.

03:54:48:12 - 03:55:12:11
And I lived on the other side of that rangeland from the ranch headquarters. So I was 25 miles away on the other side of their ranch. And so that's what I did for years. I just rode in, looked for rustlers, and I don't believe we lost any. I don't as far as I know, we didn't lose a single cow when I when I was doing that before that they lost shitloads.

03:55:12:11 - 03:55:44:18
They lost 66 head one night. A lot of them, they know not a lot of them. Some of them they cut in quite a number of cases when they caught them. They turned out to be local sheriff's deputies. Think about it, that a world you want to live in. Well, Southeast Asia has that shit, too, in some ways and in some places worse than that.

03:55:45:07 - 03:56:24:13
But there at least there are some perks to Southeast Asia. I couldn't find any more perks in America. The word anymore perks left for me. Okay. If you want to really see how bad things have gotten in America, I mentioned this, I mentioned this regularly. There's YouTube channel. I think it's a YouTube channel. So I don't know, just Google Google four, audit the auditors and by the third one, you'd be just pissed off and scared and want to leave the U.S. because the law enforcement in the U.S. has got stuck raving, fucking mad with power.

03:56:25:20 - 03:57:05:23
In all the countries I've lived in, I have not seen even a hint that kind of madness anywhere else in the world. But the U.S. is going gaga cuckoo fucking shit with it. And every time they get caught the double down, do it more, defend it more. Okay, here's my last bad story. I hope when I bought my plane ticket for Thailand and I was 99.4% done with the US, I'm really close to being done.

03:57:07:01 - 03:57:26:05
But there was still a teensy little thing in the recesses of my mind thinking, well, you know, if Southeast Asia doesn't work out well, I guess no big. I just got back to the US and I borrowed a car to go to the airport. I could drop it at the airport and then they would pick it up there later.

03:57:26:05 - 03:58:02:01
And it was a new Porsche SUV, some kind of a thing like and it was new and shiny and everything was in order. All the papers, you know, everything and I was driving along and I was on the big freeway, probably 30 or 40 miles from the airport. And just thinking about the trip, you know, speeding a little bit, probably seven over.

03:58:02:01 - 03:58:21:18
I usually did seven over fill book and there's a pickup in front of me and he's going slow in the fast lane. It's all a green pickup with a bunch of tools and some kind of machinery and shit in the deck. Looked like Gensets or something. I didn't what it was and he wouldn't get over and he wouldn't get over.

03:58:21:18 - 03:58:42:09
So I did. Right hand signal moved over, asked him slowly, got quite a way to help him. Left signal back in front in the fast lane. And as I went by myself through some kind of an emblem on the door and it looked to me like forests or something like that, and I said, okay, well whatever it were.

03:58:43:00 - 03:59:11:20
And I got past him and he was gone and I wasn't going 15 seconds in for green light, more lights up behind me. And I thought, Oh ho ho, what is this for service? You must accidentally hit the switch. That's what it was. He accidentally hit the switch. Why should red and blue with a focus out about and I was watching back there for another you know 15 seconds and then he came right up on my ass and I said, well, this is this is some kind of a problem.

03:59:11:20 - 03:59:36:22
I don't know who the fuck this is. Maybe this is somebody impersonating a cop or maybe I don't know what. Maybe I got, you know, fire shooting out of the back of that car, like, okay, whatever. So I pulled over right hand side all the way over, pulled him, and I got out and I he no uniform. He just had this old pickup, but he had a gun and he had it, you know, he didn't have a radio.

03:59:37:10 - 04:00:00:11
You had a gun. And I said, Who are you and what do you want? And he's like, Turn around, put your hands on your head. I said, No. Well, to fuck. Who are you? You tell me who the fuck you are. Okay And it went like that for a good 10 minutes. And he never would tell me who he was.

04:00:00:20 - 04:00:17:13
He never would tell me who the fuck fuck he was, at least not till the end of it. And I was going to call state patrol. My phone was in the car on the front seat and I thought, Well, if I go for it, are you going to fucking shoot me? Because you got his hand on his gun?

04:00:17:13 - 04:00:36:17
You flipped the song off it and he's looking twitchy and he's got little big eyes and he just looks like a fucking hothead piece of shit. And I. I kept asking you, what are you pulling me over for? And he never said speeding because I wasn't really speeding. And he said, Well, you have no front license plate. I saw that in my mirror.

04:00:36:17 - 04:00:59:13
When you're buying. I said, this is a certain European car. It's not required to have a front license plate. It's look it up, call it in, call it in. It's not. And who the hell are you? By what authority? Or are you stopping me on a fucking federal highway? What the hell? And he's standing there and we're looking at each other.

04:00:59:13 - 04:01:22:15
And then he shut up and I showed up and just waiting for him to make some kind of a decision. And he reached out and punched me in the chest. Just punched me in the fucking on my left side. And he started to do it again. And I walked him and then he just was pummeling me, just pummeling me.

04:01:22:15 - 04:01:47:11
And I block every single blow because he was big and fat and stupid and slow. And I'm no great fighter, but he easy to block. And I just kept walking, blocking him. Get your fucking hands off me. Just stop. And normally I'm armed. But I was going to the airport. If I had have been armed, I have put him on the goddamn ground, waited for state patrol, and then he realized he couldn't beat me in a fight.

04:01:47:19 - 04:02:17:22
And he stood there again, looking at each other, and he was just beaming just in. And he he pulled his gun cartwheel of his holster, and he said, Jerome Put your hands behind your back. And I looked him in the eye and I knew telepathy, whatever I knew if I didn't, he was going to fuck and really and I did it and he caught me put your next to my car.

04:02:17:22 - 04:02:37:19
And I have a lot of damage from from driving from the event quite a few times and my shoulders just don't go where they're supposed to go in any way. Really hurt to him behind me. But that was okay. I could deal with it. But he had clamped them down on the bear really goddamn hard. One of them in particular.

04:02:37:19 - 04:02:49:22
And after just a minute of that, I said, Look, I can't take this pain. I can't take the pain in my right wrist. I can't take it. You're going to have to you're going to have to loosen that up. I can't take it you know you won't see me cry. I'm going to cry. I can't take this pain.

04:02:50:15 - 04:03:09:20
And he said, okay, let's see about that. And he reached over, clicked it down harder, and then he started accusing me of being some kind of, Oh, I wish I could remember what the term was. Some phrase he had for some for some group that believes there's no government and they don't have to respond to any government or something like that.

04:03:11:03 - 04:03:33:05
I could probably Google and find it, but it doesn't really matter. They sort of accusing me of being one of them, whatever that is. And I said, Look, you better call this in your better fucking coalition because you're digging your hole deeper every minute. And I told who I was and my background and he's like, Fuck you, I'll do what I want, you know?

04:03:33:12 - 04:04:04:12
And finally he started off to his truck and called it in, you know, on the radio a long time, probably 10 minutes. So this whole thing now is in the 35, 40 minute. And he came back and he was fucking with you. Is apologizing to me right out of his truck. I'm sorry. Maybe we can work this out.

04:04:04:12 - 04:04:30:10
I'm really not such a bad guy. I hope you don't hold a grudge. Which is just sickening. Just fucking sickening. He came over, uncuff me, and he. And he said, you know, I hope we can just let this go. And I didn't even ask him, you know, if I if I wasn't on my way to an international flight, I would have made a big motherfucking deal out of it.

04:04:31:11 - 04:05:04:16
We would have spent the next day, you know, at the station, the state patrol turned out that he was game warden. He was an off duty game warden, just on a fucking power trip. Just. Just dizzy with power. I've got a website about him to I went and got on the flight and that less of a 4% the low that I had for the U.S. was gone, gone, gone.

04:05:04:16 - 04:05:38:08
And I went down there with no intention of ever, ever coming back. Okay. So if you love America, it's great. Love it. I hope somebody does. I wish enough people loved it that they would band together and straighten out some goddamn shit. Well, I know human nature. I know they're not going to. It's on the decline. It's declining so steeply and so it's going so fast into freefall that it doesn't matter.

04:05:38:17 - 04:05:58:00
You know, there's not that many good people left in the U.S. anymore and that whatever little group there is left, they cannot stop just fucking freefall. They cannot stop it. It has to. You just got to let it fall and let it crash at the bottom and hope that something gets rebuilt out of it. That's not going to happen in my lifetime or your lifetime.

04:05:58:00 - 04:06:20:14
It's just going to get worse and worse and worse and worse for probably 30 to 50 years. Some of you might see it hit bottom. I don't know. I mean, we're seeing places like San Francisco, Cincinnati, whatever. I mean, we're seeing those places getting closer to the bottom. But they're still at the bottom. But they're but they're just going to keep on going.

04:06:20:14 - 04:06:46:13
They're going to get worse and worse because there are there are entire no go zones now in almost every city. You just don't go there, you know, really, you got ten people with with vests and everybody's got an automatic something. We still don't go there because they're they're going to get one of you lucky shot. You know. So I want people to love America.

04:06:46:13 - 04:07:13:16
If you love it, that's great behind you. I hope you do. I'm sad for your fight because I don't think it's winnable anymore. I don't I don't even think it's 5050. I don't even think it's 6040. I don't even think it's 2080. I think it's 90, 99.9%. It's unwinnable. Look, the smart people have learned to just hide. You just hide.

04:07:13:16 - 04:07:46:08
No is hide and hope that the insanity doesn't get you. But it's getting to the point where probably will it will you you can't hide that well the only thing you can do is get out of it. You know, hell is the impossibility of reason. And now I see that as a synonym for the U.S.. You know, I the beginnings of that when I when when I first left Canada, now I know it's just glaring.

04:07:46:08 - 04:08:20:04
Neon neon lights. So if you love America, that's great. Thank you. Thank you for your love, you know, kick ass, rock and roll I behind you, I support you, but I don't hear that love anymore. America has become a stranger to me and not a nice stranger. I had to shoot two people in my lifetime, neither of them law enforcement related justified.

04:08:20:04 - 04:09:01:16
Both justified. 100,000 more experiences like that that just built up and built up to a toxic level in my and it's building up in your system too or you wouldn't be listening to this podcast because you're wondering you're wondering if there's someplace better and there kind of is. Even if it's not bitter, it's cost of living is going to be about a third of what you're paying now for a similar, comparable lifestyle.

04:09:01:16 - 04:09:24:16
And as crazy as the Southeast governments are and they're all mother fucking crazy, they aren't as crazy as. What I see in the U.S.. Okay. So people are saying they want more detail about getting here, about my personal trip because they want it. They try to imagine themselves doing it themselves, you know, like, what do I do? How, where, how do I get a flight?

04:09:24:16 - 04:09:41:17
Where do I get the flight to? Where to? How do you how do I know what's a good hotel or a bad hotel? So if people are saying they want 20 times more detailed than I have offered so far, so I need to back up and regroup and step back and look at the bigger picture, too. Okay. What do people want to know?

04:09:42:07 - 04:10:09:04
That's that's my job right now is to figure it out. It. So I got it. I understand I understand what you're asking for. I can do it. So I'm going to back up a little bit, too, about the point where I'm looking at flights, you know, and then we're going to go through it. And again, I'm trying to tell you what what the thinking processes were.

04:10:09:04 - 04:10:38:15
So you can you can understand your own thinking processes better and you can say, oh, my God, other people have that question to this is how they answered it. You know, like that. Okay. I'm going to tell you first of all, one last thing here before before I just sort of relaunched podcasts from the time of the flight onward, I would mention just a couple of things.

04:10:39:12 - 04:10:59:19
There are things you will miss here if you come here and I'll mention these again and again as we go through these. But there are things you will miss. Personally, I miss rock and roll. I miss real rock and roll all through Southeast Asia, you will barely ever find any kind of rock and roll music. The Southeast Asian felt like it.

04:10:59:19 - 04:11:26:22
They don't understand it. It's loud. They can't get into the rhythms. They don't understand the sounds. I'm going to play some as we go here. It maybe in this one. I've got a whole collection of Southeast Asian music and I'm going to play little snippets of it. You get a little sense of it's really pretty, pretty, pretty good.

04:11:26:23 - 04:11:52:02
It will just make you cry. Well, fuck try do stuff on a bug across these days I do. So here's rock and roll and I miss rock and roll fucking parties, you know, little, little bit of a rocker. I like the real goddamn parties where park your car. And there was a real commercial that depicted this. And it's real.

04:11:52:02 - 04:12:29:22
You slash your fucking tires, all four of them. So, you know, week moment, will you be tempted to drive over the next week or two? And when the party's over and you started to sober up, you call service and you put new tires and they probably needed them anyway, you know, whatever. But those are the of parties. I like kick ass fucking rock and roll so loud you your heart learns to be in the rhythm with the music because it doesn't have any other choice and eardrums are blown out.

04:12:30:01 - 04:12:49:18
Fuck them. Who who needs? Well, if they've got bone conduction, you know you're blowing out too many times they got bone conduction with foot. There's no sense of rock and roll here. It's it's weird. It's just you play rock and roll for them. Any of it in their eyes, just glass over, like, oh, god, please. When's it going to be over?

04:12:49:18 - 04:13:10:01
Oh, God, no, no, no, no. Because your brains just aren't water that way. So I missed that when I was flying, technically. Well, some countries you can fly in, some you can't. All of them are difficult. Vietnam, forget. Fuck it, forget it. You're not going to do any personal private flying in Vietnam. It's not going to fucking happen.

04:13:10:01 - 04:13:35:07
Thailand, maybe. Probably not. I got a horrible story about a friend who importer tried to import a plane into Thailand or or. I'll tell it at some point later. Much later. So in the U.S., you know, I did it all the time. I would just like to fly in, so do that. You got it. Like That airplane. Look, there's a sign on, okay?

04:13:35:07 - 04:13:59:08
I buy it. And he got a few forms to fill out and a little bit of tax to pay. And you don't get it. Your plane, your flight home, you know, that's not going to happen anywhere in Southeast Asia, no country you're going to. Private airplanes are just almost unheard of, almost Thailand, for instance. Here's up. Here's a good entry in Thailand.

04:14:00:06 - 04:14:32:21
Nobody lives on the mountains. On the mountains, on the one on the prominent hillside. Nobody lives there. Why? Why? Because it would be cooler, right? If I could cooler there. Well, yeah, it would be. But you can't live there because every square inch is personally by the king. King says no, he my sleeping and we'll we'll talk about kings later on but so there's things you know, I'm trying to give you both sides of this I.

04:14:32:21 - 04:15:01:09
I, I had a day or I had a little airport in Idaho. I, I had one day the most fun thing I ever did in my life. And I been missed that we had it was an airport primarily for experimental planes, you know, really weird shit, which is what I like. And one day for 4th of July, somebody brought over, I don't know, like 10,000 fucking bottle rockets or something.

04:15:01:13 - 04:15:17:01
And they were all the kind that, you know, they would fly out and then they do little pop, you know, a little firecracker would explode. You know, we were when I was a kid, we used to would get up on on the roofs of our houses and shoot at the other kids on the other side of the street who were on the roofs of their houses.

04:15:17:01 - 04:15:47:09
You know. But this time we modified that and we got some copper tubes about 14, 16 inches long, and we taped them like just the destruction held up the windshield, stuff like that. So the point, you know, kind of sort of forward and we would take, you know, 500 or 800 ball rockets in a little bag just in her lap.

04:15:48:04 - 04:16:07:13
And we had some punks, you know, those things that you light rockets with. And so we would go up to two or three of us, each in our own planes, right that right around my airport. We just stayed right around there. We get to go, you know, two or 300 feet, something like that, and call it into your traffic, you know, say, hey, we're going to be flying in.

04:16:07:20 - 04:16:52:14
Okay, okay. At 300 feet. Who the fuck it was, you know, who did anyway? And so you you're flying along and you take a little rocket out of the bag and you slip it. You've got to reach way forward and you slip it into the copper tubing thing that's taped, you know, to whatever stroke you got. And then so you got the rocket part, you know, it's just hanging up, pointing into the wind and you got punk and then you go looking for the enemy in the very soon you're going to find one and they're going to get lined up cause he's going to try to get away and when you think you got him

04:16:53:15 - 04:17:12:23
towards that baby off hook, you know, it takes off. And most of the time, you know, 95% of the time, you weren't even close to him. You know, you could get with him 2030 feet of hitting him, but it would go by him and he would see it, you know, any bank over, oh, fuck, you know, their army.

04:17:14:14 - 04:17:41:11
And then he tried to get back at you and shit like that. Sometimes you committed to the head on a train and sometimes you hit him like in the back of their helmets and like that. If they they had open if you're open like that. And I shot one at my friend and it went like passed his ear and got right in front of him like about four feet.

04:17:41:20 - 04:18:08:20
So I feet in front of his face and it went up a little bit. And then the rocket part fizzle out because it was done and the wind smashed it back against the leading edge of the wing and the engine had been slopping oil and shit. It was a fabric wing and the engine had been slopping oil and shit onto that fabric.

04:18:09:01 - 04:18:31:05
So it was all greasy and nasty and you know, so gas mixed the energy like that and so that you know, the rocket part fizzled out in the rocket went up there in the wind just held it right exactly against the leading edge of that. But and it started the wing like look and I didn't brought, you know, like, you know, five by five inches, something like that.

04:18:32:11 - 04:18:52:12
And he actually he could undo a seatbelt and get up there and pad it out with his hand, you know, open cockpit. And that was the most fun I ever had. There was one whole day on that. I don't know how many tens of thousands, but you're not going to do that. So if he's doing shit like that, rock and roll shit like that, it's not going to happen.

04:18:52:12 - 04:19:12:15
And I'll tell you lots of other things that aren't going to happen too. So you've got to keep it in the back of your mind about, you know, do you really want to come down here? Really? You just got to keep that keep that as a filter back there, you know, because you lost it. You can't do that here.

04:19:12:15 - 04:19:44:23
There's a lot of new stuff you can't do that you can't even imagine yet because they've got to ship you, can't you. Okay. So so I paddled on. Oh, got our time. Okay. So I'm going to start I'm going to start into the rehashing of like I told you that I had in Pinedale and Doc came up Tyler After that, I had a week or ten days of like a before my flight.

04:19:44:23 - 04:20:12:00
And I did find a guy in a coffee shop who had been there and he started telling me about it and that, oh, yeah, come on, come on, come on. Look, you know, students I'm not Detroit. Student So I didn't talk to him all that much because I thought it was some fortunate that he wasn't worth listening to.

04:20:12:00 - 04:20:35:05
So I sent off and got the visa through the embassy, sent a customer and paid the money. 30 bucks or something. In those days, all he needed was a passport. You don't need any other goddamn fucking stupid shit like that. Some Countries are still hanging on to that, by the way, some countries you got you got to keep up your vaccines or they'll get you out.

04:20:35:12 - 04:21:01:07
They just kick you out. I went through that for a long time. I ended up like six vaccines, which none of which I wanted in the Romania Ukraine region. Last year, my cell phone and my good friend, we both got caught from the same person, same same COVID, same strain from the same person the same day. And he had never had a vaccine.

04:21:01:07 - 04:21:31:04
I had had six and or or sickness or COVID was exactly precisely the same. It followed the same schedules, the same of sickness, the same symptoms, exactly within hours of each other, clones and for both of us, it lasted about 32 days. It was a motherfucker. It was a bad one. But I had six vaccines. He had none.

04:21:31:05 - 04:21:55:05
Same. Exact, exact. So I'm no longer a believer in these vaccines. They've been shoved down our throats. I still may have to one to go to some countries. You will to some countries down here will demand that many of them will. So be prepared for that. If you don't have one. If you don't have one, you're not going to move around the world very much at all.

04:21:56:19 - 04:22:20:01
It's horseshit. The whole thing is worse and it usually has to be within a year. So think about that. Thinking about if you're willing to do that. Okay, so I sent off my passport center money and in a few days they sent back doctor you can get it by Russia was on you four days or so. That was for Thailand.

04:22:20:07 - 04:22:41:16
Most countries are about the same. No, all of you. Not all. Most of these countries visa on arrival. So, I mean, you just you just get in the airplane, you get the airplane, you fly in, you know the airplane. You got a customer. You say, they say, who are you? And and you show your passport and they'll stamp you free, you know, 30 days, usually something like that.

04:22:42:19 - 04:23:10:13
I think Philippines just changed it to 60. I'm not sure for for your initial visa, sometimes you got to pay a little bit. I used to pay in Cambodia all the time because you you could you could pay little bribes and and bypass three or 4 hours in the queue. You know, ten bucks would get you in and ten, 15 minutes and get you a better visa to Vietnam.

04:23:10:13 - 04:23:27:22
Forget it. And you got when I was going there, I was going into Saigon. You could not just go there. There was no visa on arrival. If you go if you went there and said, I want a visa, they say, fuck you. Where's your papers? Like I have any papers will get back on a plane because you're not fucking coming in here.

04:23:28:09 - 04:23:57:20
You had to apply for a letter and if they approved you, they would send you the letter and the letter you take to Vietnam and you present it to customs and customs. And the letter says this person is not authorized to apply for a visa. So you apply for the letter so that it will let you apply for the visa.

04:23:58:22 - 04:24:23:17
You know, the Vietnamese are really where it really is probably I don't know. I know people who go there. I know people who live there. I've been around Saigon quite a bit. Yeah, I found that it was okay if you just get a hotel and you just go around and you don't get involved really with too much of anything.

04:24:24:10 - 04:24:56:06
Well, the countries you can get, you know, pretty well involved with stuff in Vietnam. You know, there's still a lot of anti-American sentiment in Vietnam and Laos, too. Also got I ran into that really big time in Laos. So anyway. Okay, so if you if you were going into a visa on arrival country, you just go in, they'll give you a visa for 30 days or maybe you're lucky 60 days and then you're in.

04:24:56:14 - 04:25:27:10
And then from there you can decide if you want to try to get extended visas or if you're really happy there. You can get retirement kinds of visas. Like know Thailand has a dedicated visa. That's nice, it's cheap. You only got to renew it once a year. It's Ducky. I loved it. It's Ducky. I Every year I would go drop off my password at a a immigration attorney office and a couple of days later they call.

04:25:27:21 - 04:25:53:07
So it's really new CoSport for the year that's we had to do it well no you had some other you had to do every three months. But Thailand was easy. Some of the countries are not so easy. Can Cambodia is easy if you don't mind paying bribes in the breaks of small, cheap. Sometimes when you pay bribes, you don't get a real visa and you get a fake visa.

04:25:53:18 - 04:26:24:06
And then when you go to leave, they say, Wait, what is this shit? You're you're fucking seven months overstayed because this visa is not real. So you've been here illegally for seven months. You're fucked, you know, you're going to go straight to jail. They're going to hold you until you pay a bunch of money, and then they're going to put you on a plane in handcuffs and, send you out of the country, some kind of stipulation that you can't come back for whatever, you know, six months or two years or five years or maybe never.

04:26:24:06 - 04:26:49:09
So that's a real big thing. You got to watch out for anyway. If you get it from the embassy in the U.S. or any any Western country, you're going to get a real visa. You don't have to worry about it. And I have found in these countries that if you get a real visa, it grease the wheels and things go smoother.

04:26:49:09 - 04:27:16:10
I don't know why exactly. I guess they figure, well, this probably isn't a fake passport because the passed it through. So maybe this guy is okay, you know, like that guy or girl. I remember coming in the Philippines once and I had gotten the Philippines visa stamped into my customers passport through one of their embassies as first time I ever did in the Philippines.

04:27:18:00 - 04:27:33:02
And I went to extended it at the big immigration office in Manila. And they're like, What? What is this thing? What is this? They would say, Would you get this thing? How would you pay for that? And I told them, Well, I got from your embassy, you know, and they had to go on a check and see what the hell they'd never seen it.

04:27:33:02 - 04:27:50:01
They never heard of it. But once they found out it was legitimate, they said, Oh, well then this guy must be okay. And they gave me kinds of perks and they extended my visa for a lot longer than they were supposed to and gave me some ID cards for free that were supposed to cost a lot of money.

04:27:50:01 - 04:28:19:05
And I was pretty good. Pretty good deal. Anyway, so think about I highly recommend trying to get the visa from the embassy wherever you are, get your COVID papers in order. And for most countries that's about all you need. For the Philippines, you need some other stupid get them shit and they're just adding more and more requirements seemingly every month.

04:28:19:23 - 04:28:45:21
They're crazy for rules. God, they love their rules. They have no concept of how much it inconveniences people and how much it drives away tourism. But I think there's a similar 1 to 3 or three or four things you have to arrange in getting out of coming to the Philippines or to leave. Also, you can't leave. You can't you might not be able to leave.

04:28:45:21 - 04:29:15:14
You got to you got to jump through some hoops before they'll let you leave. They won't even let their own fucking people leave half the time. So Philippines can be problematic. But you know, I don't worry. I'll try to cover the countries I know about in more detail later on. But I went into Thailand first because that's where the tail pin on the donkey was a horrible, disgusting flight.

04:29:15:14 - 04:29:47:13
It was a pal flight. Philippines air out of all the West Coast. It left like 5 hours late. It's like a 14 hour flight. Sometimes you get a little early because you get a headwind. That's a bad or something. But count on it being 14 hours. They used to have Derek's into Bangkok, Thailand. They don't anymore. You'll have to transfer somewhere very often.

04:29:47:13 - 04:30:16:07
Manila or Taiwan? Beijing sometimes. Well, I don't think you're going to Beijing now. I'm not sure. There's a wide variety of places you can stop in. And if you if you can arrange it, I recommend it and even take a couple of days. Lots of places now will give you a little temporary thing. You know, it's a pass through visa kind of a thing.

04:30:16:07 - 04:30:37:23
I don't remember exactly what's called you can like Taiwan, you can stop there for a couple of days. You know, you just you get off the plane, you say, okay my, my flight isn't my connecting flight is is not going to happen for another two, three days. And I want to be able to walk around, go outside, go to McDonald's and they say, okay, and they'll snap you with your customs and give you like two days, three days, whatever, whatever.

04:30:37:23 - 04:31:01:15
And then you go get a hotel and you can mess around. And it really breaks up that horrendous trip, that 14 hour bullshit. I had one that was almost 16 hours, I suppose it was. Oh, yet they can really knock you down. You're going to have to. Most of Southeast Asia, you're going to give or take, you're going to have a 12 hour time difference, 12 hours.

04:31:01:15 - 04:31:37:02
So exactly opposite of and you're going to the so you're going to go ahead, Woody to Southeast Asia the day and if you're here if you're going west if you go from the US Southeast, you're going way, way, way, way, way west here you going 12 hours west, almost 11 or 12 or something like that. And so if it's dark when you leave, you're going at almost the same speed.

04:31:38:09 - 04:31:58:21
Well, you're going really fast. West I don't know what the speeds are. So you so it's going to be it's not going to be dark for 8 hours or 9 hours. It's going to be dark for like 14 hours, you know, because you're going with if you leave in the daytime, it's going to be like for like 20 hours, you know, because you're gone with the sun.

04:31:59:05 - 04:32:22:01
So the sun kind of stays with you. That's really weird. If you go I did around the world last year and I went east all the way and it was dark for, you know, 5 hours and then it's daylight hours, you know, because you're going against the sun. So the jetlag and and going east, I other people have different opinions on this.

04:32:22:04 - 04:33:15:03
When I go east, the jetlag cripples me, cripples me. It might take me four or five days to even be up and moving around. It's horrible when you're going west. I found it. No particular problem. I don't know what the science is on that some Google you know somebody to so sorry to break up your flight try not to go Philippines your way so try to pay really attention to the type of aircraft I had one flight I was in, it was I had been on the border of Ukraine and then I flew out of with the help, I can't remember the name of the city in Romania.

04:33:16:01 - 04:33:42:23
And I was supposed to go direct to Bangkok. Well, they muffed the flight. They fucked the whole thing. And my flight, my flight left an hour before my connecting flight even landed, which insane. So they said, well, you can sit here for a couple of days in the airport, you know, or we'll give you this free flight. You can go from here to fucking London.

04:33:43:15 - 04:34:08:15
And, you know, that's where it was 12 hours like that. And then you just turn around, you don't know the flight. You come back, only you're not going to stop in Romania. You're going to go all the way to Thailand. And that was, I don't know, 60 now or something like that. That was horrendous. But the point is, the planes that I was on for that trip were I don't know what they were.

04:34:08:15 - 04:34:41:02
I know what models they were, but they were horrible beyond description, cramped, cramped beyond, cramped beyond all reason. They were just were horrible. And for, you know, I had 12 one way in 60 hours, you know, it was mind bending, mind bending. So you got to be careful. I've done a couple of flights on 740 sevens, you know, you know if you can get on get on that sucker even the way back there in the cattle car, you know, that's going to be comfortable.

04:34:41:02 - 04:34:59:15
And there are some other models to just do research because on a five hour flight or three hour flight, you can tolerate anything on a 16, 14 hour flight. No, you cannot. I don't care what you have to pay to get a decent aircraft, pay it so I can pay it. If it's three or $400 more, it doesn't matter.

04:34:59:15 - 04:35:44:17
Pay it. Pay it. It. Oh, got to be really careful these days about luggage weights because they are in the business now of fucking you really, really badly. It's just not theft. It's a scale. It's just it's just out. No fever. You know, I had a friend, he had at a wife and three kids there, and they came out to London and they went to Singapore, I think, and they had one, two, three, two, had three legs and they couldn't get it all connected so that their luggage was going to be moved automatically.

04:35:45:01 - 04:36:13:08
They had to get off each leg and get the luggage and then recheck in. Okay. So they say it was human. The wife and three little kids and him and the wife each had a couple of suitcases. The three little kids had God knows what and what they had. Probably watch a little suitcases. I don't know. He got popped $200 U.S. for each suitcase that couldn't go and carry on each suitcase.

04:36:14:01 - 04:36:39:06
Three times. I made one flight out of Bangkok one Sunday in place. I had I had read on the website where it said you could only have two bags. Yeah, that was it. You can only have two back to the middle. And I called them, I spent days trying to call them and they don't answer their phones. And that's they don't speak English.

04:36:39:06 - 04:36:59:11
And it just goes on and on like that until you give up, you know, I tried to find out, is there some way I can take three bags, some God help, you know? And they just kept saying, no, there's no matter how much you pay, you can't take three big. And so I showed up at the airport with two bags and they were really, really happy they were over.

04:36:59:18 - 04:37:21:07
And I knew they were over and I knew I was going to pay, you know, a lot. It was like, Fuck, I can't remember those idiots. It was like $400 per bag for two bags of like that. And she said, Why didn't you take three bags? You know what the fucking fuck? I, I tried for days and days and days to arrange for three bags and they said, no, no, no, no, no.

04:37:21:11 - 04:37:45:16
Oh, you even had arguments in the chat sessions with the people. And she said, Oh sure, of course you can take three bags. And if you were taking three bags, then the weight would have all been allowable and you wouldn't have to be done, you know hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm. So be prepared for that shit, because it's going to drive you crazy and yelling and screaming at some stupid fucking clerk in the airport is only going to bring security.

04:37:45:16 - 04:38:17:17
You know, that's all it's going to happen. And then then it's going to get worse after that. So they say show up at the airport 4 hours early. No, five, six, because they fuck things that they fuck things up. Airlines are unreliable now after COVID flights are canceled all over the place, planes are broken down. They can't get it fixed because they can't get parts.

04:38:17:19 - 04:38:59:08
They can't find competent mechanics. I hope they're not using the guy that worked in my air conditioning. You plan on delays, plan on canceled flights. Oh, if no matter what you do, get pay that extra 300 bucks, whatever, and get a refundable ticket. Fuck and get the refundable ticket right here. What you have to pay. Because if you don't and certain kinds of shit, certain types of shit happen, you're going to lose like 60, going to lose like 40% of the ticket.

04:38:59:08 - 04:39:27:00
I had a deal last year with booking dot com where they fucked up the ticket and they put me on another plane, did some things, but I still was due a refund of about a thousand bucks for one plane and I fought months, months and finally had to do a chargeback on the credit card because they just they would say, well, we we processed it.

04:39:27:00 - 04:39:46:21
It should be in your bank. And I said, no, no, here's a, here's a screenshot of my bag. No it's not fucking in there in this went for months, I don't know how many times they told me they had refunded. Probably ten, 12, maybe one get the refundable tickets and then they're much easier to get a refund on.

04:39:47:05 - 04:40:04:20
And if you have to, you can still do a chargeback them. But if you get a regular ticket and you cancel it or they or they cancel it in some way that isn't covered, you fuck, you're going to lose a lot of money. So just get to it. You can change the date, you can do all the stuff.

04:40:05:20 - 04:40:31:04
It's really worth it. I'm a penny pincher. I don't. I don't like to pay these turds, but yeah, that's one thing I will I will never go with out again, pay the money, get the changeable ticket refundable. Changeable. I don't know what airline is best to go around pal Philippines. Here they fly everywhere down here they're fucked. As I said, they're hot.

04:40:31:04 - 04:41:04:11
They're half of the service. People are rude. Planes are kind of clunky. The kind of expensive sometimes they're more expensive than other airlines. Japan Air is nice. Emirates Air is nice. United pretty nice. I don't know if United still comes in to Southeast Asia anymore. United stuff was always good. That was always my go to airline my whole life.

04:41:04:11 - 04:41:29:16
I got two and a half times around the world, so I've flown quite a bit and, you know, a little trickier. Now, once you get into Southeast Asia, there are quite a few choices in airfares within Southeast Asia. Or you can go from one country to the next for like $35. It's nice, easy travel. And down here. What else?

04:41:29:19 - 04:41:53:01
This is just a really preliminary, I think. What if we're really over time? Yeah. Okay. So now we're really formally into the details of one foot in front of the other. This is what you do. Walk this way, you know, you do this and you do this step one, step two, step three. And I know what? Tomorrow I'll get emails saying, Well, why didn't you talk about this?

04:41:53:01 - 04:42:25:04
You know, I'm sorry. Well, then I'll try to hit. I can. So we've got a really, really long way to go. When I started this, I was trying to estimate how many episodes that would be us. I think I said between 520 or something like that. Now I'm thinking 20 probably good. So 22 really cover this. And I know that all you guys, because I used to do it even before I lost my wife, I used to sit around and think, God, could I go there?

04:42:25:04 - 04:42:44:23
Could I really go there? Oh, oh, I don't know where to go. What city should I go in to do this? Or do I need this visa? Do I need that visa? Do I need a bunch of shots? Do I need how good I became so overwhelming I just didn't do it at the money, for God's sake. I had the money.

04:42:44:23 - 04:43:15:04
I could have gone around the world three or four or five times a year, but I just was intimidated by the whole process of it. So I know what that's like I'm still intimidated a little bit by it. Here's another tape of you, this last tip, and then that's it for this episode. Travel light, travel light. If there's any possible way on the face of the earth, you can get on even an international flight with only carry on can do that.

04:43:16:14 - 04:43:47:21
I bought myself this go go gadget. Yes, I paid $220 for this. And it has, I don't know, 84 pockets in it or some goddamn thing. And I load the sucker down here. I, you know, I had like £120 to my body weight getting on there. And it's just designed to this. And so they don't really notice you wear a were a big shirt over the top of it and they don't notice, you know, that seat really sinking down when you're there.

04:43:48:22 - 04:44:10:23
And I don't think they care because they are. You know, I put all the camera lenses, camera bodies. I put everything in there. Jeez, if I were exploded, you know, if I swallowed a grenade and exploded, there would be enough shrapnel in there that could kill all that in the tomb. You know? So travel like get creative about how to carry stuff.

04:44:12:04 - 04:44:41:21
Checked baggage is a goddamn incredible pain in the ass. It's just especially if you get locked into a thing where you're where you're going to be hyper to in especially. Well, God even if they do guarantee they're going to forward your luggage, sometimes they don't. And then it just turns into a fucking nightmare. So you're better off to ship stuff internationally now has gotten in the last five, six, seven years has gotten insanely expensive.

04:44:41:21 - 04:45:00:07
I don't know why. I think all the carriers got together. They just said, well, how much can we them if we all agree? And I had some deal. I had a big camera I wanted to ship from Southeast Asia to the U.S. and it was a big camera, you know, long 600 millimeters lens and like that big and heavy.

04:45:01:03 - 04:45:27:00
And it was going to be like $880 to ship it with enough insurance to cover $880 to ship it just to camera, just to fucking. Yeah. So shipping stuff is really hard. I do is I take all my most valuable stuff, a third of mercury and, and they, they virtually never check the weight of your carry on. I think I've had that happen once in my.

04:45:27:00 - 04:45:47:07
And if it's over they just check it they just they just put it under it. But I think only one time that's how many don't get a carry on that looks too big and heavy one that looks like everything else. You don't want it. Attract attention and then load that son of a bitch down. You put £150 inadvertently and don't make it look heavy.

04:45:47:07 - 04:46:23:19
Don't look don't ever make it look like you're struggling. You know, make sure it's got wheels for wheels. You Samsonite. I really particularly like them, but I don't really know of anything better. Some of the higher end stuff doesn't hold up as well, so put your belly valuable stuff in there and ship your clothing because it doesn't have much value and insurance not going to cost you much and you just put it in a heavy duffel bag, you know, and that'll work.

04:46:24:18 - 04:46:55:15
And you're going to feel so much better just by having just on the carry on. Oh, God, it's going to it's delightful to to travel all year. Oh, God. Oh, okay. Yeah. Okay. One last thing. If you start researching countries you think you might want to go to there, you don't go to the fucking embassy sites. Eventually you might have to to get a visa.

04:46:55:15 - 04:47:17:09
But I have not yet been in a single country anywhere where they made me get a vaccine except for COVID. You go to the embassy site or something and then you have a list of, you know, 21 foreign vaccines you're supposed to get. You know before before you can go that country. Well, maybe it's okay. I don't know.

04:47:17:09 - 04:47:39:19
Maybe they're going to have a lot of side effects, you know, maybe they're going to kill you. I don't know. Get them if you want. But I have never once been asked, did it get did I get, you know, whatever? Only thing I recommend is if you're going to be street walking a lot, especially out in the provinces of any country.

04:47:40:12 - 04:48:01:09
Go ahead and get the rabies and carry that certificate, because rabies is rampant here and these dogs are fucking. But cats are like anything you get the rabies. Get the rabies well before you go. And if you get bit, you still got to go. You still got to go into the hospital. They're still going to give you a shot, the stomach and shit like that.

04:48:01:21 - 04:48:24:22
But it's like three shots instead of 20, you know, or whatever. Get the results. The only one I recommend and you'll have to get the. But nobody's to ask you for the rabies or anything else. Nobody's going to ask you for anything except cold. Okay? We got to be done. We've got to be done. All right. So now we're we're formally pretty much on the plane.

04:48:25:21 - 04:48:57:06
Pretty much on the plane. We. Okay. And so next episode, we'll take it from that point on the plane, strap in huge buffalo sitting on either side of you you know oh, get dammit, pay what you have to pay get reserve sitting see oil or window whatever the hell you have. Not you do not want to be stuck between people, especially on tiny seats, 2 hours, 3 hours, maybe 4 hours.

04:48:57:06 - 04:49:19:05
You can do it. Not, not fucking 13, 14 hours. You cannot do it. You cannot do it. Okay. So on the plane, that's their that's their subject for the next one. Okay. This is number three of number four. God, this has taken a lot of time. These are really time consuming. I know. I try not to give you bullshit.

04:49:19:05 - 04:49:49:02
I'm trying to pack in protein stuff. You need to know if I put these I haven't done yet. I'm not sure I'm going to, but all of our alien podcasts are on the RSS feeds, and when we put them on the RSS feeds, they are audio only, but they automatically transcribe them. So if you you don't want to, you know, you don't have the time to sit and listen to it to this podcast again and again looking for stuff.

04:49:49:17 - 04:50:12:00
I'm just get the if I put them on the RSS, I may end up doing it. Then you can just get the transcripts and you can they're actually searchable. You know, you can say, I want to I want to read stuff about what he was talking about, about Bangkok and just search for Bangkok. And there it is. And so just keep it in the back of your mind if I put them on the RSS.

04:50:13:05 - 04:50:34:14
Okay. We're reading every irony, slick and. All right, thank you very much. God. Our photo. Good God. We thank you very much today. I know where the cameras. Nobody frickin touched it. You slept with the ping pong. Thank you very much. And good evening and still afternoon. Good afternoon.